04031 am 2200709 n 450 991050259490332120210421979-1-03-656660-810.4000/books.ifp.9280(CKB)4100000012052909(FrMaCLE)OB-ifp-9280(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/85410(PPN)258323086(EXLCZ)99410000001205290920211018j|||||||| ||| 0enguu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDecolonization of French India Liberation movement and Indo-French relations 1947-1954 /Ajit K. NeogyPondichéry Institut Français de Pondichéry20211 online resource (297 p.) Collection Sciences SocialesThe central theme of the book has been woven round the five French settlements in India with Pondicherry as their headquarters which France intended to retain even after Britain had quitted on 15 August 1947. France had neglected her Indian settlements over the years and finding a profound change in the attitude of her people after 1947, she tried to mollify them by introducing certain doses of administrative reforms which were unacceptable to them. Inspired by the events of the neighbouring subcontinent, they expressed their desire to identify themselves with their brethren across the border and demanded the merger of the settlements with Indian Union which was, quite naturally, rejected by France. The rejection was followed by the launching of liberation movement. Repressive measures unleashed by Pondicherry government proved ineffective. Along with this there was a strong diplomatic pressure exerted by New Delhi on Paris for withdrawing from the five pockets. France dithered and delayed the solution which further exasperated the people. Events in North Africa and Indo-China were also going against her. The stalemate continued for seven years until Pierre Mendès France came to power. Meanwhile Chandemagore was transferred to India by referendum. However, diplomatic parleys started at the initiative of the French Prime Minister broke the thaw and facilitated the path for peaceful merger of the four south Indian settlements with India. Thanks to the diplomatic efforts and the spirit of conciliation manifested by the two governments, the problem of the French Indian settlements was amicably resolved thereby opening an era of cordiality between the two countries. Le thème central de ce livre se développe autour du destin des cinq comptoirs français de l’Inde (dont le chef-lieu, Pondichéry) que la France entendait conserver, y compris après le départ des Britanniques le 15 août 1947. La métropole avait négligé ces territoires pendant des années et lorsqu’elle prit…HistoryFranceIndehistoiredécolonisationmouvement de libérationrelations franco-indiennesIndiahistorydecolonizationliberation movementIndia-France relationshipFranceIndiahistorydecolonizationliberation movementIndia-France relationshipHistoryFranceIndehistoiredécolonisationmouvement de libérationrelations franco-indiennesIndiahistorydecolonizationliberation movementIndia-France relationshipNeogy Ajit K1302007Weber Jacques1292688FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910502594903321Decolonization of French India3026054UNINA06680nam 2201885 450 991081680450332120230421030941.00-691-00257-61-4008-6518-210.1515/9781400865185(CKB)3710000000221858(EBL)1756204(OCoLC)887499708(SSID)ssj0001333670(PQKBManifestationID)12618247(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001333670(PQKBWorkID)11394032(PQKB)11541986(MiAaPQ)EBC1756204(DE-B1597)447948(OCoLC)922696192(DE-B1597)9781400865185(Au-PeEL)EBL1756204(CaPaEBR)ebr10907682(CaONFJC)MIL636773(EXLCZ)99371000000022185820140822h19981998 uy 0engur|nu---|u||utxtccrThe real Fatou conjecture /by Jacek Graczyk and Grzegorz SwiatekPrinceton, New Jersey :Princeton University Press,1998.{copy}19981 online resource (158 p.)Annals of Mathematics Studies ;Number 144Description based upon print version of record.1-322-05522-X 0-691-00258-4 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front matter --Contents --Chapter 1. Review of Concepts --Chapter 2. Quasiconformal Gluing --Chapter 3. Polynomial-Like Property --Chapter 4. Linear Growth of Moduli --Chapter 5. Quasi conformal Techniques --Bibliography --IndexIn 1920, Pierre Fatou expressed the conjecture that--except for special cases--all critical points of a rational map of the Riemann sphere tend to periodic orbits under iteration. This conjecture remains the main open problem in the dynamics of iterated maps. For the logistic family x- ax(1-x), it can be interpreted to mean that for a dense set of parameters "a," an attracting periodic orbit exists. The same question appears naturally in science, where the logistic family is used to construct models in physics, ecology, and economics. In this book, Jacek Graczyk and Grzegorz Swiatek provide a rigorous proof of the Real Fatou Conjecture. In spite of the apparently elementary nature of the problem, its solution requires advanced tools of complex analysis. The authors have written a self-contained and complete version of the argument, accessible to someone with no knowledge of complex dynamics and only basic familiarity with interval maps. The book will thus be useful to specialists in real dynamics as well as to graduate students.Annals of mathematics studies ;Number 144.Geodesics (Mathematics)PolynomialsMappings (Mathematics)Absolute value.Affine transformation.Algebraic function.Analytic continuation.Analytic function.Arithmetic.Automorphism.Big O notation.Bounded set (topological vector space).C0.Calculation.Canonical map.Change of variables.Chebyshev polynomials.Combinatorics.Commutative property.Complex number.Complex plane.Complex quadratic polynomial.Conformal map.Conjecture.Conjugacy class.Conjugate points.Connected component (graph theory).Connected space.Continuous function.Corollary.Covering space.Critical point (mathematics).Dense set.Derivative.Diffeomorphism.Dimension.Disjoint sets.Disjoint union.Disk (mathematics).Equicontinuity.Estimation.Existential quantification.Fibonacci.Functional equation.Fundamental domain.Generalization.Great-circle distance.Hausdorff distance.Holomorphic function.Homeomorphism.Homotopy.Hyperbolic function.Imaginary number.Implicit function theorem.Injective function.Integer.Intermediate value theorem.Interval (mathematics).Inverse function.Irreducible polynomial.Iteration.Jordan curve theorem.Julia set.Limit of a sequence.Linear map.Local diffeomorphism.Mathematical induction.Mathematical proof.Maxima and minima.Meromorphic function.Moduli (physics).Monomial.Monotonic function.Natural number.Neighbourhood (mathematics).Open set.Parameter.Periodic function.Periodic point.Phase space.Point at infinity.Polynomial.Projection (mathematics).Quadratic function.Quadratic.Quasiconformal mapping.Renormalization.Riemann sphere.Riemann surface.Schwarzian derivative.Scientific notation.Subsequence.Theorem.Theory.Topological conjugacy.Topological entropy.Topology.Union (set theory).Unit circle.Unit disk.Upper and lower bounds.Upper half-plane.Z0.Geodesics (Mathematics)Polynomials.Mappings (Mathematics)516.3/62Graczyk Jacek66776Swiatek Grzegorz1964-MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910816804503321Real Fatou conjecture1501746UNINA