03621 am 2200589 n 450 9910131362503321201412242-11-139895-0(CKB)3710000000491075(FrMaCLE)OB-deps-162(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/45117(PPN)189313625(EXLCZ)99371000000049107520150708j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDiffusion et valorisation de l’art actuel en région Une étude des agglomérations du Havre, de Lyon, de Montpellier, Nantes et Rouen /Muriel de Vrièse, Bénédicte Martin, Corinne Melin, Nathalie Moureau, Dominique Sagot-DuvaurouxParis Département des études, de la prospective et des statistiques20141 online resource (16 p.) À partir de l’examen des différents canaux de diffusion et de valorisation de la création contemporaine dans les agglomérations de Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes, Le Havre et Rouen, l’étude propose une topographie des mondes de l’art actuel qui s’organise autour de pôles principaux : le monde institutionnel et le monde marchand, qui ont chacun leurs mondes intermédiaires. Elle identifie différents modèles économiques de l’art fondés sur une double distinction : économie d’œuvres versus économie de projet d’une part, innovation versus tradition d’autre part. L’étude propose une typologie inédite des galeries et met en évidence des profils d’artistes (formation, carrière, lieux de diffusion, rémunération) différents selon le modèle économique au sein duquel ces artistes évoluent. Based on the examination of various different distribution and promotion channels for contemporary creation in the cities of Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes, Le Havre and Rouen, this is a detailed study mapping the current art worlds, which are organised around major divisions: the institutional world and the commercial world, each of which have their intermediary worlds. It identifies different economic models for art based on two distinct areas, on the one hand the artwork economy versus the project economy, and on the other hand innovation versus tradition. The study offers a new method of classifying galleries and shows how artist profiles (training, career, distribution channels, earnings, etc.) vary according to the economic models within which these artists have evolved.Cultural studiesEconomics (General)contemporary artart marketart contemporaingalerie d'artFranceéconomie de la culture et de la communicationart marketcontemporary artCultural studiesEconomics (General)contemporary artart marketart contemporaingalerie d'artFranceéconomie de la culture et de la communicationVrièse Muriel de1289856Martin Bénédicte1289857Melin Corinne1289858Moureau Nathalie1287955Sagot-Duvauroux Dominique121876Chantepie Philippe1281727FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910131362503321Diffusion et valorisation de l’art actuel en région3021255UNINA04289nam 2200553z- 450 991055725430332120231214133545.0(CKB)5400000000041414(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/73781(EXLCZ)99540000000004141420202111d2020 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe Search for Biological Active Agent(s) From Actinobacteria, 2nd EditionFrontiers Media SA20201 electronic resource (312 p.)2-88963-639-9 There is a large market demand for new drugs. The existing chronic or common ailments without cures, development of new diseases with unknown causes, and the widespread existence of antibiotic-resistant pathogens, have driven this field of research further by looking at all potential sources of natural products. To date, microbes have made a significant contribution to the health and well-being of people globally. The discoveries of useful metabolites produced by microbes have resulted in a significant proportion of pharmaceutical products in today’s market. Therefore, the investigation and identification of bioactive compound(s) producing microbes is always of great interest to researchers. Actinobacteria are one of the most important and efficient groups of natural metabolite producers. Among the numerous genera, Streptomyces have been recognized as prolific producers of useful natural compounds, as they provide more than half of the naturally-occurring antibiotics isolated to-date and continue to emerge as the primary source of new bioactive compounds. Certainly, these potentials have attracted ample research interest and a wide range of biological activities have been subsequently screened by researchers with the utilization of different In vitro and In vivo model of experiments. Literature evidence has shown that a significant number of interesting compounds produced by Actinobacteria were exhibiting either strong anticancer or neuroprotective activity. The further in depth studies have then established the modulation of apoptotic pathway was involved in those observed bioactivities. These findings indirectly prove the biopharmaceutical potential possessed by Actinobacteria and at the same time substantiate the importance of diverse pharmaceutical evaluations on Actinobacteria. In fact, many novel compounds discovered from Actinobacteria with strong potential in clinical applications have been developed into new drugs by pharmaceutical companies. Together with the advancement in science and technology, it is predicted that there would be an expedition in discoveries of new bioactive compounds producing Actinobacteria from various sources, including soil and marine sources. In light of these current needs, and great interest in the scope of this research, this book seeks to contribute on the investigation of different biological active compound(s) producing actinobacteria which are exhibiting antimicrobial, antioxidant, neuroprotective, anticancer activities and similar.Search for Biological Active AgentScience: general issuesbicsscMedical microbiology & virologybicsscMicrobiology (non-medical)bicsscactinobacteriadrug discoveryStreptomycesbioactivenext generationmarineterrestrialScience: general issuesMedical microbiology & virologyMicrobiology (non-medical)Lee Learn-Hanedt1326374Chan Kok-GanedtStach JemedtWellington Elizabeth M. HedtGoh Bey-HingedtLee Learn-HanothChan Kok-GanothStach JemothWellington Elizabeth M. HothGoh Bey-HingothBOOK9910557254303321The Search for Biological Active Agent(s) From Actinobacteria, 2nd Edition3038216UNINA