05692nam 2201525z- 450 991055714180332120231214133548.0(CKB)5400000000040640(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/68442(EXLCZ)99540000000004064020202105d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe Alcohol HangoverCauses, Consequences, and TreatmentBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (368 p.)3-0365-0356-0 3-0365-0357-9 The seeds and fruits (or their parts) of Iberoamerican crops have high nutritional and functional properties which could be utilized in a wide range of foods. The crops included in this book are amaranth (Amaranthus spp.), quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), kañiwa (Chenopodium pallidicaule), chia (Salvia hispanica L.), Andean maize (Zea mays L.), moringa (Moringa oleifera), yvapuru (Plinia peruviana), kurugua (Sicana odorifera), sacha inchi (Plukenetia huayllabambana), camu camu (Myrciaria dubia), mango (Mangifera indica), tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis), peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) and taro (Colocasia esculenta), all of them still underutilized. Their cultivation is low; nevertheless, in recent years, the worldwide demand for some of them has increased immensely, resulting in an increase in their production. The ancient Iberoamerican crops have been widely recognized for their nutritional value by food scientists and food producers because they contain high-quality proteins and large quantities of micronutrients such as minerals, vitamins and bioactive compounds. In addition, they are gluten-free, which makes them suitable for people suffering from various gluten intolerances. This book summarizes the large amount of investigations in this field in the last year and provides knowledge within all the relevant areas of food science. The editors hope that this book will contribute to an increased use of these products in human nutrition by consumers worldwide.Alcohol Hangover Research & information: generalbicsscBiology, life sciencesbicsscFood & societybicsschangoveralcoholinternetattentionexecutive functionworking memorysleepdaytime activitysymptomssex differencespresenceseveritycognitive controlautomatismSimon Nogo taskresponse selectionresponse inhibitionnutrientszincnicotinic acidbootstrappingfrequencytolerancealcohol hangover scale (AHS)alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT)dependence symptoms of AUDIT (DS-AUDIT)heavy drinkingstudy designnaturalistic studyrandomized controlled trialblindingmobile technologyphysical performancehikingwalkingwater consumptionSamaria Gorgesensitivitysubjective intoxicationblood alcohol concentrationcatastrophisingveisalgiaacute hangover scaledistractionstimulus-response bindingdistractor-response bindingtheory of event codingmeasurementscalesingle item assessmentdefinitiontreatmentpreventionSJP-001naproxenfexofenadinemoodperformanceassessment at homemobile testingexecutive functionscognitionawareness of impairmentdrivingresidual alcoholcognitive effortdecision makingmodel-basedmodel-freeethanolacetaldehydeacetateoxidative stressmalondialdehyde8-isoprostanecytokinesC-reactive proteinhangover treatmentinflammationliver functionstressneuroticismBAChangover resistancecausesconsequencestreatmentsResearch & information: generalBiology, life sciencesFood & societyVerster Jorisedt1309651Arnoldy LizanneedtBenson SarahedtScholey AndrewedtStock Ann-KathrinedtVerster JorisothArnoldy LizanneothBenson SarahothScholey AndrewothStock Ann-KathrinothBOOK9910557141803321The Alcohol Hangover3029512UNINA04196nam 2200565 450 991079251930332120180225163306.09789004339705electronic book90-04-33970-190-04-33969-810.1163/9789004339705(CKB)3710000001064301(MiAaPQ)EBC4819134 2016058066(nllekb)BRILL9789004339705(PPN)229584888(EXLCZ)99371000000106430120170324h20172017 uy pengurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierAuthorship and Greek songStudies in Archaic and classical Greek songVolume 3 authority, authenticity, and performance /edited by Egbert J. BakkerLeiden, The Netherlands ;Boston, [Massachusetts] :Brill,2017.©20171 online resource (305 pages)Mnemosyne, Supplements,0169-8958 ;Volume 402Selected papers presented at a conference entitled "Authorship, Authority, and Authenticity in Archaic and Classical Greek Song," which was held June 6-9, 2011 at Yale University, organized by the Network for the Study of Archaic and Classical Greek Song.Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and indexes.Front Matter /Egbert J. Bakker -- Introduction /Egbert J. Bakker -- The Construction of Authority in Pindar’s Isthmian 2 in Performance /Eva Stehle -- Voice and Worship /Christopher Carey -- Crooked Competition: The Performance and Poetics of Skolia /Richard P. Martin -- Placing the Poet: The Topography of Authorship /Nicholas Boterf -- Trust and Fame: The Seal of Theognis /Egbert J. Bakker -- Authenticity and Autochthonous Traditions in Archaic and Hellenistic Lyric Poetry /Jacqueline Klooster -- Embedded Song and Poetic Authority in Pindar and Bacchylides /Sarah J. Harden -- Narratorial Authority and Its Subversion in Archilochus /Laura Swift -- The Invention of Stesichorus: Hesiod, Helen, and the Muse /Jesús Carruesco -- On the Antagonism between Divine and Human Performer in Archaic Greek Poetics /Vayos Liapis -- “Newly Written Buds:” Archaic and Classical Pseudepigrapha in Meleager’s Garland /Irene Peirano Garrison -- Sappho or Alcaeus: Authors and Genres of Archaic Hymns /Leanna Boychenko -- Which Sappho? The Case Study of the Cologne Papyrus /Elisabetta Pitotto and Amedeo A. Raschieri -- Indexes /Egbert J. Bakker.Authorship and Greek Song is a collection of papers dealing with various aspects of authorship in the song culture of Ancient Greece. In this cultural context the idea of the poet as author of his poems is complicated by the fact that poetry in archaic Greece circulated as songs performed for a variety of audiences, both local and “global” (Panhellenic). The volume’s chapters discuss questions about the importance of the singers/performers; the nature of the performance occasion; the status of the poet; the authority of the poet/author and/or that of the performer; and the issues of authenticity arising when poems are composed under a given poet’s name. The volume offers discussions of major authors such as Pindar, Sappho, and Theognis.Mnemosyne, bibliotheca classica Batava. Supplementum. Monographs on Greek and Roman language and literature ;Volume 402.Greek poetryHistory and criticismCongressesGreek poetryAuthorshipCongressesOral interpretation of poetryHistoryTo 1500CongressesOral traditionGreeceCongressesGreek poetryHistory and criticismGreek poetryAuthorshipOral interpretation of poetryHistoryOral tradition881.0109Bakker Egbert J.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910792519303321Authorship and Greek song2390010UNINA