03972 am 2200925 n 450 9910522582303321202104212-36781-398-110.4000/books.pulm.11828(CKB)4100000012536998(FrMaCLE)OB-pulm-11828(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/86301(PPN)261455214(EXLCZ)99410000001253699820220211j|||||||| ||| 0enguu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe Humble in 19th- to 21st-Century British Literature and Arts /Isabelle Brasme, Jean-Michel Ganteau, Christine ReynierMontpellier Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée20211 online resource (286 p.)Horizons anglophones2-36781-248-9 Through its take on ‘the humble’, this volume attempts to reveal the depth and philosophical relevance of literature, its ethical and political dimension as well as its connection to life. Because it can be associated with social class, religion, psychology or ethics, the notion of ‘the humble’ lends itself to diverse types of studies. The papers collected in this volume argue that in the course of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, artists and writers have revisited the term ‘humble’ and, far from treating it as a simple motif, have raised it to the status of an aesthetic category. This category can first foster a better understanding of fiction, poetry, painting, and their representation of precarious lives through various genres and modes. It may also draw attention to neglected or depreciated humble novels or art forms that developed from the Victorian to the contemporary period, through the Edwardian and the modernist eras. Finally, it helps revise assumptions about the literature and art of the period and signals to a poetics of the humble. The works of art examined here explore the humble as a possible capacity and ethical force, a way of being and acting.Literaturepoetryaestheticsethicspoliticsfictionarts(post)modernismtheatrepoetryaestheticsethicspoliticsfictionarts(post)modernismtheatreLiteraturepoetryaestheticsethicspoliticsfictionarts(post)modernismtheatreArniac Adeline1283995Aymes Sophie1325513Brasme Isabelle1303325Bricout Shirley1332217Ganteau Jean-Michel1129633Haffen Aude1332218Haghshenas Leila1332219Le Brun Xavier1332220Locatelli Angela449502María Yebra José1332221Mellet Laurent1300457Onega Susana889080Pellicer Ortín Silvia1332222Puschmann-Nalenz Barbara456701Reynier Christine1316402Roussillon-Constanty Laurence1326643Sitayeb Stéphane1332223Stan Corina927321Tobin Claudia1332224Tollance Pascale1317951Brasme Isabelle1303325Ganteau Jean-Michel1129633Reynier Christine1316402FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910522582303321The Humble in 19th- to 21st-Century British Literature and Arts3040766UNINA