13005nam 2204213z- 450 991055710650332120231214133457.0(CKB)5400000000040982(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/68636(EXLCZ)99540000000004098220202105d2020 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierSensors for Gait, Posture, and Health Monitoring Volume 3Basel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20201 electronic resource (386 p.)3-03936-346-8 3-03936-347-6 In recent years, many technologies for gait and posture assessments have emerged. Wearable sensors, active and passive in-house monitors, and many combinations thereof all promise to provide accurate measures of physical activity, gait, and posture parameters. Motivated by market projections for wearable technologies and driven by recent technological innovations in wearable sensors (MEMs, electronic textiles, wireless communications, etc.), wearable health/performance research is growing rapidly and has the potential to transform future healthcare from disease treatment to disease prevention. The objective of this Special Issue is to address and disseminate the latest gait, posture, and activity monitoring systems as well as various mathematical models/methods that characterize mobility functions. This Special Issue focuses on wearable monitoring systems and physical sensors, and its mathematical models can be utilized in varied environments under varied conditions to monitor health and performanceHumanitiesbicsscSocial interactionbicsscstep detectionmachine learningoutlier detectiontransition matricesautoencodersground reaction force (GRF)micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS)gaitwalkbipedal locomotion3-axis force sensorshoeforce distributionmulti-sensor gait classificationdistributed compressed sensingjoint sparse representation classificationtelemonitoring of gaitoperating rangeaccelerometerstride lengthpeak tibial accelerationrunning velocitywearable sensorsfeedback technologyrehabilitationmotor controlcerebral palsyinertial sensorsgait eventsspatiotemporal parameterspostural controlfalls in the elderlyfall risk assessmentlow-cost instrumented insolesfoot plantar center of pressureflexible sensorgait recognitionpiezoelectric materialwearableadaptabilityforce sensitive resistorsself-tuning triple threshold algorithmsweat sensorsweat ratedehydrationIoTPDMSsurface electromyographyhandgrip forceforce-varying muscle contractionnonlinear analysiswavelet scale selectioninertial measurement unitgyroscopeasymmetryfeature extractiongait analysislower limb prosthesistrans-femoral amputeeMR damperknee damping controlinertial measurement unitsmotion analysiskinematicsfunctional activityrepeatabilityreliabilitybiomechanicscognitive frailtycognitive-motor impairmentAlzheimer's diseasemotor planning errorinstrumented trail-making taskankle reaching taskdual task walkingnondestructivejoint momentpartial weight loadingmuscle contributionssit-to-stand trainingmotion parametersstep lengthself-adaptationParkinson's disease (PD)tremor dominant (TD)postural instability and gait difficulty (PIGD)center of pressure (COP)fast Fourier transform (FFT)wavelet transform (WT)fall detection systemsmartphonesaccelerometersmachine learning algorithmssupervised learningANOVA analysisStep-detectionActiGraphPedometeraccelerationphysical activityphysical functionphysical performance testchair standsit to stand transferwearablesgyroscopese-Health applicationphysical rehabilitationshear and plantar pressure sensorbiaxial optical fiber sensormultiplexed fiber Bragg gratingsfrailtypre-frailwearable sensorsedentary behaviormoderate-to-vigorous activitystepsfall detectionelderly people monitoringtelerehabilitationvirtual therapyKinecteHealthtelemedicineinsoleinjury preventionbiomechanical gait variable estimationinertial gait variabletotal knee arthroplastyfalls in healthy elderlyfall preventionbiometricshuman gait recognitionground reaction forcesMicrosoft Kinecthigh heelsfusion dataensemble classifiersaccidental fallsolder adultsneural networksconvolutional neural networklong short-term memoryaccelerometryobesitynonlinearelectrostatic field sensinggait measurementtemporal parametersartificial neural networkpropulsionagingwalkingsmart footwearfrailty predictionfall risksmartphone based assessmentsadverse post-operative outcomeintelligent surveillance systemshuman fall detectionhealth and well-beingsafety and securitymovement controlanterior cruciate ligamentkineticsreal-time feedbackbiomechanical gait featuresimpaired gait classificationpattern recognitionsensorsclinicalkneeosteoarthritisshear stresscalluswomanTUGIMUgeriatric assessmentsemi-unsupervisedself-assessmentdomestic environmentfunctional declinesymmetrytrunk movementautocorrelationgait rehabilitationwearable deviceIMU sensorsgait classificationstroke patientsneurological disordersscanning laser rangefinders (SLR), GAITRitecadencevelocity and stride-lengthpowerangular velocityhuman motion measurementsensor fusioncomplementary filterfuzzy logicinertial and magnetic sensorsESOQ-2Parkinson's diseaseUPDRSmovement disordershuman computer interfaceRGB-Depthhand trackingautomated assessmentat-home monitoringParkinson's Diseasesmotorized walkerhaptic cuegait patternstatistics studywalk detectionstep countingsignal processingplantar pressureflat footinsolesforce sensorsarch indexsports analyticsdeep learningclassificationinertial sensorcross-country skiingclassical styleskating stylebatteryless strain sensorwireless strain sensorresonant frequency modulationEcoflexhuman activity recognitionsmartphonehuman daily activityensemble methodrunningvelocitysmart shoeconcussioninertial motion units (IMUs)vestibular exercisesvalidationmotion captureuser intent recognitiontransfemoral prosthesismulti-objective optimizationbiogeography-based optimizationsmart caneweight-bearinghealth monitoringwearable/inertial sensorsregularityvariabilityhumanmotionlocomotionUPDRS tasksposturepostural stabilitycenter of massRGB-depthneurorehabilitationhallux abductus valgushigh heelproximal phalanx of the halluxabductionvalgusultrasonographyAchilles tendondiagnosticimagingtendinopathyfoot insoleselectromyographyjoint instabilitymuscle contractionsmotorcyclingwearable electronic devicesvalidityrelative movementlower limb prostheticsbiomechanic measurement tasksquantifying socket fitrehabilitation exercisedynamic time warpingautomatic coachingexergamefine-wire intramuscular EMG electrodenon-human primate modeltraumatic spinal cord injurywavelet transformrelative powerlinear mixed modelVO2calibrationMETVO2netspeedequivalent speedfree-livingchildrenadolescentsadultsgait event detectionhemiplegic gaitappropriate mother waveletacceleration signalwavelet-selection criteriaconductive textilestrokehemipareticreal-time monitoringlower limb locomotion activitytriplet Markov modelsemi-Markov modelon-line EM algorithmhuman kinematicsphase difference angleHumanitiesSocial interactionLockhart Thurmonedt1287876Lockhart ThurmonothBOOK9910557106503321Sensors for Gait, Posture, and Health Monitoring Volume 33036761UNINA04939oam 22007215 450 991078214620332120200520144314.01-281-74466-297866117446630-8213-7523-710.1596/978-0-8213-7522-8(CKB)1000000000536687(EBL)459593(OCoLC)427509502(SSID)ssj0000086299(PQKBManifestationID)11998492(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000086299(PQKBWorkID)10025948(PQKB)10168736(MiAaPQ)EBC459593(Au-PeEL)EBL459593(CaPaEBR)ebr10236059(CaONFJC)MIL174466(The World Bank)223370201(The World Bank)216938426(The World Bank)ocn223370201(US-djbf)15257891(EXLCZ)99100000000053668720080411d2008 uf 0engurcn|||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDevelopment communication sourcebook : broadening the boundaries of communication /Paolo MefalopulosWashington, D.C. :World Bank,c2008.xx, 244 pages illustrations ;26 cmDescription based upon print version of record.0-8213-7522-9 Includes bibliographical references and index.Contents; Preface; Abbreviations; Introduction; Module 1. The Value-Added of Development Communication; Table 1.1 Common Types of Communication in Development Organizations; Box 1.1 Getting Results through Interpersonal Communication Methods; Box 1.2 A Typology of Participation in Development Initiatives; Figure 1.1 Windows of Perception in an Agricultural Project; Box 1.3 Comparing and Contrasting CNA and CBA; Box 1.4 When a Perfectly Appropriate Technical Solution Does Not Make Much Sense; Figure 1.2 Mice Reconstructing an Image of a Cow; Table 1.2 Basic Features of Communication ModesFigure 1.3 DevComm Methodological FrameworkModule 2. Reflections on the Theory and Practice of Development Communication; Table 2.1 Basic Differences in the Two Communication Modes; Box 2.1 The Importance of the First Mile; Box 2.2 A Different Use of Video; Box 2.3 Communication to Inform and Change Behavior; Box 2.4 The World Congress on Communication for Development (WCCD); Figure 2.1 The Multitrack Communication Model; Module 3. Development Communication Methodological Framework and Applications; Figure 3.1 The Process Pyramid; Figure 3.2 DevComm Methodological FrameworkTable 3.1 Levels of Participation and CommunicationTable 3.2 The Johari Window; Box 3.1 The Power of Participatory Communication for Social Change; Box 3.2 When Perceptions Diverge; Figure 3.3 Windows of Perceptions in a Software Innovation; Box 3.3 Addressing the Correct Communication Entry Point or Level; Table 3.3 CBA Main Steps; Table 3.4 Defining the Objective; Table 3.5 Main Steps of Communication Strategy Design; Figure 3.4 Using Communication Materials to Facilitate Dialog; Table 3.6 The Communication Action Plan; Figure 3.5 The Communication Program Design and Implementation ProcessBox 3.4 A Communication Road Map to ChangeModule 4. Development Communication Services and Operations at the World Bank; Figure 4.1 DevComm Portfolio in FY04 and FY06; Figure 4.2 Basic Phases of a Communication Program; Box 4.1 Evaluating the Performance of Communication in Public Sector Reforms; Figure 4.3 Links between Communication Program and Project Cycle; Table 4.1 Steps in Developing a Communication Plan for PRSPs; Box 4.2 Community Radio in Community-Driven Development Projects: Kenya, Ghana, and Sri Lanka; Box 4.3 Community Radio and Women's Participation: Timor-LesteBox 4.4 Community Radio in Disaster Management: Aceh, IndonesiaFigure 4.4 DevComm Portfolio by Sector in March 2006; Appendix The Rome Consensus; Glossary; IndexThe Development Communication Sourcebook illustrates why the field of development communication is important and how its tools and methods enhance long-term and sustainable results. The book presents basic concepts and explains key challenges faced in daily practice. Each of the four modules is self-contained, with examples, toolboxes, and more.World Bank e-Library.Communication in economic developmentCommunication in economic development.338.9001/4Mefalopulos Paolo1572064World Bank.DLCDLCYDXBAKERBTCTAYDXCPCDXDLCBOOK9910782146203321Development communication sourcebook3846679UNINA03596nam 2200505zu 450 991049598130332120211104173048.02-7535-2680-X10.4000/books.pur.486(CKB)4340000000013289(SSID)ssj0001537451(PQKBManifestationID)11875743(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001537451(PQKBWorkID)11519695(WaSeSS)IndRDA00044776(FrMaCLE)OB-pur-486(PPN)182834778(FR-PaCSA)88936221(EXLCZ)99434000000001328920160829d2008 uy freur|||||||||||txtccrLa frontière de la pauvreté[Place of publication not identified]Presses universitaires de Rennes20081 online resource (294 pages)Géographie socialeBibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph2-7535-0633-7 Includes bibliographical references.La pauvreté n’a pas disparu avec la richesse dans les pays développés. Réalité sociale prégnante, elle contrarie l’idéal égalitaire sur lequel est fondée la démocratie et suscite de très nombreuses études en sciences sociales. En se saisissant du concept de frontière, ce travail de géographie tente de déconstruire les propos courants sur la fracture sociale, les poches de pauvreté, l’exclusion, le mal des banlieues et de dépasser la vision substantialiste des lieux découlant habituellement de ces propos. L’objectif est de déchiffrer ce qui se joue entre la position dominée des populations en situation de pauvreté dans la société et leur position dans l’espace en examinant les multiples conjonctions qui s’établissent entre leur disqualification sociale, leur situation résidentielle et leurs pratiques de l’espace. La définition de la pauvreté donnée par Georg Simmel en 1907 constitue la clé de l’approche sociale de la pauvreté. En exposant que l’individu pauvre n’est pas exclu mais au contraire lié à la société par la relation d’assistance, Georg Simmel a montré que la pauvreté touche des personnes très différentes par leurs appartenances et leurs histoires. Elles partagent l’expérience commune de la quête incertaine ou impossible du travail, perçoivent des aides qui les rendent redevables à la société et les installe dans une situation de dépendance dans la quelle elles sont tenues de répondre aux injonctions des intermédiaires sociaux. De ce fait, elles passent une frontière intérieure disqualifiante qui les protège et les enferme tout à la fois. L’étude de la spatialité de cette frontière repose sur deux propositions complémentaires. Premièrement, la position sociale disqualifiée des populations touchées par la pauvreté correspond à une situation résidentielle défavorable au regard de trois effets de lieu négatifs en termes d’aménités et de représentations. Deuxièmement, le passage de la frontière conduit les intéressés à l’expérience d’une territorialité du…Géographie sociale.Business & EconomicsHILCCEconomic HistoryHILCCBusiness & EconomicsEconomic HistorySélimanovski Catherine852289Paugam SergePQKBBOOK9910495981303321La frontière de la pauvreté1903304UNINA02454nam 22005415 450 991087958240332120240814130259.03-031-63418-710.1007/978-3-031-63418-5(CKB)33992407300041(MiAaPQ)EBC31603674(Au-PeEL)EBL31603674(DE-He213)978-3-031-63418-5(EXLCZ)993399240730004120240814d2024 u| 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierSiC Technology Materials, Manufacturing, Devices and Design for Power Conversion /edited by Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio1st ed. 2024.Cham :Springer Nature Switzerland :Imprint: Springer,2024.1 online resource (317 pages)3-031-63417-9 Overview of Silicon Carbide -- SiC Material Properties -- Manufacturing Processes -- SiC Technology -- Applications of SiC in Power Conversion -- Case Studies -- Innovations and Advancements -- SiC Market -- Conclusion.This essential book offers comprehensive coverage of Silicon Carbide (SiC) technology, including materials, manufacturing processes, device development, and design approaches. Authored by leading experts, it provides authoritative insights for engineers, researchers, and enthusiasts. Understanding SiC's future impact on technology is crucial, making this publication indispensable for those seeking to leverage its transformative potential. Provides comprehensive reference on circuit design with SiC devices; Includes industrial and automotive applications; Explores manufacturing processes and reliability features.Electronic circuit designPower electronicsMaterialsElectronics Design and VerificationPower ElectronicsMaterials for DevicesElectronic circuit design.Power electronics.Materials.Electronics Design and Verification.Power Electronics.Materials for Devices.621.3815Di Paolo Emilio Maurizio720994MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910879582403321SiC Technology4206343UNINA