02199oam 2200457uu 450 991049595640332120230829010958.00-585-30855-1(CKB)111004366699768(MH)000471128-9(EXLCZ)9911100436669976819851018d1986 ub 0engur|||||||||||Averting catastrophestrategies for regulating risky technologies /Joseph G. Morone and Edward J. Woodhouse[electronic resource]Berkeley, Calif. University of California Press19861 online resource (x, 215 p. )ill. ;Includes index.0-520-05754-6 Bibliography: p. 177-202.Preface -- 1. The potential for catastrophe -- 2. Toxic chemicals -- 3. Nuclear power -- 4. Recombinant DNA research -- 5. Threats to the ozone layer -- 6. The greenhouse threat -- 7. A system fro averting catastrophe -- 8. Can we do better? -- Notes -- Index.Chernobyl, Bhopal, and Love Canal are symbols of the potentially catastrophic risks that go hand in hand with much modern technology. This volume is a non-partisan study of the imperfect but steadily developing system for containing the risks of such technologies as chemicals, nuclear power, and genetic engineering. ... Publisher description.Averting catastropheRiskTechnology assessmentEnvironmental protectionTechnologyRisk assessmentRisk.Technology assessment.Environmental protection.TechnologyRisk assessment.304.2/Morone Joseph G1231557Woodhouse Edward J1231558DLCDLCBOOK9910495956403321Averting catastrophe2859512UNINAThis Record contains information from the Harvard Library Bibliographic Dataset, which is provided by the Harvard Library under its Bibliographic Dataset Use Terms and includes data made available by, among others the Library of Congress