03719 am 2200601 n 450 991049571890332120240104030459.02-7574-1826-210.4000/books.septentrion.13459(CKB)4100000000394061(FrMaCLE)OB-septentrion-13459(PPN)204524733(EXLCZ)99410000000039406120170906j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||Identités, migrations et mobilités transnationalesEurope (xixe – xxie siècle)Gwénola SebauxVilleneuve d'AscqPresses universitaires du Septentrion20171 online resource (234 p.) 2-7574-1636-7 L’intensification et l’amplitude des migrations internationales à l’aube du xxie siècle placent l’Europe devant de nouveaux défis. Au cœur d’un système migratoire d’ampleur inédite, il lui faut d’urgence élaborer une stratégie visionnaire pour assurer ou refonder sa cohérence. Condition préalable : la compréhension de son passé migratoire récent. Fondé sur les derniers résultats de la recherche, ce livre explore les articulations complexes entre mobilités, migrations et constructions identitaires en contexte transnational. Les migrations étudiées ici dans plusieurs aires géographiques d’Europe et jusqu’en Israël sont appréhendées dans leur dimension culturelle, économique ou ethnographique, mais aussi historique et politique. Ainsi rassemblés, les articles proposés par des auteurs de diverses nationalités marquent l’état de la réflexion scientifique et constituent un observatoire pertinent dans le contexte contemporain d’une Europe inquiète, marquée par « la crise des réfugiés ». Ce livre vise à nourrir la réflexion politique et civile sur la question migratoire. The intensification and the amplitude of international migration at the dawn of the 21st century pose new challenges for Europe. At the heart of a migratory system on an unprecedented scale, it must urgently adopt a visionary strategy in order to reforge or restore its coherence. Prerequisite condition: the knowledge of its recent migration past.EuropeEmigration and immigrationHistoryCongressesGroup identityEuropeHistoryCongressesIsraelEmigration and immigrationHistoryCongressesEuropeEmigration and immigrationSocial aspectsCongressesEuropeEmigration and immigrationHistoryGroup identityHistoryIsraelEmigration and immigrationHistoryBioteau Emmanuel321492Bohnekamp Dorothea1292302Delépine Samuel1456403Docea Vasile1456404Duchêne-Lacroix Cédric1456405Farges Patrick1240799Gemeaux Christine de1324240Leroux Gilles1289353Lestrade Brigitte1298727Oltmer Jochen1056122Panagiotidis Jannis1456406Repussard Catherine1456407Rupnow Dirk1430823Salles Anne1240601Sebaux Gwénola1246817Sterbling Anton1334608Veschambre Vincent323989Volkwein Alice1330120Sebaux Gwénola1246817Université catholique de l'Ouest (Angers, France)FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495718903321Identités, migrations et mobilités transnationales3657639UNINA03383nam 22007095 450 991030047650332120200705113636.09781484207345148420734310.1007/978-1-4842-0734-5(CKB)3710000000277461(CaPaEBR)ebrary10986262(SSID)ssj0001386305(PQKBManifestationID)11766745(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001386305(PQKBWorkID)11374128(PQKB)10296531(MiAaPQ)EBC1964946(DE-He213)978-1-4842-0734-5(CaSebORM)9781484207345(PPN)183090233(OCoLC)898043258(OCoLC)ocn898043258(EXLCZ)99371000000027746120141110d2014 u| 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrAdvanced Excel Essentials /by Jordan Goldmeier1st ed. 2014.Berkeley, CA :Apress :Imprint: Apress,2014.1 online resource (203 p.)The expert's voice in ExcelIncludes index."The Expert's Voice in Excel"--Cover.9781484207352 1484207351 Advanced Excel Essentials is the only book for experienced Excel developers who want to channel their skills into building spreadsheet applications and dashboards. This book starts from the assumption that you are well-versed in Excel and builds on your skills to take them to an advanced level. It provides the building blocks of advanced development and then takes you through the development of your own advanced spreadsheet application. For the seasoned analyst, accountant, financial professional, management consultant, or engineer—this is the book you’ve been waiting for! Author Jordan Goldmeier builds on a foundation of industry best practices, bringing his own forward-thinking approach to Excel and rich real-world experience, to distill a unique blend of advanced essentials. Among other topics, he covers advanced formula concepts like array formulas and Boolean logic and provides insight into better code and formulas development. He supports that insight by showing you how to build correctly with hands-on examples.Microsoft softwareMicrosoft .NET FrameworkComputersApplication softwareMicrosoft and .NEThttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/I29030Information Systems and Communication Servicehttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/I18008Computer Applicationshttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/I23001Microsoft software.Microsoft .NET Framework.Computers.Application software.Microsoft and .NET.Information Systems and Communication Service.Computer Applications.005.369Goldmeier Jordanauthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/aut921254UMIUMIBOOK9910300476503321Advanced Excel Essentials2129303UNINA