02813nam 2200565 n 450 99639249910331620200824121736.0(CKB)4940000000114282(EEBO)2240916286(UnM)ocm99892340e(UnM)99892340(EXLCZ)99494000000011428219921208d1580 uy engurbn||||a|bb|An aluearie or quadruple dictionarie[electronic resource] containing foure sundrie tongues: namelie, English, Latine, Greeke, and French. Newlie enriched with varietie of wordes, phrases, prouerbs, and diuers lightsome obseruations of grammar. By the tables you may contrariwise finde out the most necessarie wordes placed after the alphabet, whatsoeuer are to be found in anie other dictionarie: which tables also seruing for lexicons, to lead the learner vnto the English of such hard wordes as are often read in authors, being faithfullie examined, are truelie numbered. Verie profitable for such as be desirous of anie of those languages[Londini Excudebat Henricus Denhamus typographus, Gulielmi Seresij vnicus assignatusanno salutis humanæ 1580][1+] leavesAuthor from STC.An expanded edition of: An alvearie or triple dictionarie. Cf. STC.Edited by Abraham Fleming. Cf. STC.First three words of title are xylographic.At foot of title: Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis.Imprint from NUC pre-1956 imprints.Title page contains printer's device (McK. 162).Fragment: t.p. only.Reproduction of original in the British Library.eebo-0018English languageDictionariesLatinEarly works to 1800French languageDictionariesEnglishEarly works to 1800Latin languageDictionariesEnglishEarly works to 1800English languageDictionariesFrenchEarly works to 1800English languageDictionariesGreekEarly works to 1800Title pagesEngland16th century.Printers' marksEngland16th century.English languageDictionariesLatinFrench languageDictionariesEnglishLatin languageDictionariesEnglishEnglish languageDictionariesFrenchEnglish languageDictionariesGreekBaret Johnd. 1580?1018745Fleming Abraham1552?-1607,Cu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINCu-RivESBOOK996392499103316An aluearie or quadruple dictionarie2410393UNISA04225 am 2200817 n 450 991049579050332120240104030503.02-7574-2442-410.4000/books.septentrion.26028(CKB)4100000007810557(FrMaCLE)OB-septentrion-26028(PPN)235361194(EXLCZ)99410000000781055720190315j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||La transition énergétique : un concept historique ?Pierre Lamard, Nicolas StoskopfVilleneuve d'AscqPresses universitaires du Septentrion20181 online resource (322 p.) 2-7574-2370-3 La question de l’énergie s’impose comme un des enjeux majeurs du xxie siècle ! Le concept de transition énergétique s’inscrit plus que jamais au cœur des politiques publiques, déclinées ensuite au niveau plus infra des territoires. Toutes ces questions d’ordre environnemental, technique ou sociétal suscitent des prises de position tranchées et des controverses d’ampleur, comme si les problèmes soulevés appartenaient à l’instantané d’une contemporanéité agitée. Or, il apparaît que les phases de mutation liée à l’émergence de nouvelles énergies ont été récurrentes depuis le xviiie siècle, se heurtant parfois à des verrous technologiques, des impasses, des défiances. Malgré tout, des filières énergétiques se sont peu à peu imposées à l’existant générant des ascendances techniques et de nouveaux usages. Les actes de ces 6es Journées d’Histoire Industrielle ont pour ambition de s’interroger sur ces dynamiques comme sur ces échecs rappelant en somme qu’aucun système ne reste figé. The question of energy demands attention as one of the major challenges of the 21st century. The concept of the energy transition is more central than ever to public policy, which then feeds down to regional level. But it appears that periods of transition associated with the emergence of new energy sources have been a recurring phenomenon since the 18th century, sometimes encountering technological barriers, deadlocks and defiance. Nevertheless, new energy industries have gradually taken over from previous technologies.Transition énergétique Transition énergétique La transition énergétique La transition énergétiqueLa transition énergétique Environmental studies, Geography & DevelopmentHistoryénergieenvironnementtransitionenjeuxsystèmeverrou technologiqueacceptabilité socialeEnvironmental studies, Geography & DevelopmentHistoryénergieenvironnementtransitionenjeuxsystèmeverrou technologiqueacceptabilité socialeBelot Robert1307162Beltran Alain139650Boughanmi Aymen1458180Boulat Régis1303231Bouvier Yves1282922Bruyerre Philippe1363679Charentenay François de1458181Defêchereux Olivier1458182Dreyer Yves1458183Escudier Jean-Louis1234018Fluck Pierre164248Giandou Alexandre1458184Lamard Pierre1283601Loubet Jean-Louis1299768Marrec Anaël1458185Molles Camille1458186Naegel Paul1458187Paquier Serge1458188Péters Arnaud1299139Schmitt Pierre754622Sougy Nadège1287052Stoskopf Nicolas250791FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495790503321La transition énergétique : un concept historique 3658206UNINA03823nam 2200625 450 991078886670332120170822144504.01-4704-0620-9(CKB)3360000000465187(EBL)3114273(SSID)ssj0000889016(PQKBManifestationID)11453163(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000889016(PQKBWorkID)10876002(PQKB)11488566(MiAaPQ)EBC3114273(RPAM)16824481(PPN)195418921(EXLCZ)99336000000046518720150417h20112011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrIterated function systems, moments, and transformations of infinite matrices /Palle E.T. Jorgensen, Keri A. Kornelson, Karen L. ShumanProvidence, Rhode Island :American Mathematical Society,2011.©20111 online resource (105 p.)Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society,0065-9266 ;Number 1003"September 2011, volume 213, number 1003 (fourth of 5 numbers)."0-8218-5248-5 Includes bibliographical references.""Contents""; ""Preface""; ""Chapter 1. Notation""; ""1.1. Hilbert space notation""; ""1.2. Unbounded operators""; ""1.3. Multi-index notation""; ""1.4. Moments and moment matrices""; ""1.5. Computations with infinite matrices""; ""1.6. Inverses of infinite matrices""; ""Chapter 2. The moment problem""; ""2.1. The moment problem M = M()""; ""2.2. A Parthasarathy-Kolmogorov approach to the moment problem""; ""2.3. Examples""; ""2.4. Historical notes""; ""Chapter 3. A transformation of moment matrices: the affine case""; ""3.1. Affine maps""""3.2. IFSs and fixed points of the Hutchinson operator""""3.3. Preserving Hankel matrix structure""; ""Chapter 4. Moment matrix transformation: measurable maps""; ""4.1. Encoding matrix A for ""; ""4.2. Approximation of A with finite matrices""; ""Chapter 5. The Kato-Friedrichs operator""; ""5.1. The quadratic form QM""; ""5.2. The closability of QM""; ""5.3. A factorization of the Kato-Friedrichs operator""; ""5.4. Kato connection to A matrix""; ""5.5. Examples""; ""Chapter 6. The integral operator of a moment matrix""; ""6.1. The Hilbert matrix""""6.2. Integral operator for a measure supported on [-1,1]""""Chapter 7. Boundedness and spectral properties""; ""7.1. Bounded Kato operators""; ""7.2. Projection-valued measures""; ""7.3. Spectrum of the Kato operator""; ""7.4. Rank of measures""; ""7.5. Examples""; ""Chapter 8. The moment problem revisited""; ""8.1. The shift operator and three incarnations of symmetry""; ""8.2. Self-adjoint extensions of a shift operator""; ""8.3. Self-adjoint extensions and the moment problem""; ""8.4. Jacobi representations of matrices""""8.5. The triple recursion relation and extensions to higher dimensions""""8.6. Concrete Jacobi matrices""; ""Acknowledgements""; ""Bibliography""Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society ;Number 1003.Infinite matricesTransformations (Mathematics)Iterative methods (Mathematics)Infinite matrices.Transformations (Mathematics)Iterative methods (Mathematics)512.9/434 Jørgensen Palle E. T.1947-1469263Kornelson Keri A.1967-Shuman Karen L.1973-MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910788866703321Iterated function systems, moments, and transformations of infinite matrices3864213UNINA