03220nam 2200529 450 991050640290332120230629230853.03-030-86924-510.1007/978-3-030-86924-3(CKB)5340000000068456(OCoLC)1280598149(OCoLC)1281136281(OCoLC)1281239702(OCoLC)1281963042(OCoLC)1282300876(MiAaPQ)EBC6793725(Au-PeEL)EBL6793725(OCoLC)1285781916(EXLCZ)99534000000006845620220718d2021 uy 0engur|n|||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAn anthropology of gender variance and trans experience in Naples beauty in transit /Marzia MaurielloCham, Switzerland :Springer,[2021]©20211 online resource illustrationsPalgrave pivot3-030-86923-7 Original 3030869237 9783030869236 (OCoLC)1263865252 Includes bibliographical references and index.Chapter 1: Introduuction -- Chapter 2: Genders, Inc.: Definitions, Disguises, and Transitions -- Chapter 3: The Neapolitan Femminielli: past and present of a post-modern antiquity -- Chapter 4: Trans Beauty: Mutations, Embodiments, and Collective Images -- Chapter 5: Conclusion.This book recounts the authors fieldwork among the trans and gender-variant communities in Naples. This is where a gender-variant figure, the femminiello, has found a safe environment within the citys historical poorest neighborhoods, the so-called "quartieri popolari" which were and continue to be culturally and socially connoted. The femminielli, who can be read as "suspended" figures between the feminine and the masculine, provide the background for a discourse on the meanings that genders and sexualities have assumed in modern Naples. This is done with significant openings to theoretical reasoning that is both extraterritorial and multidisciplinary. Starting from the micro context, the aim of the book is to explore the breadth and complexity of the gender variant and trans experience, with particular reference to the changing meanings of the body, which are also tied to the collective images of beauty in contemporary times. Marzia Mauriello teaches Medical Anthropology at the University Magna Grcia of Catanzaro (Italy) and is the Scientific Secretary of the Study Centre on Food and Nutrition based at the University of Naples-Orientale. She has published extensively on gender and sexuality, gender variance and trans experience, and on the intersections between food and gender.Palgrave pivot.Gender StudiesQueer StudiesEthnologyGender Studies.Queer Studies.Ethnology.306.7680945731Mauriello Marzia752580MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910506402903321An anthropology of gender variance and trans experience in Naples2569573UNINA