04515nam 2201273z- 450 991055710320332120231214133358.0(CKB)5400000000041015(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/69284(EXLCZ)99540000000004101520202105d2020 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierSustainable Tourism in the Social Media and Big Data EraBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20201 electronic resource (290 p.)3-03943-324-5 3-03943-325-3 • The aim of this Special Issue is to examine the current major topics concerning the use of social media and big data in sustainable tourism practices and to encourage interdisciplinary discussion among researchers regarding these issues. • This Special Issue covers all relevant areas of the debate, including 15 selected papers based on the following core ideas: smart tourism and big data, social media in the tourism industry, and online reviews and tourist behaviors. • This Special Issue discusses wide-ranging topics and research questions with regard to the smart tourism city, the impact of social media, online reviews, and tourist behaviors, and it represents a call to action for scholars to engage with broader social issues.HumanitiesbicsscSocial interactionbicsscshared short-term rentalsustainable tourismonline reviewspurchase decisionssocial networkssocial mediaTwittertourismvolunteered geographic informationOpenStreetMapnighttime light remote sensingsocial media usage characteristicsBig Five personality traitspersonality characteristicssocial characteristicsinformation characteristicse-WOMtrustbrand equitybrand awarenessbrand imagetopic modelinglatent Dirichlet allocationtourism 4.0online travel agencyonline reviewtext analyticsimprove customer satisfactioninductive approachdimensions of interestera of big datacultural consensuscultural consonanceonline hotel reviewstrustworthinesstechnology acceptance modelGeneration Yovertourismorganization-public relationshipplace-visitor relationshipcrowdfundingconsumption valueinner innovativenessperceived riskthe intention to visit festivaloblique photographymobile applicationsmusicalscity brandingSNSsorientationsmart tourism citysmart tourismsmart citysustainable developmentCOVID-19tourist destinationsdestination imagestakeholdersrural tourismsocial networking servicetheory of planned behaviorsocial media usegraffititext miningsocial network analysistravel reality variety programviewing motivationviewing satisfactionpresenceattitude toward tourism destinationspatial variancemultiscale GWRsharing economyAirbnbHumanitiesSocial interactionNam Yoonjaeedt1296129Bae So YoungedtNam YoonjaeothBae So YoungothBOOK9910557103203321Sustainable Tourism in the Social Media and Big Data Era3023788UNINA