06119nam 2201285 a 450 991046010810332120200520144314.01-282-96456-997866129645651-4008-3697-210.1515/9781400836970(CKB)2670000000067390(EBL)664552(OCoLC)707925225(SSID)ssj0000472905(PQKBManifestationID)11299806(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000472905(PQKBWorkID)10434570(PQKB)11255204(MiAaPQ)EBC664552(StDuBDS)EDZ0000406751(MdBmJHUP)muse36687(DE-B1597)446817(OCoLC)979905232(DE-B1597)9781400836970(PPN)152498788(Au-PeEL)EBL664552(CaPaEBR)ebr10443130(CaONFJC)MIL296456(EXLCZ)99267000000006739020100701d2011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrRunning the world's markets[electronic resource] the governance of financial infrastructure /Ruben LeeCourse BookPrinceton Princeton University Press20111 online resource (471 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-691-13353-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.Definitions -- Market power -- The allocation of regulatory powers over securities markets -- Regulation and governance of market infrastructure institutions : global perspective -- Governance of market infrastructure institutions : a snapshot -- Exchanges -- CCPs and CSDs -- What is the most efficient governance structure? -- Who should regulate what? -- How should market infrastructure institution governance be regulated?.The efficiency, safety, and soundness of financial markets depend on the operation of core infrastructure--exchanges, central counter-parties, and central securities depositories. How these institutions are governed critically affects their performance. Yet, despite their importance, there is little certainty, still less a global consensus, about their governance. Running the World's Markets examines how markets are, and should be, run. Utilizing a wide variety of arguments and examples from throughout the world, Ruben Lee identifies and evaluates the similarities and differences between exchanges, central counter-parties, and central securities depositories. Drawing on knowledge and experience from various disciplines, including business, economics, finance, law, politics, and regulation, Lee employs a range of methodologies to tackle different goals. Conceptual analysis is used to examine theoretical issues, survey evidence to describe key aspects of how market infrastructure institutions are governed and regulated globally, and case studies to detail the particular situations and decisions at specific institutions. The combination of these approaches provides a unique and rich foundation for evaluating the complex issues raised. Lee analyzes efficient forms of governance, how regulatory powers should be allocated, and whether regulatory intervention in governance is desirable. He presents guidelines for identifying the optimal governance model for any market infrastructure institution within the context of its specific environment. Running the World's Markets provides a definitive and peerless reference for how to govern and regulate financial markets.Stock exchangesManagementFinancial managementElectronic books.Canadian Depository for Securities.Clearstream International.Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation.Deutsche Brse.Euroclear.European Central Counterparty Limited.Financial Sector Assessment Program.Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing.International Council of Securities Associations.International Organization of Securities Commissions.LCH.Clearnet.London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange.London Stock Exchange.Murakami Fund.NASDAQ.New York Stock Exchange.Osaka Securities Exchange.World Federation of Exchanges.board composition.cash equity markets.central counter-parties.central counterparties.central securities depositories.central securities.clearing institutions.exchanges.fair markets.financial markets.financial regulation.governance model.governance.harmoniztion.industry structure.infrastructure institutions.infrastructure.investor protection.jurisdiction.jurisdictions.market infrastructure institutions.market infrastructure.market power.ownership structure.profit mandate.regulatory authority.regulatory intervention.regulatory power allocation.regulatory powers.securities markets.settlement entities.standardization.systemic risk reduction.Stock exchangesManagement.Financial management.332.64Lee Ruben1029222MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910460108103321Running the world's markets2445510UNINA02970oam 2200601 n 450 991049575860332120231012235018.0237747235410.4000/books.ugaeditions.14632(CKB)4100000011508979(FrMaCLE)OB-ugaeditions-14632(PPN)250191016(EXLCZ)99410000001150897920201019d2020|||| ||| 0freur||||||m||||Stendhal biographeAntoine GuibalGrenobleUGA Éditions20201 online resource (198 p.)2377471919 La contribution stendhalienne au genre biographique se produit à un moment charnière du XIXe siècle, marqué non seulement par le romantisme naissant, mais également par la formation des sciences historiques et l’émergence du métier d’historien. C’est aussi à cette époque que le genre doublement millénaire de la « vie », qui chantait les louanges de personnalités dont la gloire était consacrée par l’histoire et le temps, laisse progressivement place à la biographie, genre ancré dans l’actualité – parfois la plus immédiate – et qui jouit alors d’un grand engouement. D’où cette tension caractéristique des « vies » de Stendhal, écrites à divers moments de sa carrière littéraire, et ce choix éclectique d’hommes illustres : Haydn, qui lui permet d’affi ner sa théorie du Beau dans les arts ; Napoléon, dont la « vie » devient une réponse à un libelle anti-bonapartiste ; Rossini, dont le style vivace et le rejet des règles classiques sert la cause romantique de 1823 ; et Stendhal lui-même, alias Henry Brulard, cet individu « bien inconnu » qui souhaiterait se connaître. De par leurs spécifi cités et leur originalité, ces œuvres mettent en lumière la plasticité d’un genre qui, en cette période mouvementée, s’avère propice à l’expérimentation et à l’innovation, tant dans le style que dans l’usage qui en est fait.Literature (General)autobiographieromantismelittérature françaiseHaydnhistoriographieStendhalRossinijournal intimeNapoléonécrits personnelsgrands hommesépitapheLiterature (General)autobiographieromantismelittérature françaiseHaydnhistoriographieStendhalRossinijournal intimeNapoléonécrits personnelsgrands hommesépitapheGuibal Antoine1430419FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495758603321Stendhal biographe3570136UNINA