02571nam 2200553Ia 450 991045480150332120200520144314.00-309-13015-897866119731481-281-97314-9(CKB)1000000000815897(EBL)3378445(SSID)ssj0000289315(PQKBManifestationID)11220298(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000289315(PQKBWorkID)10385118(PQKB)10773726(MiAaPQ)EBC3378445(Au-PeEL)EBL3378445(CaPaEBR)ebr10274060(CaONFJC)MIL197314(OCoLC)923279822(EXLCZ)99100000000081589720090403d2008 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAssessing the United States Institute of Peace Jennings Randolph Senior Fellowship[electronic resource] /Committee to Review the United States Institute of Peace Senior Fellows Program, Development, Security, and Cooperation, Policy and Global Affairs, National Research Council of the National AcademiesWashington, D.C. National Academies Pressc20081 online resource (113 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-309-13014-X Includes bibliography.""PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS""; ""Contents""; ""List of Tables and Figures""; ""Summary""; ""Chapter 1 Overview""; ""Chapter 2 Characteristics of Applicants, Fellows, and Research Topics""; ""Chapter 3 Views of Former Fellows""; ""Chapter 4 Perceptions of the Peace and Security Community""; ""Chapter 5 Recommendations for Next Steps""; ""Bibliography""; ""Appendix A Committee Members""; ""Appendix B Survey of Former Fellows""; ""Appendix C Survey of Peace and Security Experts""""Appendix D Top Foreign Policy Problems Identified by Chicago Council on Foreign Relations Interviews with Foreign Policy Leaders, 1986â€?2002""Security, InternationalElectronic books.Security, International.303.69National Research Council (U.S.).Committee to Review the United States Institute of Peace Senior Fellows Program.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910454801503321Assessing the United States Institute of Peace Jennings Randolph Senior Fellowship2007418UNINA04509nam 2201165z- 450 991055720490332120231214133002.0(CKB)5400000000041891(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/76289(EXLCZ)99540000000004189120202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLegumes as Food IngredientCharacterization, Processing, and ApplicationsBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (190 p.)3-0365-0614-4 3-0365-0615-2 Legume crops provide a significant sources of plant-based proteins for humans. Grain legumes present outstanding nutritional and nutraceutical properties as sources of bioactive components with benefits in human health, while they are affordable food that contributes to achieving future food and feed security. Furthermore, they are major ingredients in the Mediterranean diet, playing a vital role in developing countries. Global food security requires a major re-focusing of plant sciences, crop improvement and production agronomy towards grain legumes (pulse crops) over coming decades, with intensive research to identify cultivars with improved grain characteristics, helping to develop novel legume-derived products (foods) adapted to today consumer preference. In this context, studies dealing with legume processing impact such as soaking, boiling, microwave cooking, germination, and fermentation among others, in their nutritional and anti-nutritional (i.e., food allergy) properties are of great interest in these future food developments. This Research Topic aims to bring together a collection of studies for a better understanding of current research in legume seed compounds functional properties to provide an updated and global vision of the importance of legumes in human health.Legumes as Food Ingredient HumanitiesbicsscSocial interactionbicsscLensproteinamino acidlegumefunctionalitybioactive peptidesgluten-freelegumesfaba beansfermentationtextural propertiesnutritional propertieswattle seed speciesnutritional profilesensory profilegel electrophoresisvicilin7S-globulinsfood allergensLup an 1sweet lupin speciesfood labellingprocessed fooddefatted soybean flourjet millsuper-fine powdertofuquantitative descriptive analysistexture profile analysisvolatilesfatty acidscharacterisationfingerprintingmultivariate data analysislupinplant proteinaroma profiletechno-functional propertieslactobacteriafoamSDS-PAGEsolubilityemulsifying capacitypea proteinlactic acid bacteriayeastbeanygreensoybeanallergensallergenicitygenetically modifiedGly m 7galactooligosaccharidesGOSgut microbiotapeaprebioticraffinose oligosaccharidesshort-chain fatty acids (SCFA)pulseshealth benefitsprocessingmicrobiotasensory propertiesHumanitiesSocial interactionClemente Alfonsoedt1279421Jimenez-Lopez Jose CedtClemente AlfonsoothJimenez-Lopez Jose CothBOOK9910557204903321Legumes as Food Ingredient3015354UNINA01035nam2 2200229 i 450 VAN0004219820240806100422.10288-7642-101-720060314d2001 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||ˆ16: ‰SitiReggio Calabria-RoncoferraroPisaScuola normale superiore ; RomaÉcole française de Rome ; NapoliCentre J. Berard2001XVIII, 363 p., [23] c. di tav.25 cm.001VAN000131742001 Bibliografia topografica della colonizzazione greca in Italia e nelle isole tirrenichediretta da G. Nenci e G. Vallet210 PisaScuola normale superiore ; RomaÉcole française de Rome ; [poi] PisaScuola normale superiore ; RomaÉcole française de Rome ; NapoliCentre J. Bérard215 volumi24 cm.16PisaVANL000008Edizioni della NormaleVANV109036650ITSOL20240906RICAVAN00042198Siti823855UNICAMPANIA