04212nam 2200601Ia 450 991046332690332120200520144314.01-4384-4431-1(CKB)2670000000279001(EBL)3408672(SSID)ssj0000780925(PQKBManifestationID)11431214(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000780925(PQKBWorkID)10803232(PQKB)10005094(MiAaPQ)EBC3408672(OCoLC)843777384(MdBmJHUP)muse18649(Au-PeEL)EBL3408672(CaPaEBR)ebr10627469(EXLCZ)99267000000027900120120111d2012 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrTuscarora[electronic resource] a history /Anthony F.C. WallaceAlbany State University of New York Pressc20121 online resource (310 p.)Tribal worlds : critical studies in American Indian nation buildingDescription based upon print version of record.1-4384-4429-X Includes bibliographical references and index.""Tuscarora: A History""; ""Contents""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""Prologue: Living in Historical Time""; ""Chapter 1: Welcome to Skaruâ€?re""; ""Our Visit in 1948â€?1949""; ""Landscape""; ""Fitting In""; ""The Rorschach Project""; ""Recording Tuscarora Texts""; ""Chapter 2: Tuscarora: Fifty Years Later""; ""The Bissell Family""; ""Orientation""; ""Changes and Persistence""; ""Diversity and Forbearance""; ""Gender Balance""; ""Churches and Spirituality""; ""Work and Play""; ""The World Off the Reserve""; ""Chapter 3: Tuscaroras in North Carolina: Peace, War, and Exodus""; ""The History Group""""First Encounters 1521â€?1650""""The Tuscarora War 1711â€?1713""; ""Migration and Dispersal""; ""The Communities at Onaquaga""; ""Factions""; ""Chapter 4: Policies of Accommodation""; ""The Success of the Family Farm""; ""Christian Missions versus the “Old Religionâ€?""; ""The Temperance Society""; ""Baptist Traditionalism""; ""Native Voices of Accommodation: Cusick, Johnson, Hewitt""; ""Combining the Best of Both Cultures""; ""Chapter 5: Ethnostress: Selves Lost and Found""; ""The Concept of Ethnostress""; ""The Denial of Reciprocity""; ""The Reservation Schools at Tuscarora""""The Thomas Indian School""""Coping with Ethnostress""; ""Chapter 6: Siege, Resistance, and Renewal""; ""Land Claims and the Doctrine of Discovery""; ""The Reservoir""; ""The Enduring Siege""; ""Voices of Resistance: Clinton Rickard, Ted Williams, Mad Bear""; ""Chapter 7: Family: Household, Clan, and the Womanâ€?s Line""; ""The Matrilineal Clan""; ""The Paternal Lineage""; ""Enrollment""; ""Marriage and Kinship Terminology""; ""Land and Kinship""; ""Genealogical Records""; ""Blood Quantum""; ""Chapter 8: Governance: Nation, Community, and Confederacy""; ""Nation and Sovereignty""""The Council of Chiefs""""The Business Council versus the Traditional Chiefsâ€? Council""; ""The Meetings of Clans and Clan Mothers""; ""The Haudenosaunee Confederacy""; ""Chapter 9: Preserving the Cycle of Life""; ""Growing Up Indian""; ""Creation and the Good Mind""; ""The Thanksgiving Address""; ""Environmentalism""; ""The Medicines and Spiritual Powers""; ""The Condolence Ceremony""; ""Preserving the Cycle of Life""; ""Epilogue: Saving the Seventh Generation""; ""In Memoriam: A Tribute to My Big Sister""; ""Notes on Sources""; ""Bibliography""; ""Index""Tribal Worlds : Critical Studies in American Indian Nation BuildingTuscarora IndiansHistoryTuscarora IndiansSocial life and customsElectronic books.Tuscarora IndiansHistory.Tuscarora IndiansSocial life and customs.305.897/55Wallace Anthony F. C.1923-208987MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910463326903321Tuscarora2446036UNINA03063nam 2200637 450 991022002870332120170919185110.090-04-31371-010.1163/9789004313712(CKB)3710000000733053(PQKBManifestationID)16466669(PQKBWorkID)15009717(PQKB)20407629(nllekb)BRILL9789004313712(EXLCZ)99371000000073305320160526d2016 uy 0engurun| uuuuatxtccrCeremonial entries, municipal liberties and the negotiation of power in Valois France, 1328-1589 /by Neil MurphyLeiden ;Boston :Brill,[2016]1 online resourceRulers & elites : comparative studies in governance,2211-4610 ;v. 7Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph90-04-31356-7 Includes bibliographical references and index.Preliminary Material -- Introduction: Framing Royal Entries -- 1 Confirming Municipal Liberties -- 2 Petitioning the King -- 3 Accessing the King -- 4 Royal Authority in the Provinces -- Conclusion -- Bibliography -- Index.In a fresh examination of the French ceremonial entry, Neil Murphy considers the role these events played in the negotiation between urban elites and the Valois monarchy for rights and liberties. Moving away from the customary focus on the pageantry, this book focuses on how urban governments used these ceremonies to offer the ruler (or his representatives) petitions regarding their rights, liberties and customs. Drawing on extensive research, he shows that ceremonial entries lay at the heart of how the state functioned in later medieval and Renaissance France.Rulers & Elites7.Ceremonial entriesFranceHistoryTo 1500Ceremonial entriesFranceHistory16th centuryElite (Social sciences)FranceHistoryPower (Social sciences)FranceHistoryMunicipal governmentFranceHistoryCivil rightsFranceHistoryFrancePolitics and government1328-1589FranceHistoryHouse of Valois, 1328-1589FranceKings and rulersHistoryFranceSocial life and customs1328-1600Electronic books.Ceremonial entriesHistoryCeremonial entriesHistoryElite (Social sciences)History.Power (Social sciences)History.Municipal governmentHistory.Civil rightsHistory.944/.025Murphy Neil1980-975075NL-LeKBNL-LeKBBOOK9910220028703321Ceremonial entries, municipal liberties and the negotiation of power in Valois France, 1328-15892220237UNINA04390 am 2200769 n 450 991049574120332120240104030504.02-7351-2389-82-7351-2388-X10.4000/books.editionsmsh.10377(CKB)3710000001633197(FrMaCLE)OB-editionsmsh-10377(PPN)20389023X(EXLCZ)99371000000163319720170810j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||Être juré populaire en cour d’assisesFaire une expérience démocratiqueCélia Gissinger-BosseParisÉditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme20171 online resource (248 p.) 2-7351-2380-4 Si les affaires criminelles peuvent comporter un attrait médiatique, le maintien du jury populaire constitué par tirage au sort à partir de la liste électorale pour juger ces crimes renferme également ses mystères. Que reste-t-il de cet héritage démocratique de la révolution française ? Comment ressortent-ils de ce dispositif ? Quelle portée démocratique peut-elle avoir ? Le présent ouvrage tente de retracer les effets de l’expérience citoyenne que constitue la participation à un débat contradictoire et à une délibération. Si d’autres études ont pu montrer les contraintes et les failles démocratiques de cette participation, la présente approche s’attache à la manière dont les jurés se saisissent de la pratique du jugement. Cette attention portée à la parole des jurés permet de dévoiler les étonnements que cette expérience produit sur eux, et finalement les changements qui en résultent. À partir d’une approche interdisciplinaire, croisant la sociologie, les sciences de l’information et de la communication, les sciences politiques et la philosophie, cet ouvrage s’adresse à tous ceux, chercheurs, professionnels, citoyens, qui s’intéressent aux différentes formes de l’expérience démocratique. À l’heure où notre démocratie représentative peut paraître en crise, l’expérience des jurés d’assises peut constituer un témoignage fort d’un désir de participation aux décisions. If criminal affairs can attract media attention, a jury of peers drawn from the electoral roll to judge these crimes also has its mysteries.What is left of the democratic heritage of the French revolution? How are are they affected by this duty? What democratic impact does it carry? This work attempts to retrace the effects of this civic duty of debating and deliberating. Other studies have shown the constraints and democratic failures, this approach focuses on the way that jurors exercise their practice of judgement. The attention given to the words of the jurors showed the surprises this experience…ETRE JURE POPULAIRE EN COUR D'ASSISES. FAIRE UNE EXPERIENCE DEMOCRATI QUE PhilosophyPolitical Sciencejury populairecour d’assisesscience de l’information et de la communicationsociologiesciences politiquesphilosophiejustice pénaledémocratieparticipationtrial by jurycriminal courtinformation and communication sciencessociologypolitical sciencephilosophycriminal justicedemocracyPhilosophyPolitical Sciencejury populairecour d’assisesscience de l’information et de la communicationsociologiesciences politiquesphilosophiejustice pénaledémocratieparticipationtrial by jurycriminal courtinformation and communication sciencessociologypolitical sciencephilosophycriminal justicedemocracyGissinger-Bosse Célia1453886FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495741203321Être juré populaire en cour d’assises3656710UNINA