05372nam 2200445 450 991051165840332120190826145055.090-04-38230-510.1163/9789004382305(CKB)4100000006517787(MiAaPQ)EBC5555026(nllekb)BRILL9789004382305(EXLCZ)99410000000651778720181023d2019 uy engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierScaling the Balkans, Essays in National, Transnational and Conceptual HistoryLeiden, Boston: Brill, 2019.1 online resource (683 pages)Balkan studies library ;Volume 2490-04-35889-7 Front Matter -- Copyright page /Maria Todorova -- Illustrations, Tables, Figures and Maps /Maria Todorova -- Introduction /Maria Todorova -- Concepts /Maria Todorova -- Modernism, Backwardness and Legacy /Maria Todorova -- The Trap of Backwardness: Modernity, Temporality and the Study of Eastern European Nationalism /Maria Todorova -- Modernism /Maria Todorova -- Historical Legacies between Europe and the Near East /Maria Todorova -- Balkanism, Postcolonialism and Orientalism /Maria Todorova -- Balkan /Maria Todorova -- Balkanism and Postcolonialism or On the Beauty of the Airplane View /Maria Todorova -- The Balkans: from Discovery to Invention /Maria Todorova -- The Balkans: from Invention to Intervention /Maria Todorova -- Does Russian Orientalism Have a Russian Soul? A Contribution to the Debate between Nathaniel Knight and Adeeb Khalid /Maria Todorova -- Nationalism, Identity and Alterity /Maria Todorova -- Is There Weak Nationalism and Is It a Useful Category?* /Maria Todorova -- Is “the Other” a Useful Cross-cultural Concept? Some Thoughts on Its Implementation to the Balkan Region /Maria Todorova -- Isn’t Central Europe Dead? /Maria Todorova -- What Is or Is There a Balkan Culture, and Do or Should the Balkans Have a Regional Identity? /Maria Todorova -- Structures, Processes and Events /Maria Todorova -- Demography and Social Structure /Maria Todorova -- European Population History: the Balkans /Maria Todorova -- Situating the Family of Ottoman Bulgaria within the European Pattern /Maria Todorova -- On the Epistemological Value of Family Models: The Balkans within the European Pattern /Maria Todorova -- Historical Tradition and Transformation in Bulgaria: Women’s Issues, Feminist Issues /Maria Todorova -- Nation- and Society-Building /Maria Todorova -- The Course and Discourses of Bulgarian Nationalism /Maria Todorova -- Language as a Cultural Unifier in a Multilingual Setting: the Bulgarian Case during the Nineteenth Century /Maria Todorova -- Identity (Trans)formation among Bulgarian Muslims /Maria Todorova -- Midhat Pasha and the Bulgarians /Maria Todorova -- Improbable Maverick or Typical Conformist? Seven Thoughts on the New Bulgaria /Maria Todorova -- Historiography and Memory /Maria Todorova -- East European Studies in the US: Thematic and Methodological Problems /Maria Todorova -- The Ottoman Menace in Post-Habsburg Historiography /Maria Todorova -- Conversion to Islam as a Trope in Bulgarian Historiography, Fiction and Film /Maria Todorova -- The Balkan Wars in Memory: the Carnegie Report and Trotsky’s War Correspondence /Maria Todorova -- Socialism and Communism in Memory /Maria Todorova -- Shared or Contested Heritage? Commemorating Socialism and Communism in Europe /Maria Todorova -- 1917 in the Balkans: Divergent “Horizons of Expectation” /Maria Todorova -- Was there Civil Society and a Public Sphere under Socialism? The Debates around Vasil Levski’s Alleged Reburial in Bulgaria /Maria Todorova -- Blowing Up the Past: the Mausoleum of Georgi Dimitrov as Lieu de Mémoire /Maria Todorova -- Remembering Communism: Similar Trajectories, Different Memories /Maria Todorova.Scaling the Balkans puts in conversation several fields that have been traditionally treated as discrete: Balkan studies, Ottoman studies, East European studies, and Habsburg and Russian studies. By looking at the complex interrelationship between countries and regions, demonstrating how different perspectives and different methodological approaches inflect interpretations and conclusions, it insists on the heuristic value of scales. The volume is a collection of published and unpublished essays, dealing with issues of modernism, backwardness, historical legacy, balkanism, post-colonialism and orientalism, nationalism, identity and alterity, society-and nation-building, historical demography and social structure, socialism and communism in memory, and historiography.Balkan Studies Library24.NationalismBalkan PeninsulaNationalismBulgariaElectronic books.NationalismNationalism949.6Maria N. Todorova1066180NL-LeKBNL-LeKBBOOK9910511658403321Scaling the Balkans2548732UNINA00941nam0 22002653i 450 VAN0013142320240806100834.148IT58250720201020d1958 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||ˆL'‰espropriazione per pubblica utilitàPasquale Carugno4. ed. rivMilanoGiuffre1958XIX, 417 p.25 cmMilanoVANL000284CarugnoPasqualeVANV069263331809Giuffrè <editore>VANV109181650ITSOL20240906RICABIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI GIURISPRUDENZAIT-CE0105VAN00VAN00131423BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI GIURISPRUDENZA00CONS AV.7 00UBG5472 20201020 Espropriazione per pubblica utilità34700UNICAMPANIA