02784nam 2200577 450 991055425080332120210511081356.01-5017-5471-810.1515/9781501754739(CKB)5590000000447449(OCoLC)1176318100(MdBmJHUP)muse93362(MiAaPQ)EBC6225464(DE-B1597)566275(DE-B1597)9781501754739(StDuBDS)EDZ0002604827(OCoLC)1253314114(EXLCZ)99559000000044744920210330d2021 fy| 0engur|||||||nn|ntxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe power to divide wedge strategies in great power competition /Timothy W. Crawford[electronic resource]Ithaca :Cornell University Press,2021.1 online resource (1 online resource.)Cornell studies in security affairsCornell scholarship onlineAlso issued in print: 2021.1-5017-5473-4 Includes bibliographical references and index.Introduction : The Power to Divide in Alliance Politics -- The Theory of Selective Accommodation -- Germany Fails to Detach Japan, 1914-17 -- Germany Keeps the United States Neutral, 1914-16 -- The Entente Fails to Keep Turkey Neutral, 1914 -- The Entente Realigns Italy, 1915 -- Britain and France Fail to Neutralize Italy, 1936-40 -- Germany Divides the USSR from Britain and France, 1939 -- Britain and the United States Neutralize Spain, 1940-41 -- Germany Fails to Realign Turkey, 1941 -- When Does Selective Accommodation Work? Claims and Case Comparisons -- Selective Accommodation in Great Power Competition and U.S. Grand Strategy.Timothy W. Crawford's 'The Power to Divide' examines the use of wedge strategies, a form of divisive statecraft designed to isolate adversaries from allies and potential supporters to gain key advantages.Cornell studies in security affairs.Cornell scholarship online.AlliancesHistory20th centuryWorld politics1900-1945International relationsHistory20th centurydividing adversaries, great power politics, alliances in world war 1, alliances in world war 2, Alliances in American grand strategy.AlliancesHistoryWorld politicsInternational relationsHistory327.116Crawford Timothy W.562944StDuBDSStDuBDSBOOK9910554250803321The power to divide2815402UNINA