03155 am 2200625 n 450 9910495797603321202007212-84867-767-810.4000/books.pufc.12832(CKB)4100000011610398(FrMaCLE)OB-pufc-12832(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/86227(PPN)251071235(EXLCZ)99410000001161039820201126j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLes prairies : biodiversité et services systémiques /Leslie Mauchamp, François Gillet, Arnaud Mouly, Pierre-Marie BadotBesançon Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté20201 online resource (134 p.) Pratiques & techniques2-84867-437-7 À partir d’une analyse bibliographique, les auteurs étudient la composition, l’organisation et le rôle de la biodiversité des prairies permanentes en fonction de leur régime d’exploitation. Une première partie décrit la diversité des prairies, du paysage aux espèces. Une seconde est centrée sur les fonctions écologiques assurées par cette biodiversité. Enfin les divers services écosystémiques que celle-ci rend sont analysés. Une synthèse souligne qu’en tenant compte des contraintes pédo-climatiques, des régimes de fauche, de pâturage et de fertilisation trop intensifs pourraient compromettre la résilience des prairies et leurs fonctions écologiques. En revanche, une exploitation modérée favorise une meilleure résistance aux aléas climatiques et la séquestration du carbone. Cet ouvrage s’adresse aux scientifiques (chercheurs, enseignants et étudiants en agronomie et écologie) et aux gestionnaires à la recherche d’arguments scientifiques pour la gestion durable des écosystèmes prairiaux.Prairies prairies Environmental Studiesbiodiversitéprairieservice écosystémiquecommunautés végétales, animales, et microbiennesmode de gestionbiodiversitéprairieservice écosystémiquecommunautés végétales, animales, et microbiennesmode de gestionEnvironmental Studiesbiodiversitéprairieservice écosystémiquecommunautés végétales, animales, et microbiennesmode de gestionMauchamp Leslie1288313Gillet François767867Mouly Arnaud1288314Badot Pierre-Marie1288315Bret Jean-Jacques1288316FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495797603321Les prairies : biodiversité et services systémiques3020737UNINA05628nam 2201321z- 450 991057687750332120231214132824.0(CKB)5720000000008400(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/84546(EXLCZ)99572000000000840020202206d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierMachine Learning and Data Mining Applications in Power SystemsBaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (314 p.)3-0365-4177-2 3-0365-4178-0 This Special Issue was intended as a forum to advance research and apply machine-learning and data-mining methods to facilitate the development of modern electric power systems, grids and devices, and smart grids and protection devices, as well as to develop tools for more accurate and efficient power system analysis. Conventional signal processing is no longer adequate to extract all the relevant information from distorted signals through filtering, estimation, and detection to facilitate decision-making and control actions. Machine learning algorithms, optimization techniques and efficient numerical algorithms, distributed signal processing, machine learning, data-mining statistical signal detection, and estimation may help to solve contemporary challenges in modern power systems. The increased use of digital information and control technology can improve the grid’s reliability, security, and efficiency; the dynamic optimization of grid operations; demand response; the incorporation of demand-side resources and integration of energy-efficient resources; distribution automation; and the integration of smart appliances and consumer devices. Signal processing offers the tools needed to convert measurement data to information, and to transform information into actionable intelligence. This Special Issue includes fifteen articles, authored by international research teams from several countries.Technology: general issuesbicsscHistory of engineering & technologybicsscEnergy industries & utilitiesbicsscvirtual power plant (VPP)power quality (PQ)global indexdistributed energy resources (DER)energy storage systems (ESS)power systemslong-term assessmentbattery energy storage systems (BESS)smart gridsconducted disturbancespower qualitysupraharmonics2-150 kHzPower Line Communications (PLC)intentional emissionnon-intentional emissionmains signallingvirtual power plantdata miningclusteringdistributed energy resourcesenergy storage systemsshort term conditionscluster analysis (CA)nonlinear loadsharmonics, cancellation, and attenuation of harmonicswaveform distortionTHDilow-voltage networksoptimization techniquesdifferent batteriesoff-grid microgridintegrated renewable energy systemcluster analysisK-meansagglomerativeANFISfuzzy logicinduction generatorMPPTneural networkrenewable energyvariable speed WECSwind energy conversion systemwind energyfrequency estimationspectrum interpolationpower network disturbancesCOVID-19time-varying reproduction numbersocial distancingload profiledemographic characteristichousehold energy consumptiondemand-side managementenergy managementtime seriesHidden Markov Modelshort-term forecastsparse signal decompositionsupervised dictionary learningdictionary impulsionsingular value decompositiondiscrete cosine transformdiscrete Haar transformdiscrete wavelet transformtransient stability assessmenthome energy managementbinary-coded genetic algorithmsoptimal power schedulingdemand responseData Injection Attackmachine learningcritical infrastructuresmart gridwater treatment plantpower systemTechnology: general issuesHistory of engineering & technologyEnergy industries & utilitiesLeonowicz Zbigniewedt1296134Jasiński MichałedtLeonowicz ZbigniewothJasiński MichałothBOOK9910576877503321Machine Learning and Data Mining Applications in Power Systems3038164UNINA04987nam 2201141Ia 450 991078367070332120230617003517.01-282-36058-297866123605890-520-94172-11-59875-801-210.1525/9780520941724(CKB)1000000000246836(EBL)240963(OCoLC)475955440(SSID)ssj0000162789(PQKBManifestationID)11149522(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000162789(PQKBWorkID)10208074(PQKB)11086711(MiAaPQ)EBC240963(OCoLC)62208648(MdBmJHUP)muse30868(DE-B1597)520087(DE-B1597)9780520941724(Au-PeEL)EBL240963(CaPaEBR)ebr10091266(CaONFJC)MIL236058(EXLCZ)99100000000024683620050426d2005 ub 0engurnn#---|u||utxtccrGhost dances and identity[electronic resource] prophetic religion and American Indian ethnogenesis in the nineteenth century /Gregory E. SmoakBerkeley University of California Pressc20051 online resource (304 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-520-25627-1 0-520-24658-6 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front matter --Contents --Maps --Acknowledgments --Introduction: Endings and Beginnings --Part One. Identity and Prophecy in the Newe World --Part Two. Identity, Prophecy, and Reservation Life --Conclusion --Notes --Selected Bibliography --IndexThis innovative cultural history examines wide-ranging issues of religion, politics, and identity through an analysis of the American Indian Ghost Dance movement and its significance for two little-studied tribes: the Shoshones and Bannocks. The Ghost Dance has become a metaphor for the death of American Indian culture, but as Gregory Smoak argues, it was not the desperate fantasy of a dying people but a powerful expression of a racialized "Indianness." While the Ghost Dance did appeal to supernatural forces to restore power to native peoples, on another level it became a vehicle for the expression of meaningful social identities that crossed ethnic, tribal, and historical boundaries. Looking closely at the Ghost Dances of 1870 and 1890, Smoak constructs a far-reaching, new argument about the formation of ethnic and racial identity among American Indians. He examines the origins of Shoshone and Bannock ethnicity, follows these peoples through a period of declining autonomy vis-a-vis the United States government, and finally puts their experience and the Ghost Dances within the larger context of identity formation and emerging nationalism which marked United States history in the nineteenth century.Ghost danceHistory19th centuryShoshoni IndiansRites and ceremoniesShoshoni IndiansReligionShoshoni IndiansEthnic identityBannock IndiansRites and ceremoniesBannock IndiansReligionBannock IndiansEthnic identity19th century american history.19th century native american history.american indian ghost dance movement.american indians.bannocks.cultural studies.ethnogenesis.ghost dance.history.identity.indigenous cultures.indigenous peoples.missionary.nationalism.native american culture.native americans.native peoples.new religion.politics.prophets.race in america.religion.reservation life.shamans.shoshones.social identity.spiritual.supernatural forces.united states government.united states of america.Ghost danceHistoryShoshoni IndiansRites and ceremonies.Shoshoni IndiansReligion.Shoshoni IndiansEthnic identity.Bannock IndiansRites and ceremonies.Bannock IndiansReligion.Bannock IndiansEthnic identity.299.7/98/09034LC 33610rvkSmoak Gregory E.1962-878956MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910783670703321Ghost dances and identity3860656UNINA