06675 am 2201333 n 450 9910510402103321202006232-7351-2648-X10.4000/books.editionsmsh.22093(CKB)5600000000080026(FrMaCLE)OB-editionsmsh-22093(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/85039(PPN)259392928(EXLCZ)99560000000008002620211109j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierL’architecture de la Gaule romaine — Les fortifications militaires /Michel Reddé, Raymond Brulet, Rudolf Fellmann, Jan-Kees Haalebos †, Siegmar Von Schnurbein, Pierre AupertParis Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme20201 online resource (471 p.) Documents d’archéologie française2-7351-1119-9 Soixante-dix ans après le tome 1 du Manuel d’archéologie galloromaine d’Albert Grenier, Michel Reddé, Raymond Brulet, Rudolf Fellmann, Jan Kees Haalebos et Siegmar von Schnurbein proposent une nouvelle synthèse sur l’architecture militaire romaine dans les provinces des Gaules et des Germanies. La première partie analyse les différents types de constructions et de techniques observées dans les camps militaires, en replaçant l’évolution de cette architecture dans son contexte historique, de la conquête de la Gaule au milieu du Ve s. ap. J.-C. La seconde partie est un catalogue qui, sans prétendre à l’exhaustivité, présente les sites incontournables et d’autres moins connus, notamment en France. Chaque notice, bien documentée et toujours illustrée, est assortie d’une bibliographie. Cet ouvrage est le fruit d’une collaboration internationale à laquelle plus de cinquante auteurs ont été associés. Il s’adresse à des étudiants et à des chercheurs non spécialisés, qui y trouveront des informations commodes, à jour, rassemblées pour la première fois. This work is the outcome of international cooperation involving J over fifty authors. It is aimed at an audience of undergraduates and non-specialist researchers, who will find it useful for the conveniently packaged, up-to-date information gathered together for the first time Seventy years after the publication of Volume 1 of Albert Grenier’s Manuel d’archéologie gallo-romaine, Michel Reddc, Raymond Brulet, Rudolf Fellmann, Jan Kces Haalebos and 5iegmar von Schnurbein have prepared a new overview of Roman military architecture in the provinces of Gaul and Germania. The first part analyzes the different types of construction techniques observed in military camps, placing the development of this architecture within its historical context, from the conquest of Gaul to the middle of the fifth century AD. The second part is a catalogue which, while making no claim to be exhaustive, presents all the key sites alongside other…FortificationFranceHistoryRomansFranceExcavations (Archaeology)FranceFranceAntiquities, RomanGaulHistoryarchitecture militaireGaulefrontièreenceinteHaut EmpireBas Empirefortificationarmée romaineGermanielimesFortificationHistory.RomansExcavations (Archaeology)Adrian Waasdorp Jan1285764Aupert Pierre157878Baatz Dietwulf209994Bosman Arjen1285765Brulet Raymond487920Cahen-Delhaye Anne1285766Chabrié Christophe1285767Czysz Wolfgang664107Daynès Michel1285768Deberge Yann1285769Ebeling Christiane1285770Fasold Peter1285771Fehr Hans219699Fellmann Rudolf200367Fingerlin Gerhard560503Fischer Thomas254987Fuchs Matthieu1285772Galbois Jean1285773Garnier Jean-François1285774Gechter Michael1285775Gelot Alain1285776Gissinger Bastien1285777Grönke Eveline1285778Guichard Vincent1234420Haalebos Jan-Kees1285779Hanel Norbert1285780Hanoune Roger216781Hellenkemper Hansgerd488110Jacques Alain1285781Kortüm Klaus1285782Kühlborn Johann-Sebastian1285783Kuhnle Gertrud1285784Langouët Loïc1285785Latron Frédéric1285786Lemaire Frédéric1285787Massart Claire53608Montforts MJ.G. Th1285788Oldenstein Jürgen1285789Panhuysen Titus A.S.M1285790Petit Michel118521Pietsch Martin1285791Polak Marianus1285792Prilaux Gilles1285793Reddé Michel173070Reichmann Christoph1285794Remi Mertens Jozef1285795Schallmayer Egon776439Seillier Claude1285796Siegfried Hulst Ruart1285797Sommer C. Sébastian218148Steidl Bernd1285798Thivet Matthieu1285799Thoen Hugo737932Tronche Pierre1285800Ulrich Nuber Hans1285801Venault Stéphane1285802von Schnurbein Siegmar1285803Waton Marie-Dominique1285804Witteyer Marion1285805Reddé Michel173070Brulet Raymond487920Fellmann Rudolf200367Haalebos † Jan-Kees1285779Von Schnurbein Siegmar1285803Aupert Pierre157878FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910510402103321L’architecture de la Gaule romaine — Les fortifications militaires3019647UNINA01942nam 2200361 450 991049851050332120231213215430.01-5044-7716-210.1109/IEEESTD.2021.9543633(CKB)4100000012030763(NjHacI)994100000012030763(EXLCZ)99410000001203076320231213d2021 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrier2839-2021 IEEE Recommended Practice for Vital Computer for Rail Safety-Related Application /Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersNew York, NY, USA :IEEE,2021.1 online resource (29 pages)Requirements for functions, performance, and interface and environmental conditions for vital computers used in rail safety-related systems are established in this recommended practice. Vital computer functions are developed based on the technology of computer systems, communication, and functional safety as well as security considerations. A vital computer is composed with basic functional modules such as main process, input, output, and communication. This recommended practice can be applied to vital computers for onboard and wayside equipment in rail applications. Application systems which are developed based on vital computers are not covered, but safety-related conditions for application systems are proposed. The internal structure and the technical realization of the vital computer are not constrained in this recommended practice.RailroadsSafety measuresRailroads and stateRailroadsSafety measures.Railroads and state.363.122NjHacINjHaclDOCUMENT99104985105033212839-20213647727UNINA