03836nam 2200937z- 450 991055730010332120231214133302.0(CKB)5400000000041037(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/68815(EXLCZ)99540000000004103720202105d2020 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierCatalysts for Syngas ProductionBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20201 electronic resource (184 p.)3-03936-595-9 3-03936-596-7 This Special Issue on “Catalysts for Syngas Production”, included in the Catalysts open access journal, shows new research about the development of catalysts and catalytic routes for syngas production, and the optimization of the reaction conditions for the process. This issue includes ten articles about the different innovative processes for syngas production. Synthesis gas (or syngas) is a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, with different chemical composition and H2/CO molar ratios, depending on the feedstock and production technology used. Syngas may be obtained from alternative sources to oil, such as natural gas, coal, biomass, organic wastes, etc. Syngas is a very good intermediate for the production of high value compounds at the industrial scale, such as hydrogen, methanol, liquid fuels, and a wide range of chemicals. Accordingly, efforts should be made on the co-feeding of CO2 with syngas, as an alternative for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, more syngas will be required in the near future, in order to satisfy the demand for synfuels and high value chemicals.Research & information: generalbicsscEnvironmental economicsbicsscx%Co-Ni/Ce-Al2O3steam reformingregenerationthermal stabilityanti-coking abilitycarboncombined Co-Fe speciesdeactivationhydrogen productionmethane decompositionNi catalystscombustion methoddry reforming of methaneRWGS reactionimproved stabilityCH4CeO2dry reformingMgONiTiO2syngas productionhydrogen sulfidecarbon dioxideNi-Mo sulfide semiconductornon-thermal plasmamethane steam reformingbench scaleeffectiveness factorSulfur tolerant water gas shift catalyststeam/gas ratioMo-Co/alkali/Al2O3 catalystcatalyst deactivationsyngasH2 productionHydrogenLow Temperature Steam ReformingRh4(CO)12 clustermicroemulsion synthesisCeZr oxideZr oxideheterogeneous catalysissolar thermochemicaliridium catalystrhodium catalystcatalytic crackingethylenecarbon nanofilamentshydrogenResearch & information: generalEnvironmental economicsEreña Loizaga Javieredt0Ereña Loizaga JavierothBOOK9910557300103321Catalysts for Syngas Production3018460UNINA00933nam0 2200289 450 00001705520250108121640.088-238-0368-320081006d1996----km-y0itay50------baitaITy-------001yyEconomia dei consorzi tra impreseDonatella DepperuMilanoEGEAc1996X, 293 p.23 cmScritti di economia aziendale612001Scritti di economia aziendaleConsorzi338.8720Produzione. Concentrazioni. Accordi informali.Depperu,Donatella437802ITUNIPARTHENOPE20081005RICAUNIMARC000017055631/269206NAVA22008DISAE 511/1197258 ex St.Az.NAVA2DISAE 512/5523396 ex St.Az.NAVA2Economia dei consorzi tra imprese65905UNIPARTHENOPE