04197 am 2200709 n 450 991049574470332120240104030450.02-7574-1183-72-7574-1839-410.4000/books.septentrion.19233(CKB)3790000000585155(FrMaCLE)OB-septentrion-19233(PPN)225228688(EXLCZ)99379000000058515520180215j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||De la ville durable à la nature en villeIsabelle Hajek, Philippe Hamman, Jean-Pierre LévyVilleneuve d'AscqPresses universitaires du Septentrion20181 online resource (318 p.) 2-7574-1125-X Les projets de « ville durable » se sont aujourd'hui multipliés à travers le monde. Comment interpréter cet engouement généralisé ? Est-ce une nouvelle façon de concevoir les relations entre sociétés urbaines et environnements naturels ? Dans un contexte d'accélération de l’urbanisation, plutôt que d’acter l’inauguration de nouvelles politiques urbaines, la nécessité d’une analyse des pratiques, représentations et discours de la durabilité urbaine, assortie d’un recul critique s’imposent. C’est l’objectif de cet ouvrage. Il rassemble les travaux actuels de spécialistes en géographie, sociologie et urbanisme, ainsi qu’en architecture, agronomie, lettres, paysagisme, et interroge les dynamiques socio-spatiales de diffusion et de traduction du mot d’ordre désormais mondial de « durabilité urbaine », sur des aires différenciées, en conjuguant les regards « macro » et « micro ». Confrontant de façon originale villes du nord et villes du sud, l’ouvrage donne des clés de compréhension sur la façon dont le projet de « ville durable » a pu devenir le symbole de ce contre quoi il est censé lutter : un « verdissement » inégal de la ville, facteur de ségrégation sociale. Si une ville naturalisée apparaît bien au cœur de la « ville durable », elle procède moins de l’application d’un paradigme idéologique, d’une régulation politique « par le haut » que d’une mosaïque d’initiatives, croisant ambiances, pratiques sociales et récits ordinaires. Nowadays sustainable cities projects are increasing through the world. How can we explain this success? Is this a new model of interpretation of the relations between urban societies and natural environment?Sustainable urban developmentCongressesCity planningEnvironmental aspectsCongressesUrban ecology (Sociology)CongressesSustainable urban developmentCity planningEnvironmental aspectsUrban ecology (Sociology)Barthélémy Carole1456792Blanc Nathalie1289332Chelkoff Grégoire1456793Claeys Cécilia1456794Consales Jean-Noël1456795Dinh Du Tran1456796Donzel André860492Geneys Cyril1456797Goiffon Marie1456798Hajek Isabelle1456726Hérat Arlette1292502Jehling Mathias1456799Laigle Lydie1456800Leducq Divya1244284Lévy Jean-Pierre234222Lizée Cécile1456801Manola Théa1288800Matas Juan1456802Mohnike Thomas1303225Paris Magali1289510Robineau Ophélie1309425Scarwell Helga-Jane1234953Scheromm Pascale1199985Wintz Maurice1456738Zaccaï Edwin276544Hajek Isabelle1456726Hamman Philippe1290445Lévy Jean-Pierre234222Université de Strasbourg,FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495744703321De la ville durable à la nature en ville3657734UNINA05919nam 22005535 450 991025535160332120230810190339.03-319-44000-410.1007/978-3-319-44000-2(CKB)3710000000873260(DE-He213)978-3-319-44000-2(MiAaPQ)EBC4699982(EXLCZ)99371000000087326020160929d2016 u| 0engurnn|008mamaatxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe Social Sciences of Quantification From Politics of Large Numbers to Target-Driven Policies /edited by Isabelle Bruno, Florence Jany-Catrice, Béatrice Touchelay1st ed. 2016.Cham :Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Springer,2016.1 online resource (XI, 204 p.) Logic, Argumentation & Reasoning, Interdisciplinary Perspectives from the Humanities and Social Sciences,2214-9139 ;133-319-43999-5 Incudes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters.PART 1: Sociology of Quantification: Alain Desrosières's contributions Chapter 1. Introduction to the work of Alain Desrosières: the history and sociology of quantification; Michel Armatte -- Chapter 2. Alain Desrosières’s reflexive numbers Luc Boltanski -- Chapter 3. Alain Desrosières’s spectacles: one lens realist, the other constructivist; Emmanuel Didier -- Chapter 4. From statistics to international quantification: a dialogue with Alain Desrosières; Roser Cussó -- Chapter 5. Learning from the history of the probabilistic revolution: the French school of Alain Desrosières; Fabrice Bardet PART 2. THE STATISTICAL ARGUMENT IN THE NEOLIBERAL ERA CHAPTER 6. Quantifying the effects of public action on the unemployed: disputes between experts and the rethinking of labour market policies in France (1980‐2000); Etienne Penissat -- CHAPTER 7. Counting the homeless in Europe: ‘compare before harmonising’; Cécile Brousse -- CHAPTER 8. The statistical backbone of the new European economic governance: the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure Scoreboard; Gilles Raveaud -- CHAPTER 9. Evaluating public policies or measuring the performance of public services?; Florence Jany‐Catrice PART 3 : USES OF QUANTIFICATION : POWER AND RESISTANCE CHAPTER 10. Private accounting, statistics and national accounting in France: a unique relationship (1920‐1960s); Béatrice Touchelay -- CHAPTER 11: Figures for what purposes? The issues at stake in the struggles to define and control the uses of statistics; Marion Gilles -- CHAPTER 12 : The uses of quantification: power and resistance. The example of unemployment statistics -- Chapter 13 : Statistical argument: construction, uses and controversies Prices and purchasing power; Alain Gély -- CHAPTER 14 : The quantification of the social sciences: an historical comparison; Alain Desrosières.This book details how quantification can serve both as evidence and as an instrument of government, whether when dealing with statistics on employment, occupational health and economic governance, or when developing public management or target-driven policies. In the process, it presents a thought-provoking homage to Alain Desrosières, who pioneered ways to study large numbers and the politics underlying them. It opens with a summary of Desrosières's contributions to the field in which several generations of researchers detail how this statistician and historian profoundly influenced them. This tribute, based on personal testimonies, bears witness to the vitality of the school of thought and analytical framework Desrosières initiated. Next, a collection of essays explores the statistical argument in the neoliberal era, examining issues such as counting the homeless in Europe, measuring the performance of public services, and quantifying the effects of public action on the unemployed in France. The third part details the uses of quantification. It reveals that although statistics are frequently used to the advantage of those in power, they can also play a vital role in challenging and resisting both the conventions underlying the measurements as well as the measurements themselves. Featuring the work of economists, historians, political scientists, sociologists, and statisticians, this title provides readers with a thoughtful look at an influential figure in the history of statistics. It also shows how statistics are used to direct public policy, the degree of conflict that is possible in their production, and the disputes that can develop around their uses.Logic, Argumentation & Reasoning, Interdisciplinary Perspectives from the Humanities and Social Sciences,2214-9139 ;13Philosophy and social sciencesSocial sciencesStatistical methodsSociologyMethodologyPhilosophy of the Social SciencesStatistics in Social Sciences, Humanities, Law, Education, Behavorial Sciences, Public PolicySociological MethodsPhilosophy and social sciences.Social sciencesStatistical methods.SociologyMethodology.Philosophy of the Social Sciences.Statistics in Social Sciences, Humanities, Law, Education, Behavorial Sciences, Public Policy.Sociological Methods.300.1Bruno Isabelleedthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtJany-Catrice Florenceedthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtTouchelay Béatriceedthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtBOOK9910255351603321The Social Sciences of Quantification2523273UNINA