05009 am 2201045 n 450 991049598020332120190820979-1-03-654986-110.4000/books.ifp.4405(CKB)5590000000002816(FrMaCLE)OB-ifp-4405(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/85408(PPN)250190389(EXLCZ)99559000000000281620201009j|||||||| ||| 0enguu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierGender discriminations among young children in Asia /Isabelle Attané, Jacques VéronPondichéry Institut Français de Pondichéry20191 online resource (315 p.) Collection Sciences Sociales81-8470-135-7 Subsequent to the demographic transition, Asian countries have been experiencing deep-rooted changes in family structures. In this context, the question of gender relations within the family, and more generally within society, is crucial, in view of the increase in discriminatory practices toward women, beginning at foetal conception and continuing through all stages of life. Asia is the “black continent” for women. Estimates place the deficit in the number of women in the world at between 60 and 100 million, the vast majority of which is found on this continent. This book focuses on the intensity of female discrimination, from a demographic perspective, in the earliest stages of life, and more specifically around birth, in China, India, Pakistan, the Republic of Korea and Taiwan. These societies share cultural characteristics that are not favourable to women: patriarchal systems, patrilineal families, socialization processes encouraging the submission of wives to their husband's family, etc. In these societies, a son is needed to perpetuate the family line and ensure social and biological reproduction of the family. These are among the reasons why they share a strong son preference, which is in some cases accentuated by economic constraints. A son is generally the only person to support his parents in old age, and as a rule help with work in the fields. Moreover, girls and women still occupy a marginal position in society, whereas a male heir offers countless advantages. La transition démographique suscite, en Asie, de profondes transformations dans les structures familiales. Dans ce contexte, la question des rapports sociaux des sexes au sein de la famille, et plus généralement au sein de la société, est cruciale, dans la mesure où elle entraîne l’augmentation des discriminations à l’égard des femmes dès la conception et à tous les âges de la vie. L’Asie est le “continent noir” pour les femmes. Ce livre traite, par une approche démographique, des…DemographySociologyWomen's StudiesgenreenfantdiscriminationAsiestructure familialefemmepatriarcatfamily structuregenderchildfemale discriminationdemographypatriarchal systemfamily structuregenderdiscriminationchildfemale discriminationdemographypatriarchal systemDemographySociologyWomen's StudiesgenreenfantdiscriminationAsiestructure familialefemmepatriarcatfamily structuregenderchildfemale discriminationdemographypatriarchal systemAttané Isabelle1065161Chen Likwang1309455Choudhury Dipak Roy1309456Chuzhu Zhu1309457Guilmoto Christophe Z541767Karim Mehtab S1309458Kim Doo-Sub1309459Muller Jean-Pierre1291165Nanda Aswini K1309460Oliveau Sébastien1309461Rajan S. Irudaya861825Shuzhuo Li1309462Song Yueping1309463Sudha S1309464Tan Lin1157827Vella Stéphanie1309465Véron Jacques368526Yang Wen Shan1189132Attané Isabelle1065161Véron Jacques368526FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495980203321Gender discriminations among young children in Asia3029363UNINA