03471nam 2200661 a 450 991078030210332120231206205315.01-280-71754-897866107175451-55250-104-3(CKB)111087028335804(EBL)266925(OCoLC)475991244(SSID)ssj0000100514(PQKBManifestationID)11111644(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000100514(PQKBWorkID)10036959(PQKB)10559324(CaPaEBR)405843(CaBNvSL)gtp00521754(Au-PeEL)EBL266925(CaPaEBR)ebr10137761(CaONFJC)MIL71754(OCoLC)299693129(VaAlCD)20.500.12592/b3jmw5(schport)gibson_crkn/2009-12-01/3/405843(MiAaPQ)EBC266925(MiAaPQ)EBC3244364(EXLCZ)9911108702833580420040430d2003 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrAgriculture in the city[electronic resource] a key to sustainability in Havana, Cuba /María Caridad Cruz, Roberto Sánchez MedinaKingston, Jamaica Ian Randle Publishers ;Ottawa, ON, Canada International Development Research Centrec20031 online resource (223 p.)"Outcome of the research project: evaluation of urban agriculture as a component of the local economy in two areas of Havana, Cuba."976-637-158-X Includes bibliographical references (p. [199]-205) and index.CONTENTS; Chapter I: INTRODUCTION; Chapter II: METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE RESEARCH; Chapter III: EVOLUTION OF URBAN AGRICULTURE IN THE CITY OF HAVANA; Chapter IV: WATER FOR IRRIGATION PURPOSES, THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK, AND PARTICIPATION OF WOMEN IN URBAN AGRICULTURE IN HAVANA; Chapter V: TRADING OF URBAN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS IN HAVANA; Chapter VI: PARQUE METROPOLITANO DE LA HABANA PROJECT; Chapter VII: IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STUDY IN THE CAMILO CIENFUEGOS PEOPLE'S COUNCIL ZONE; Chapter VIII: INSERTING URBAN AGRICULTURE INTO THE LAND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMChapter IX: MAIN RESULTS AND IMPACT OF THE RESEARCH PROJECT Chapter X: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS; WORKS CONSULTED; INDEX;During the 1990's, several national economies saw their urban food markets collapse. Like Zambia, Mozambique, and Armenia, Cuba responded to this crisis with a food program that included support to urban agriculture: farming in the city. As a result, food prices are increasing, free markets have been reinstated, production cooperatives have been linked with markets, land has been redistributed, and areas under export crops have been converted to domestic food crops. The Cuban government is now calling upon its cities to become more self-reliant for food – a focus that is dramatically modifyingUrban agricultureCubaHavanaSustainable agricultureCubaHavanaUrban agricultureSustainable agriculture338.1/09729/123Cruz María Caridad1462495Sánchez Medina Roberto1462496MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910780302103321Agriculture in the city3671501UNINA02434aam 2200481 n 450 991049592440332120230219225316.02-7288-0651-92-7288-2881-410.4000/books.editionsulm.1816(CKB)4920000000034334(PPN)238688038(FrMaCLE)OB-editionsulm-1816(PPN)267952260(FR-PaCSA)88865609(EXLCZ)99492000000003433420190903j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||Shylock et son destin De Shakespeare à la Shoah /John GrossParis Éditions Rue d’Ulm20191 online resource (384 p.)2-7288-0595-4 Comme Don Quichotte ou Robinson Crusoé, Shylock est l’une des grandes figures de la littérature mondiale, que l’on ait lu ou pas, vu représenter ou non le Marchand de Venise. C’est aussi l’un des personnages les plus complexes et les plus controversés du répertoire théâtral : acteurs, metteurs en scène, critiques et spectateurs s’y sont confrontés depuis plus de quatre cents ans. Bourreau ou victime ? Tragique ou comique ? Comment Shakespeare le concevait-il, comment le percevons-nous depuis ? Interprété par des acteurs de légende (Charles Macklin, Edmund Kean, Henry Irving, John Gielgud, Laurence Olivier…), Shylock a inspiré Hazlitt, Heine, Proust ou Henry James, non sans les troubler. Symbole économique convoqué par Marx ou Ruskin, il a aussi fait la joie des psychanalystes. Surtout, il a une place à part dans l’histoire de l’antisémitisme. Devenu un archétype, il permet une analyse passionnante des rapports entre la littérature et la vie. Après ce qu’a connu l’Europe au XXe siècle, nul ne peut voir Shylock sur scène sans frissonner.Shylock et son destinLiterary Theory & CriticismantisémitismelittératuretextejuifsLiterary Theory & CriticismantisémitismelittératuretextejuifsGross John131816Gross John131816Peyré Yves1223974FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495924403321Shylock et son destin3005873UNINA