01752nam 2200457I 450 991070568790332120170503132654.0(CKB)5470000002451514(OCoLC)985370293(EXLCZ)99547000000245151420170503j200208 ua 0engurbn|||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierReal-time in situ signal-to-noise ratio estimation for the assessment of operational communications links /Robert M. ManningCleveland Ohio :National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Glenn Research Center,August 2002.1 online resource (12 pages) illustrationsNASA/TM ;2002-211703"August 2002.""Performing organization: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field" Report documentation page.Includes bibliographical references (page 12).Communication networksnasatSignal to noise ratiosnasatReal time operationnasatPhase modulationnasatPhase shift keyingnasatCommunication networks.Signal to noise ratios.Real time operation.Phase modulation.Phase shift keying.Manning Robert Michael1387316NASA Glenn Research Center,GPOGPOBOOK9910705687903321Real-time in situ signal-to-noise ratio estimation for the assessment of operational communications links3436997UNINA03089oam 2200613I 450 991049596130332120230421041146.00-520-91708-10-585-10820-X10.1525/9780520917088(CKB)111054828792278(SSID)ssj0000096237(PQKBManifestationID)12034076(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000096237(PQKBWorkID)10082377(PQKB)10831287(OCoLC)ocm56777840(DE-B1597)648287(DE-B1597)9780520917088(EXLCZ)9911105482879227820160829d1996 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAbsent lord ascetics and kings in a Jain ritual culture /Lawrence A. BabbBerkeley :University of California Press,1996.1 online resource (xi, 244 pages) illustrations, mapComparative studies in religion and society ;8Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-520-20324-0 0-520-20323-2 Includes bibliographical references (p. 223-230) and index.What does it mean to worship beings that one believes are completely indifferent to, and entirely beyond the reach of, any form of worship whatsoever? How would such a relationship with sacred beings affect the religious life of a community? Using these questions as his point of departure, Lawrence A. Babb explores the ritual culture of image-worshipping Svetambar Jains of the western Indian states of Gujarat and Rajasthan.Jainism traces its lineages back to the ninth century B.C.E. and is, along with Buddhism, the only surviving example of India's ancient non-Vedic religious traditions. It is known and celebrated for its systematic practice of non-violence and for the intense rigor of the asceticism it promotes. A unique aspect of Babb's study is his linking of the Jain tradition to the social identity of existing Jain communities.Babb concludes by showing that Jain ritual culture can be seen as a variation on pan-Indian ritual patterns. In illuminating this little-known religious tradition, he demonstrates that divine "absence" can be as rich as divine "presence" in its possibilities for informing a religious response to the cosmos.Comparative studies in religion and society ;8JainismRitualsReligious lifeJainismReligionHILCCPhilosophy & ReligionHILCCJainismHILCCJainismRituals.Religious lifeJainism.ReligionPhilosophy & ReligionJainism294.4/92Babb Lawrence A.1095272California Digital Library.eScholarship.PQKBBOOK9910495961303321Absent lord2862324UNINA