03279nam 2200421 450 991050639650332120220712125816.03-030-66398-1(CKB)4950000000281866(MiAaPQ)EBC6785175(Au-PeEL)EBL6785175(OCoLC)1285780877(PPN)267508115(EXLCZ)99495000000028186620220712d2021 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierBaroque naturalism in Benjamin and Deleuze the art of least distances /Tim FlanaganCham, Switzerland :Palgrave Macmillan,[2021]©20211 online resource (305 pages)3-030-66397-3 Intro -- Openings -- Overview -- Notes -- References -- Contents -- 1 'Implicit'Liber (a Baroque Theme) -- 1.1 Rendering the Literal -- 1.2 Diaphanous Pantographies (Pushing to Its Limit a Metaphor Sketched by Plotinus) -- 1.3 Pixilated Images -- 1.4 Regarding Two Temples of Parian Marble -- 1.5 Humour and "The Διάστασις of Life" -- References -- 2 Theses on the Baroque -- 2.1 A Philosophical Term of Art -- 2.2 "The Summa of a Theory of Ideas" -- 2.3 Baroque Books (the Synthesis of Visible Figures and Legible Characters) -- 2.4 The Exhausting Etymology of Any Baroque Philology -- 2.5 A Lexicographic 'Book of Fates' -- 2.6 Regarding Ruins -- References -- 3 The Subject of the Baroque (Surpassing the Logical Relation Between a Concept and Its Object) -- 3.1 Orientation via Enantiomorphic Interiors -- 3.2 Articulations Between Floors -- 3.3 A Strange Theatre of Concepts Inside Ideas ("A Language Which Speaks Before Words") -- 3.4 Anamorphosis of Nature and History (The Suspense of a Theological-Juridical Mode of Thought) -- References -- 4 Baroque Predication: "A Continuous Fresco, an Inner Concept, the Propositional Concept Itself" -- 4.1 Doubts About the Consistency of the Notion -- 4.2 Calculating the Terms of Thought (Explicating Places of Invention) -- 4.3 être aux aguets, Unruhe, Inquiétude, Uneasiness (Leibniz's Scream Does Not Stop) -- 4.4 Baroque Grammar of the 'Aristotelian Telescope' -- References -- 5 The Sublime Words of the Third Ennead -- 5.1 All Is Contemplation! -- 5.2 A Minor Flurry of Scholarship -- 5.3 The (Platonic) Experience of Plotinus -- References -- 6 Baroque Naturalism (A Teleological Conversion of Philosophy) -- 6.1 Sophists in baroco and baralipton -- 6.2 A Lack of Education (ἀπαιδευσία) -- 6.3 Homonymy: The inquiétude of energeia.6.4 Articulating the Distance Implied by Simple Predicates (une sorte de langue étrangère) -- 6.5 The Hallucination of Language: Visions and Auditions -- 6.6 The Baroque: From Era to Term -- References -- References -- Index.Continental philosophyContinental philosophy.190Flanagan Tim878441MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910506396503321Baroque Naturalism in Benjamin and Deleuze2568661UNINA