04220nam 2200457 450 991058349620332120230120002822.00-12-814594-30-12-814593-5(CKB)4100000007121962(MiAaPQ)EBC5592917(EXLCZ)99410000000712196220181203h20192019 uy| 0engurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierMuscle and exercise physiology /edited by Prof. Jerzy A. Zoladz, Ph.D., D.Sc., Department of Muscle Physiology, Chair of Physiology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Rehabilitation, University School of Physical Education, Kraków, PolandLondon :Academic Press,[2019]©20191 online resource (619 pages) color illustrationsIncludes bibliographical references and index.Section I. Skeletal muscle morphology. Human body composition and muscle mass / Krzysztof Duda, Joanna Majerczak, Zenon Nieckarz, Steven B. Heymsfield and Jerzy A. Zoladz ; Functional morphology of the striated muscle / Wincenty Kilarski ; Mechanisms of muscle contraction and relaxation / Jonathan P. Davis, Svetlana B. Tikunova and Paul M.L. Janssen ; Motor units and muscle receptors / Jan Celichowski and Piotr Krutki -- Section II. Muscle energetics and its performance. Muscle energetics / Graham J. Kemp ; Efficiency of skeletal muscle / Chris J. Barclay ; Muscle function : strength, speed, and fatigability / Roger M. Enoka and Jacques Duchateau ; Critical power : possibly the most important fatigue threshold in exercise physiology / Jesse C. Craig, Anni Vanhatalo, Mark Burnley, Andrew M. Jones and David C. Poole ; Energy cost of human locomotion on land and in water / Pietro E. di Prampero and Cristian Osgnach -- Section III. Muscle metabolism and exercise physiology. The coupling of internal and external gas exchange during exercise / T. Scott Bowen, Alan P. Benson and Harry B. Rossiter ; Carbohydrate metabolism during exercise / Kelly M. Hammond, Marc J. Fell, Mark A. Hearris and James P. Morton ; Muscle lipid metabolism / Adrian Chabowski and Jan Górski ; Muscle as an endocrine organ / Grit E. Legård and Bente K. Pedersen ; The role of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in skeletal muscle / Zsolt Radak and Erika Koltai ; Exercise, immunity, and illness / Arwel Wyn Jones and Glen Davison -- Section IV. Body adaptation to exercise. The evolution of skeletal muscle plasticity in response to physical activity and inactivity / Kenneth M. Baldwin and Fadia Haddad ; Muscle blood flow and vascularization in response to exercise and training / Bruno Tesini Roseguini and M. Harold Laughlin ; Metabolic transitions and muscle metabolic stability : effects of exercise training / Jerzy A. Zoladz, Zbigniew Szkutnik and Bruno Grassi ; Human ageing : impact on muscle force and power / Hans Degens ; The role of exercise on fracture reduction and bone strengthening / Wolfgang Kemmler and Simon von Stengel -- Section V. Heart muscle and exercise. Functional morphology of the cardiac myocyte / Nicholas J. Severs ; Exercise and the coronary circulation / Dirk J. Duncker, Robert J. Bache, Daphne Merkus and M. Harold Laughlin ; Cardiac energetics / June-Chiew Han, Kenneth Tran, Andrew J. Taberner, Brian Chapman and Denis S. Loiselle ; Regulation of heart rate and blood pressure during exercise in humans / James P. Fisher and Niels H. Secher ; Sympatho-excitation in heart failure : contribution of skeletal muscle reflexes and the protective role of exercise training / Hanjun Wang, Lie Gao and Irving H. Zucker.MusclesExercisephysiologyExercisePhysiological aspectsMusclesPathophysiologyMusclesExercisephysiologyExercisePhysiological aspects.MusclesPathophysiology.612.7/4Zoladz Jerzy A.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910583496203321Muscle and exercise physiology2187033UNINA05679nam 2201729z- 450 991055713590332120231214133412.0(CKB)5400000000040694(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/68333(EXLCZ)99540000000004069420202105d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierCell Biology of Viral InfectionsBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (418 p.)3-0365-0146-0 3-0365-0147-9 Viruses exhibit an elegant simplicity as they are so basic, but so frightening. Although only a few are life threatening, they have substantial implications for human health and the economy, as exemplified by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Viruses are rather small infectious agents found in all types of life forms, from animals and plants to prokaryotes and archaebacteria. They are obligate intracellular parasites, and as such, subvert many molecular and cellular processes of the host cell to ensure their own replication, amplification, and subsequent spread. This Special Issue addresses the cell biology of viral infections based on a collection of original research articles, communications, opinions, and reviews on various aspects of virus–host cell interactions. Together, these articles not only provide a glance into the latest research on the cell biology of viral infections but also include novel technological developments.Research & information: generalbicsscBiology, life sciencesbicsscectodermmesodermhuman developmentembryogenesisinterferon responseinterferon-induced genesself-organizing map (SOM) data portrayalepigenetic signatureembryoid bodyTGF-β and Wnt/β-catenin pathwayinterferontumor necrosis factorSTATinterferon regulatory factorantiviralautoimmunityinflammationhepatitis C virusHCVerlin-1erlin-2host factorendoplasmic reticulumRNA replicationprotein productionvirus productionlipid dropletTAP-GFPfluorescent TAP platformantigen presentationMHC Iimmune evasionBoHV-1 UL49.5viruscalcium channelscalcium pumpsvirus–host interactionEbola virusfilovirusinclusion bodiesNXF1liquid organellesmRNA exportcancer immunotherapyoncolytic virusherpes simplex virusimmune checkpoint inhibitorangiogenesis inhibitorrabiesuDISCO3D imagingrabies pathogenicityastrocyte infectionmetabolismapoptosisautophagyHIV-1 spreadcell-free infectioncell–cell transmission3D culturesmathematical modelingenvironmental restrictionCADpyrimidine synthesisHEVparticle productionviral replicationvirus entryhantavirusTula virusreplicationfactoryRNA synthesisGolgistress granulesactin cytoskeletonnucleocapsid transportArp2/3 complexERAP2ERAP2/Iso3microbial infectionsalternative splicingSARS-CoV-2host cell responsecoronavirusMERS-CoVSARS-CoVsialic acidSiglecantiviral peptideenveloped virusesmembrane phosphatidylserineenvelope disruptionmembrane damageantiviral autophagygalectinbacterial invasionadenoviruslysophagyESCRT machinerycedar virushenipavirusfusion proteinendocytosisbiological activityfeline coronavirusfeline enteric coronavirusFECVfeline infectious peritonitis virusFIPVfeline intestinal organoidsalphavirusescell deathmosquitotoleranceResearch & information: generalBiology, life sciencesLozach Pierre-Yvesedt1281021Lozach Pierre-YvesothBOOK9910557135903321Cell Biology of Viral Infections3017911UNINA