04859nam 2200625Ia 450 991045155490332120200520144314.01-4294-4169-092-808-7082-3(CKB)1000000000334475(EBL)282193(OCoLC)191039658(SSID)ssj0000105625(PQKBManifestationID)11127328(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000105625(PQKBWorkID)10101974(PQKB)10053539(MiAaPQ)EBC282193(Au-PeEL)EBL282193(CaPaEBR)ebr10156071(OCoLC)144618527(EXLCZ)99100000000033447520060622d2006 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrArms control after Iraq[electronic resource] normative and operational challenges /edited by Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu and Ramesh ThakurTokyo United Nations University20061 online resource (463 p.)Description based upon print version of record.92-808-1131-2 Includes bibliographical references and index.Arms control after Iraq; Contents; Figures and tables; Contributors; 1 Managing the nuclear threat after Iraq: Is it time to replace the NPT paradigm?; The NPT regime; The nuclear landscape in 2005; A paradigm shift?; Outline of the book; The three pillars of arms control; Notes; Part I: Strategic doctrine, norms of non-proliferation and disarmament, and world order; 2 The use of force in international politics: Four revolutions; 3 From deterrence to compellence: Doctrinal implications of the Iraq crisis; 4 ''Do as I say, not as I do'': From nuclear non-proliferation to counter-proliferationPart II: The centrality of the United Nations in non-proliferation and disarmament?5 The Security Council's role in addressing WMD issues: Assessment and outlook; 6 Dealing with WMD crises: The role of the United Nations in compliance politics; 7 Lessons of UNSCOM and UNMOVIC for WMD non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament; 8 Why we got it wrong: Attempting to unravel the truth of bioweapons in Iraq; Part III: Proliferation challenges and international responses in North-east Asia; 9 Nuclear threat reliance in East Asia10 Non-proliferation after 9/11 and beyond: A Japanese perspectivePart IV: Proliferation challenges and international responses in the Middle East; 11 From bomb to fuel! Iran and the question of weapons of mass destruction; 12 Arab perspectives on the question of WMD proliferation in the Middle East; 13 An Egyptian perspective; Part V: The permanent five: Part of the problem or devising new solutions?; 14 An American perspective: The US response to proliferation in weapons of mass destruction; 15 UK perspectives on WMD proliferation, arms control, disarmament and WMD use by non-state actors16 Nuclear non-proliferation after Iraq: A French perspective17 Russia's perspectives on the world order and WMD proliferation; 18 China's perspectives on WMD proliferation, arms control, disarmament and related threats from non-state actors; Part VI: The other nuclear powers and the non-proliferation regime; 19 Nuclear disarmament, nuclear proliferation and WMD proliferation: An Indian perspective; 20 Israel's updated perspective on WMD proliferation, arms control, disarmament and related threats from non-state actors; Part VII: Broadening the scope of the non-proliferation regime21 Nuclear threats from non-state actors22 Managing missiles after Iraq: Going off course; 23 Conclusion: Managing nuclear threats after Iraq; IndexThe stated reason for invading Iraq was its alleged clandestine pursuit of weapons of mass destruction in defiance of UN resolutions. Even though the allegation was proven false, the international community remains preoccupied with the threat of the proliferation and use of such terrible weapons. This has three interlinked components: non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament. Some countries, from within the shelter of the NPT, could either develop a fully-fledged weapons capability, covertly and illegally, or else acquire all the materials and expertise needed for a weapons programme anNuclear nonproliferationArms controlElectronic books.Nuclear nonproliferation.Arms control.327.1/74Sidhu Waheguru Pal Singh564634Thakur Ramesh Chandra1948-884426MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910451554903321Arms control after Iraq2196910UNINA03051nam 2200505 450 991051369860332120240103233302.01-00-325108-01-000-52841-31-003-25108-0(CKB)5600000000024834(NjHacI)995600000000024834(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/74937(EXLCZ)99560000000002483420221223d2021 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierBody image in eating disorders clinical diagnosis and integrative approach to psychological treatment /Bernadetta IzydorczykTaylor & Francis2022[Place of publication not identified] :Routledge,2021.©20211 online resource (111 pages)Advances in mental health research series1-03-213862-9 Includes bibliographical references and index.Body Image in Eating Disorders explores issues relating to the prevention, clinical diagnosis and psychological treatment of distortions of body image in eating disorders. It presents a multifactorial model of indicators for diagnosis and treatment, considering psychological, socio-cultural and family indicators. Based on original empirical research with women and girls suffering from eating disorders, the book draws attention to limitations and dilemmas related to psychological diagnosis and treatment of people with eating disorders; including anorexia readiness syndrome, bulimia and bigorexia. The book proposes an integrative psychodynamic approach to the diagnosis and treatment of body image disorders and presents case studies illustrating examples of application of integration of psychodynamic therapy and psychodrama in psychological treatment of young people suffering from eating disorders. It considers risk-factors including abnormal body image for the development of eating disorders and argues that psychological diagnosis of the body image is an important factor in determining the right direction of psychological treatment for people with eating disorders. Drawing on theoretical foundations and evidence-based clinical practice, the book will be of great interest to researchers, academics and students in the fields of clinical and applied psychology, mental health and specialists in eating disorders.Advances in mental health research series.Eating disorders in adolescencebulimiapsychodramapsychodynamic approachanorexiabigorexiaEating disorders in adolescence.616.852600835Izydorczyk Bernadetta1271930NjHacINjHaclBOOK9910513698603321Body image in eating disorders2996307UNINA