01291nam0 2200337 450000002919920121025133045.0978-88-214-3052-7IT2011-266020121025d2011----km-y0itay50------baitaITy-------001yy<<Le >>basi patologiche delle malattietest di autovalutazioneRobbins e Cotran[a cura di] Edward C. Klatt, Vinay Kumaredizione italiana a cura di Vincenzo Eusebicon la collaborazione di Gavino Faa ... [et al.]traduzione di Luca Morandi, Moira Ragazzi, Anna Lisa Tosi3. ed.MilanoElsevier2011X, 242 p., XX p. di tav.ill.27 cmRobbins and Cotran rewiew of pathology<in italiano>24394Patologia medicaQuestionari616.07521Patologia. Diagnosi e prognosiRobbins,Stanley L.67339Cotran,Ramzi S.67341Eusebi,VincenzoFaa,GavinoKlatt,Edward C.Kumar,VinayITUNIPARTHENOPE20121025RICAUNIMARC000029199P1 616-B/144240PIST2012Robbins and Cotran rewiew of pathology24394UNIPARTHENOPE04925nam 2200421 450 991051370020332120230509083544.0(CKB)5590000000637215(MiAaPQ)EBC6956388(NjHacI)995590000000637215(EXLCZ)99559000000063721520230509d2021 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierBetween Violence, Vulnerability, Resilience and Resistance Arab television news on the experiences of Syrian women during the Syrian conflict /Rand El ZeinBielefeld :Transcript Verlag,2021.©20211 online resource (206 pages)Critical studies in media and communication3-7328-5959-2 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover -- Contents -- List of Tables -- Acknowledgements -- 1. Introduction -- 1.1 Context and Significance -- 1.2 A Brief History of Television News in the Arab World -- 1.3 The Syrian Conflict as a Case Study -- 1.4 Structure of the Book -- 2. Theoretical Framework -- 2.1 Vulnerability, Resistance, and the Dependency on Infrastructure -- 2.2 Power and Different Modes of Violence -- 2.3 Defining Resilience in Neoliberal Times -- 2.4 Resistance, Agency, and the Non-liberatory Subject -- 3. Methodology -- 3.1 Perspective on Language and Discourse -- 3.2 A Critical Approach to Discourse Analysis -- 3.3 Units of Analysis -- 3.3.1 The Sample Selection -- 3.3.2 The Selection of Dominant Themes -- 3.3.3 The Analysis Process -- 3.4 Methodological Questions on Agency and Points of Reversibility -- 3.5 Methodological Reflections -- 4. Arab Television News Coverage of Former Female Syrian Prisoners in Exile: -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Research Data -- 4.3 Analysis -- 4.3.1 Imprisonment, Sexual Assault, and Controlled Mobility -- 4.3.2 From Being Shamed to Being Silenced -- 4.4 Conclusion -- 5. Rethinking the Relationship between Child Marriage and Failed Infrastructure during the Syrian Conflict -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Research Data -- 5.3 Analysis -- 5.3.1 Child Marriage -- 5.3.2 Failed Infrastructure -- 5.4 Conclusion -- 6. Displaced Syrian Women at Work: -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Research Data -- 6.3 Analysis -- 6.3.1 Talking to Good Resilient Subjects: Displaced Syrian Women Erasing the Past or Painting it through their Work -- 6.3.2 Training the Good Resilient Subject: A Survey of News Reports on Displaced Syrian Women Participating in Vocational and Cash-for-Work Programs and other blue-collar Jobs -- 6.4 The Notion of Resilience in a Humanitarian Discourse -- 6.5 Conclusion 7. 'Mothers of the Nation': -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Research Data -- 7.3 Analysis -- 7.3.1 From Manly Fighters to Ornamented Flowers -- 7.3.2 Motherhood as a National Duty -- 7.3.3 Reflecting on other News Stories -- 7.4 Motherhood in Relation to Agency -- 7.5 Conclusion -- 8. The Construction of Syrian Women in the Arab Television News -- 8.1 Normalizing Violence and Reaffirming Victimhood in the Television News -- 8.2 Humanitarian Reasoning and Personal Testimonies in the Television News -- 8.3 Questions on Agency and the Dynamics of Shame, Fear, and Dignity in the Arab Television News -- 9. From Dominant Media Frames to Spaces of Appearance -- 9.1 Television Ownership: Biases and Blind Spots -- 9.2 The Dominant Media Frames and the Procedures of Media Reporting -- 9.3 The Mediated Figure of the Syrian Woman at the Forefront of Geopolitical Tensions -- 9.4 The Intersection of Media Logic, Gender Logic and War Logic in Television News Narratives -- 9.5 A Feminist Logic by Spaces of Appearance? -- 10. Concluding Remarks -- Bibliography.How are the structures of power and the notion of agency among Syrian women during the recent Syrian conflict connected? To explore this matter, Rand El Zein investigates gender politics around displacement, conflict, the body, and the nation. In doing so, she outstandingly reconciles critical media theory as myriad and productive with the theoretical concepts on subjectivity, power, performativity, neoliberalism, and humanitarian governance. The book examines how the Arab television news discursively represented the experiences of Syrian women during the conflict in relation to the four main concepts; violence, vulnerability, resilience, and resistance.Critical studies in media and communication.Between Violence, Vulnerability, Resilience and Resistance Television programsTelevision programs.791.456Zein Rand El1353891NjHacINjHaclBOOK9910513700203321Between Violence, Vulnerability, Resilience and Resistance3284059UNINA01614nas 2200457-a 450 99633575580331620240413023148.0(CKB)110978979122211(CONSER)---93640795-(EXLCZ)9911097897912221119930316b19922016 --- aengtxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDirectors & trustees digestWashington, D.C. Savings & Community Bankers of America1 online resourceTitle from caption.Print version: Directors & trustees digest. 1068-6460 (DLC) 93640795 (OCoLC)27742837 Directors and trustees digestDIRECTORS AND TRUSTEES DIGESTDir. trustees dig.Savings and loan associationsUnited StatesPeriodicalsSavings banksUnited StatesPeriodicalsSavings and loan associationsfast(OCoLC)fst01105991Savings banksfast(OCoLC)fst01106034United Statesfasthttps://id.oclc.org/worldcat/entity/E39PBJtxgQXMWqmjMjjwXRHgrqPeriodicals.fastPeriodicals.lcgftSavings and loan associationsSavings banksSavings and loan associations.Savings banks.332.3/2/0973Savings & Community Bankers of America.JOURNAL996335755803316exl_impl conversionDirectors & trustees digest2367238UNISA