01014nam0 2200241 450 00002306420090402141011.020090217d1967----km-y0itay50------baengGBaf------001yyMagnetism and the cosmosNATO Advanced Study Institute on Planetary and Stellar Magnetism in the Department of Physics and Mathematics University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1965edited by W.R. Hindmarsh ... [et al.]Edinburgh & London1967Oliver & BoydXIV, 436 p., [10] c. di tav.ill.26 cmMagnetism and the cosmos4617452321Specifici corpi e fenomeni celestiiHindmarsh,W. R.Nato Advanced Study Institute on Planetary and stellar magnetism<1965 ;Newcastlel upon Tyne>633041ITUNIPARTHENOPE200900217RICAUNIMARC000023064S 523/7S 514DSA2009Magnetism and the cosmos46174UNIPARTHENOPE03822oam 2200769 a 450 991028224120332120220418215330.02-7606-2954-6979-1-03-650430-32-7606-2413-710.4000/books.pum.13849(CKB)2470000000002207(EBL)3248973(SSID)ssj0000734752(PQKBManifestationID)11421599(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000734752(PQKBWorkID)10744719(PQKB)10250946(CaPaEBR)406458(CaBNvSL)slc00207735(MiAaPQ)EBC3248973(MiAaPQ)EBC4750147(FrMaCLE)OB-pum-13849(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/45068(VaAlCD)20.500.12592/r2q7qn(schport)gibson_crkn/2009-12-01/3/406458(PPN)230002099(EXLCZ)99247000000000220720030728d2003 uy 0freur|n|---|||||txtccrLes dictionnaires Le Robert genèse et évolution /sous la direction de Monique C. Cormier, Aline Francoeur et Jean-Claude Boulanger[Montréal, Que.] Presses de l'Université de Montréalc20031 online resource (306 p.)ParamètresActes d'un colloque tenu à Montréal en oct. 2003.2-7606-1942-7 Comprend des réf. bibliogr.: p. [280]-295.Les dictionnaires Le Robert occupent le paysage lexicographique français depuis plus d'un demi-siècle. Qui n'a pas à portée de la main des ouvrages tels Le Petit Robert ou Le Grand Robert de la langue française ? Il est aujourd'hui difficile d'imaginer qu'un seul homme, Paul Robert, puisse être à l'origine d'une production aussi riche et indispensable. Ce livre permet de sonder pour la première fois l'édifice imposant qu'élèvent les lexicographes des dictionnaires Le Robert et, au premier chef, Paul Robert, Alain Rey et Josette Rey-Debove, qui en sont les principaux artisans. Le résultat de leur travail, qui s'étale sur plus de cinquante ans, est une œuvre lexicographique à la fois monumentale et familière qui revit dans cet ouvrage grâce aux regards de spécialistes renommés et d'utilisateurs assidus. L'originalité des dictionnaires Le Robert ressort sur les plans historique, philosophique, lexicographique, scientifique et littéraire. Une histoire de la renaissance du dictionnaire de langue française au milieu du XXe siècle qui provoque, comme le souligne Alain Rey, une révolution tranquille.ParamètresFrançais (Langue)LexicographieCongrèsEncyclopédies et dictionnaires françaisHistoire et critiqueCongrèsFrench languageLexicographyCongressesEncyclopedias and dictionaries, FrenchHistory and criticismCongressesfrançaisorthographelinguistiquedictionnaireFrançais (Langue)LexicographieEncyclopédies et dictionnaires françaisHistoire et critiqueFrench languageLexicographyEncyclopedias and dictionaries, FrenchHistory and criticism443/.028Monique C. Cormierauth1349414Boulanger Jean-Claude623886Cormier Monique C(Monique Catherine)501757Francoeur Aline953388MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910282241203321Les dictionnaires Le Robert3087958UNINA05380nam 2201189z- 450 991055711680332120231214133531.0(CKB)5400000000040878(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/68683(EXLCZ)99540000000004087820202105d2020 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierSliding Mode Control of Power Converters in Renewable Energy SystemsBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20201 electronic resource (344 p.)3-03928-098-8 3-03928-099-6 Renewable energies are becoming a must to counteract the consequences of the global warming. More efficient devices and better control strategies are required in the generation, transport, and conversion of electricity. Energy is processed by power converters that are currently the key building blocks in modern power distribution systems. The associated electrical architecture is based on buses for energy distribution and uses a great number of converters for interfacing both input and output energy. This book shows that sliding-mode control is contributing to improve the performances of power converters by means of accurate theoretical analyses that result in efficient implementations. The sliding-mode control of power converters for renewable energy applications offers a panoramic view of the most recent uses of this regulation technique in practical cases. By presenting examples that range from dozens of kilowatts to only a few watts, the book covers control solutions for AC–DC and DC–AC generation, power factor correction, multilevel converters, constant-power load supply, wind energy systems, efficient lighting, digital control implementation, multiphase converters, and energy harvesting. The selected examples developed by recognized specialists are illustrated by means of detailed simulations and experiments to help the reader to understand the theoretical approach in each case considered in the book.History of engineering & technologybicsscoutput regulationstate feedbacksliding mode controlDC-DC power converterDC-DC convertersboost converterconstant power load (CPL)fixed switching frequencysliding-mode controlinrush current mitigationInduction Electrodeless Fluorescent Lamps (IEFL)High-Intensity Discharge Lamps (HID)loss-free resistor (LFR)two-loop digital controlbuck converterinput-output linearizationPWMsliding modeDC-DC convertermultiphase converterdisturbance observerelectric vehiclespower-hardware-in-the-looprenewable energy systemsfast dynamic responsewind energy conversion systemseries-series-compensated wireless power transfer systemenergy harvestingisolated SEPIC converterhigh power factor rectifierisolated PFC rectifierbridgeless rectifierDC distribution busmicroinvertersliding mode control (SMC), self-oscillating systemtwo cascaded-boosts convertersdecision makingdesign conceptdoubly-fed induction generatorgrid-side converterharmonic distortionmulti-objective optimisationsecond-order sliding-mode controltuningunbalanced voltagewind power generationharvestinginductive transducerloss free resistordc-to-dc converterDFIGadaptive-gain second-order sliding modedirect power controlbalanced and unbalanced grid voltageLyapunov-based filter designconstant power loadSliding Mode controlled power modulezero dynamics stabilitymodular multilevel converterLyapunov stabilitydual boost inverterstep-up invertergrid connectionsliding mode control (SMC)power convertercontinuous signal generatorequivalent controlAC-DC power converterwind energycontroldual-stator winding induction generatorsecond order sliding modeHistory of engineering & technologyMartinez-Salamero Luisedt1329472Martinez-Salamero LuisothBOOK9910557116803321Sliding Mode Control of Power Converters in Renewable Energy Systems3039479UNINA04244nam 2201105z- 450 991055777060332120231214132928.0(CKB)5400000000045655(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/76294(EXLCZ)99540000000004565520202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierImaging Floods and Glacier Geohazards with Remote SensingBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (266 p.)3-0365-0066-9 3-0365-0067-7 Remote sensing plays a pivotal role in understanding where and how floods and glacier geohazards occur; their severity, causes and types; and the risk that they may pose to populations, activities and properties. By providing a spectrum of imaging capabilities, resolutions and temporal and spatial coverage, remote sensing data acquired from satellite, aerial and ground-based platforms provide key geo-information to characterize and model these processes. This book includes research papers on novel technologies (e.g., sensors, platforms), data (e.g., multi-spectral, radar, laser scanning, GPS, gravity) and analysis methods (e.g., change detection, offset tracking, structure from motion, 3D modeling, radar interferometry, automated classification, machine learning, spectral indices, probabilistic approaches) for flood and glacier imaging. Through target applications and case studies distributed globally, these articles contribute to the discussion on the current potential and limitations of remote sensing in this specialist research field, as well as the identification of trends and future perspectives.Research & information: generalbicsscglacier surgeglacier collapserock-slope instabilityhazardLandsatSentinel 2Tibetflood extent mappingsupervised classificationNDWIsynthetic aperture radar (SAR)web applicationsynthetic aperture radaroffset trackingdisplacementsSentinel-1glacier monitoringflood mappingdamage assessmentSAR imageLandsat-8Google Earth EngineGEEBangladeshSAR intensity time seriesurban flood mappingdouble bounce effectHurricane MatthewfloodFPIGRACEterrestrial water storage anomalystorage deficitmass balancesnow depthglacier retreatsurface DEMelevation changeSentinelSecchi diskchlorophyll asedimentsphytoplanktonfloodsremote sensingGISdisaster mappingLower Chenab PlainlaserscanningUAV-structure from Motionmulti-spectral satellite datasynthetic Aperture Radarglacier lake evolutionglacier riverslope processesrock fallcryospherefusioninundation probabilityHurricane HarveyADCIRCResearch & information: generalCigna Francescaedt1297618Xie HongjieedtChokmani KaremedtCigna FrancescaothXie HongjieothChokmani KaremothBOOK9910557770603321Imaging Floods and Glacier Geohazards with Remote Sensing3031371UNINA