05268nam 2200637 450 991051165110332120170822104421.01-4725-8673-5(CKB)3710000000222795(EBL)1769103(SSID)ssj0001334644(PQKBManifestationID)12539001(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001334644(PQKBWorkID)11272070(PQKB)10951159(MiAaPQ)EBC1769103(EXLCZ)99371000000022279520140830h20152015 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrJapanese fashion cultures dress and gender in contemporary Japan /Masafumi MondenLondon, England ;New York, New York :Bloomsbury Academic,2015.©20151 online resource (217 p.)Dress, Body, CultureDescription based upon print version of record.1-322-06396-6 1-4725-3280-5 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover page; Halftitle page; Series page; Title page; Copyright page; CONTENTS; ILLUSTRATIONS; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; 1 INTRODUCING JAPANESE FASHION, PAST AND PRESENT; Layers of Japanese aesthetic history; Dress and gender; Wearing gender in Japan; Interlaced flows of culture: seeing Japanese fashion globally; Reflections and distortions: representations as a source for study; Tracing chapters; 2 LOST IN A GAZE: YOUNG MEN AND FASHION IN CONTEMPORARY JAPAN; Reading men's fashion: a brief history of Japanese men's fashion magazines; Japanese men's fashion periodicals: past and presentNeat, fresh and smart: Popeye , Men's non-no and FineboysThe age of sensibility: men's fashion magazines and defined age demographics; A boy's life; The face of the magazines: first impressions of the encounter; The pleasurable gaze: looking and being looked at; Through the magic looking-glass: men and vanity; Science versus the art of taking care of appearance; Conclusion; 3 BOY'S ELEGANCE: ALIMINALITY OF BOYISH CHARM AND OLD-WORLD SUAVITY; Fusion of European and Japanese aesthetic senses; The nationality of fashionable menIn praise of youthful slenderness: preferred modes of male aesthetics in JapanWith a 26-inch waist: slenderness as the flower of Japanese male beauty; Elegant cowboys: D&G garments and stylistic transformations; Boyish reinvention of the 'Neo-Edwardian' dandy style; A marriage of the casual and elegant: popularization of elegance in contemporary Japanese men's styles; Boyish playfulness and old-world elegance: an aesthetic continuity and transformation of Milkboy; Edgy, cute and suave: Milkboy as a candy-box of boys' fashion aestheticsDressing for time and occasion: negotiating romantic desires and narcissistic impulsesConclusion; 4 GLACÉ WONDERLAND: CUTENESS, SEXUALITY AND YOUNG WOMEN *; In the name of kawaii; A liminal space of dreaming: Japanese concept of shoj o; Alice's voyage to the empire of the sun; A Victorian girl with independence: Alice and a sense of autonomy; Being Alice in Japan: music videos of Alisa Mizuki, Tomoko Kawase and Kaela Kimura; A fairy tale without a prince: Japanese music videos and narrative themes; Alice vs Barbie: sexualization of femininity in American music videosToo cute to be good: some criticism of kawaiiGloomy wonderland: darker sides of the Victorian girl; A delicate kind of revolt; Three stages of subtle revolutions; The equilibrium of pastel and dark shades; Conclusion; 5 RIBBONS AND LACE: GIRLS, DECORATIVE FEMININITY AND ANDROGYNY; The dress of a bisque doll princess: aspects of Lolita fashion; Embroidering the romantic past: European dress aesthetics and Japanese appropriations; Decorative femininity: praises and criticism; A Lolita girl in the countryside: dress and Shimotsuma MonogatariAppearance says everything: dress and identity in Shimotsuma MonogatariFrom Rococo to Edwardian fashions, Japanese street style has reinvented many western dress styles, reinterpreting and altering their meanings and messages in a different cultural and historical context. This wide ranging and original study reveals the complex exchange of styles and what they represent in Japan and beyond, contesting common perceptions of gender in Japanese dress and the notion that non-western fashions simply imitate western styles. Through case studies focussing on fashion image consumption in style tribes such as Kamikaze Girls, Lolita, Edwardian, Ivy Style, Victorian, RomDress, Body, CultureFashionJapanHistoryClothing and dressJapanHistoryClothing and dressSocial aspectsJapanElectronic books.FashionHistory.Clothing and dressHistory.Clothing and dressSocial aspects391.00952Monden Masafumi1066601MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910511651103321Japanese fashion cultures2549585UNINA