04222nam 2200973z- 450 991055720400332120231214133040.0(CKB)5400000000041900(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/76260(EXLCZ)99540000000004190020202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierModelling and Simulation of Human-Environment InteractionsBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (164 p.)3-0365-2808-3 3-0365-2809-1 Computational models provide intelligent environmental decision support systems to understand how human decisions are shaped by, and contribute to changes in, the environment. These models provide essential tools to tackle the important issues raised by climate change, including migrations and conflicts due to resource scarcity (e.g., water resources), while accounting for the necessity of co-managing ecosystems across a population of stakeholders with diverse goals. Such socio-environmental systems are characterized by their complexity, which is reflected by an abundance of open questions. This book explores several of these open questions, based on the contributions from over 50 authors. While several books account for methodological developments in modeling socio-environmental systems, our book is unique in combining case studies, methodological innovations, and a holistic approach to training the next generation of modelers. One chapter covers the ontological, epistemological, and ethical issues raised at the intersection of sustainability research and social simulation. In another chapter, we show that the benefits of simulations are not limited to managing complex eco-systems, as they can also serve an educational mission in teaching essential rules and thus improve systems thinking competencies in the broader population.Technology: general issuesbicsscgoal framesrestoration decision-making rulesrestoration decision-making processesmixed qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysisfarmer stakeholdersCentral Malawicomputer modelinghuman simulationsocial simulationsustainabilitydevelopment studiesassemblage theoryontologyepistemologyethicsagent-based modelinghousing marketsUrban ShrinkagecitiesDetroitGISagent-based modelmodel developmentIoT sensorssmart citiesreal-time dataMARSsimulation correctiondecision support systemsurban planningmultimodal travelhuman responsesquantitative modelingwater resources planningwater availabilitywater shortagedroughtCongo BasinLake Chadclimate changewatermigrationsconflictsgenderresilient developmentmodelinghybrid modelinghybrid simulationusabilityhigh school educationphysics educationuser experienceTechnology: general issuesGiabbanelli Philippe Jedt1297607Ligmann-Zielinska ArikaedtGiabbanelli Philippe JothLigmann-Zielinska ArikaothBOOK9910557204003321Modelling and Simulation of Human-Environment Interactions3024607UNINA