00814nam0 2200277 450 00000053220030428130758.020000201d1985----km-y0itay50------baitaITInformatica aziendaleLawrence S. OriliaMilanoEtaslibri1985c282 p.fig.28 cmCollana Schaum73In cop.: 1600 problemi risoltiTit. orig.: Computers and businessTrad. di Nanni Greco2001Collana SchaumElaborazione dei dati004Orilia,Lawrence S.3676IT UNIPARTHENOPE RICA UNIMARC000000532NAVA1004-I/22720720000202Informatica aziendale112041UNIPARTHENOPE04982nam 2201345z- 450 991055736720332120231214133655.0(CKB)5400000000042219(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/76526(EXLCZ)99540000000004221920202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierProspects for Electric Mobility: Systemic, Economic and Environmental IssuesBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (418 p.)3-0365-1420-1 3-0365-1419-8 The transport sector, which is currently almost completely based on fossil fuels, is one of the major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. Heading towards a more sustainable development of mobility could be possible with more energy efficient automotive technologies such as battery electric vehicles. The number of electric vehicles has been increasing over the last decade, but there are still many challenges that have to be solved in the future. This Special Issue “Prospects for Electric Mobility: Systemic, Economic and Environmental Issues” contributes to the better understanding of the current situation as well as the future prospects and impediments for electro mobility. The published papers range from historical development of electricity use in different transport modes and the recent challenges up to future perspectives.Prospects for Electric MobilityResearch & information: generalbicsscTechnology: general issuesbicsscelectricitytransportatione-mobilityCO2 emissionsdecarbonizationmarginal costsustainabilityV2Gbidirectionally chargeable electric vehiclessmart chargingunmanaged chargingspot marketsday-ahead marketintraday auctioncontinuous intraday tradingmixed integer linear optimizationrevenues potentials of EVselectric mobilitycharging strategieseconomicspromotion policiesmixed-integer optimizationflexible systemscharging infrastructureload managementbattery electric vehicleurban areamulti-apartment buildingzero emission mobilityprivate chargingsecond life of batterieselectromobilitybattery energy system storageancillary servicefrequency regulationeconomic evaluationelectric vehiclelife cycle assessmentAC chargingDC chargingeconomic assessmentmountain rescue operationsemergency responsemulti-method-researchbest–worst scalingshared parkingsharing economyP + R car parklow-power chargersbattery electric vehiclespublic transportemissionspoliciesdistributed energy systemscost- and GHG emission minimizationenvironmentpassenger carsmobility-as-a-Serviceelectric vehiclese-car sharinge-scooter sharingsustainable mobilitysuburban areachoice-based conjointlatent class analysiswillingness to paymarket simulationsgenetic algorithmV2G servicesvalley fillingpeak shavingflexibilitymotorized private transportmodelling electricity demanddriving patternselectricity demand profiletransportelectricity sectordemand side integrationtotal system costsCOVID-19 pandemictransportation modelingResearch & information: generalTechnology: general issuesAjanovic Amelaedt1312694Ajanovic AmelaothBOOK9910557367203321Prospects for Electric Mobility: Systemic, Economic and Environmental Issues3030921UNINA02856 am 2200493 n 450 991049579910332120240104030448.02-7535-6918-510.4000/books.pur.117998(CKB)4100000008710911(FrMaCLE)OB-pur-117998(PPN)26796174X(EXLCZ)99410000000871091120190717j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||Juifs et NabatéensLes monarchies ethniques du Proche-Orient hellénistique et romainChristian-Georges SchwentzelRennesPresses universitaires de Rennes20191 online resource (310 p.) 2-7535-2229-4 Comment les monarques juifs et nabatéens parvinrent-ils à incarner leur ethnicité ? Quelle était l’identité officiellement assumée par ces souverains ? Par quels moyens l’imagerie officielle affichait-elle l’appartenance à un ethnos particulier, tout en revendiquant, le plus souvent, pour le monarque un statut équivalent aux autres rois contemporains ? Cette ethnicité proclamée, qui semble toujours plus ou moins s’inscrire dans un contexte de bilinguisme culturel, n’était-elle pas fondamentalement ambigüe ? Peut-on rapprocher les stratégies mises en œuvre par les souverains juifs et nabatéens de celles menées en Égypte par les Ptolémées, et enrichir ainsi la recherche sur les sociétés doubles ou janiformes des époques hellénistique et romaine ? Les tentatives de l’auteur pour répondre à ces questions constituent les principales lignes directrices de cet ouvrage, tiré d’un mémoire inédit de HDR, soutenu à l’université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne en novembre 2011. À la croisée des études anthropologiques et politiques sur le Proche-Orient antique, ce livre se propose de mettre en évidence une forme spécifique de souverain : le monarque ethnique. Il met également en exergue des constructions politiques et identitaires originales, remettant en cause, au passage, la vision généralement défavorable qui caractérise les monarques hasmonéens ou encore Hérode le Grand dans l’historiographie traditionnelle.HistoryProche-OrientjuifsNabatéensmonarchierois et souverainsAntiquitéethnicitéHistoryProche-OrientjuifsNabatéensmonarchierois et souverainsAntiquitéethnicitéSchwentzel Christian-Georges1287422Legras Bernard308684FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495799103321Juifs et Nabatéens3658238UNINA03535nam 22008173u 450 991078689010332120210107201949.00-8179-1818-3(CKB)3710000000224156(EBL)1777256(SSID)ssj0001413087(PQKBManifestationID)11831325(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001413087(PQKBWorkID)11417235(PQKB)10709411(MiAaPQ)EBC1777256(PPN)220077711(EXLCZ)99371000000022415620140908d2014|||| u|| |engur|n|---|||||txtccrNAFTA at 20[electronic resource] The North American Free Trade Agreement's Achievements and ChallengesChicago Hoover Institution Press20141 online resource (185 p.)Hoover Institution Press publication NAFTA at 20Description based upon print version of record.0-8179-1816-7 1-322-06296-X 0-8179-1814-0 Cover; Title page; Copyright; Table of Contents; Abbreviations; List of Figures and Tables; Preface; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter One; Chapter Two; Chapter Three; Chapter Four; Chapter Five; Chapter Six; Appendix; Conference Participants; IndexThe North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was bold and controversial from the start. When first conceived, it was far from obvious that it would be possible given the circumstances of the times. Drawing from a December 2013 Hoover Institution conference on "NAFTA at 20," this book brings together distinguished academics who have studied the effects of NAFTA with high-level policy makers to present a comprehensive view of the North American Free Trade Agreement. It looks at the conception, creation, outcomes so far, and the future of NAFTA from the perspective of economists, historians, aFree trade -- North AmericaFree trade -- United StatesNorth America -- Commercial treatiesNorth American Free Trade Agreement (1992 October 7) United States -- Commercial policyFree tradeNorth AmericaCongressesCommerceHILCCBusiness & EconomicsHILCCInternational CommerceHILCCNorth AmericaCommerceCongressesNorth AmericaEconomic integrationCongressesEtats-Unis d'AmériqueeclasCanadaeclasMexiqueeclasNorth AmericafastFree trade -- North America.Free trade -- United States.North America -- Commercial treaties.North American Free Trade Agreement (1992 October 7) .United States -- Commercial policy.Free tradeCommerceBusiness & EconomicsInternational Commerce343.73343.73076Boskin Michael J121838Boskin Michael JBoskin Michael JNAFTA at Twenty: The Past, Present, and Future of the North American Free Trade Agreement (Conference)AU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELBOOK9910786890103321NAFTA at 203839697UNINA