02653 am 2200601 n 450 991049568190332120240104030638.02-39061-039-0(CKB)4100000011945176(FrMaCLE)OB-pucl-5864(PPN)256383847(EXLCZ)99410000001194517620210603j|||||||| ||| 0enguu||||||m||||Excavation at Sissi IVPreliminary Report on the 2015-2016 CampaignsJan DriessenLouvain-la-NeuvePresses universitaires de Louvain20211 online resource (354 p.) 2-87558-672-6 Following a first 5-year programme between 2007 and 2011 and three earlier preliminary reports published as Aegis 1, 4 and 6, the Belgian School at Athens returned to Sissi in 2015. This volume describes the results of the 2015 and 2016 campaigns, in part concentrating on the remains of a large, Neopalatial monumental complex with Central Court, which was initially recognised in 2011. There are also reports on the continuing exploration of the Cemetery and on tests conducted around/in the immediate vicinity of Postpalatial Building CD. In addition, chapters dealing with the geophysical exploration and geomorphologv of the hill and region are presented, as is a presentation on how architectural remains are recorded. Preliminary studies of ceramic assemblages of the Prepalatial and Neopalatial periods are also included.ArchaeologyexcavationarchaeologySissiceramicArchaeologyexcavationarchaeologySissiceramicAnastasiadou Maria1314696Caloi Ilaria612676Claeys Thérèse1093493Dederix Sylviane1314694Devolder Maud1283589Driessen Jan488097Jusseret Simon1309346Koutsaftis Christos1458353Langohr Charlotte1309347Letesson Quentin1282670Macklin Mark G1458354Manataki Meropi1458355Mouthuy Ophélie1458356Pateraki Marilena1458357Sarris Apostolos1458358Schmitt Aurora1458359Sperandio Emeline1458360Zografou Eleftheria1458361FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495681903321Excavation at Sissi IV3658256UNINA