00839nem0 2200277 450 991029125980332120181112101037.020181109d1964----km y0itay50 baengGBa aa a aabb a1:31680Map of Hadrian's wallDocumento cartograficoPublished by the Ordnance Survey[1:31680]ChessingtonOrdnance Survey19641 cartaripieg. in cop. rigida105x42 cm ripieg. 21x13 cmSul retro della mappa il testoGran BretagnaCartografia storicaITUNINARICAUNIMARCMP9910291259803321MP UB Tem. 068Ist. 8204ILFGEILFGEMap of Hadrian's wall1537720UNINA03893oam 2200673I 450 991045437110332120200520144314.01-135-90000-01-135-90001-91-282-08514-X97866120851470-203-92787-710.4324/9780203927878 (CKB)1000000000747427(EBL)432835(OCoLC)460057569(SSID)ssj0000297210(PQKBManifestationID)11226233(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000297210(PQKBWorkID)10333570(PQKB)11636481(MiAaPQ)EBC432835(Au-PeEL)EBL432835(CaPaEBR)ebr10296936(CaONFJC)MIL208514(OCoLC)890136459(EXLCZ)99100000000074742720180706d2008 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrThe Garland handbook of African music /edited by Ruth M. Stone2nd ed.New York :Routledge,2008.1 online resource (522 p.)"Abridged paperback edition of Africa, volume 1 of The Garland encyclopedia of world music, with the addition of a new article, 'Exploring African Music' as well as articles by Alex Perullo, Gregory Barz and Judah Cohen, Daniel B. Reed, Jeffrey A. Summit, Jane Goodman, and Clara Henderson. The reed article is adapted from previous publication by Indiana University Press"--T.p. verso.1-138-13329-9 0-415-96102-5 Includes bibliographical references (p. 469-478) and index.Discography: p. 479-483.Filmography: p. 484-485.BOOK COVER; TITLE; COPYRIGHT; TABLE OF CONTENTS; LIST OF AUDIO EXAMPLES; LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS; PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS; ORTHOGRAPHY; PART 1 Introduction to African Music; Profile of Africa; African Music in a Constellation of Arts; Exploring African Music; PART 2 Issues and Processes in African Music; Notation and Oral Tradition; Conceptions of Song: Ownership, Rights, and African Copyright Law; Dance in Communal Life; Islam in Liberia; The Guitar in Africa; Kru Mariners and Migrants of the West African Coast; Popular Music in Africa; Music and HIV/AIDS in AfricaQuestions for Critical ThinkingPART 3 Regional Case Studies; West Africa; West Africa: An Introduction; Yoruba Popular Music; "The Tradition" and Identity in a Diversifying Context; Questions for Critical Thinking; North Africa; North Africa: An Introduction; Tuareg Music; From Village to Vinyl: Genealogies of New Kabyle Song; Questions for Critical Thinking; East Africa; East Africa: An Introduction; Music and the Construction of Identity among the Abayudaya (Jewish People) of Uganda; Questions for Critical Thinking; Central Africa; Central Africa An IntroductionMusical Life in the Central African RepublicQuestions for Critical Thinking; Southern Africa; Southern Africa: An Introduction; Popular Music in South Africa; Dance and Gender as Contested Sites in Southern Malawian Presbyterian Churches; Questions for Critical Thinking; General Questions for the Whole Book; Glossary; A Guide to Publications; A Guide to Recordings; A Guide to Films and Videos; Notes on the Audio Examples; INDEXMusicAfricaHistory and criticismFolk musicAfricaHistory and criticismElectronic books.MusicHistory and criticism.Folk musicHistory and criticism.780.96Stone Ruth M628653FlBoTFGFlBoTFGBOOK9910454371103321The Garland handbook of African music1977725UNINA03456 am 2200721 n 450 991049567040332120200131979-1-03-000631-510.4000/books.pub.17743(CKB)4100000011289051(FrMaCLE)OB-pub-17743(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/86095(PPN)24849788X(EXLCZ)99410000001128905120200608j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLe Limousin et ses horizons dans l’œuvre de George-Emmanuel Clancier /Thomas BauerPessac Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux20201 online resource (114 p.) Eidôlon979-1-0910-5208-5 « Dieu merci, le Limousin ne manquait pas de bosquets, de châtaigneraies, de chemins creux bordés de chênes et de hêtres, de telle sorte que je pouvais m’y promener - sans risquer… l’insolation - d’un pas dont on pouvait croire la lenteur due à ma nature méditative. D’ailleurs, c’était vrai, je méditais. » Ainsi s’exprime Georges-Emmanuel Clancier dans son roman autobiographique, Un jeune homme au secret, qu’il publia en 1989. Né à Limoges le 3 mai 1914, et bien qu’il vive à Paris depuis 1955, Georges-Emmanuel Clancier n’a jamais rompu ses attaches avec le Limousin, la terre nourricière de son inspiration littéraire, le matériau premier de son imaginaire, le point névralgique de sa poétique. Sans jamais s’enfermer dans le passé, il puise dans ses racines natales les forces de son renouvellement, ne serait-ce que pour élargir l’horizon de sa création et l’ancrer dans le temps présent. Aussi émerveillé soit-il par la féerie géographique, aussi sensible soit-il à l’histoire des vies minuscules ou aux luttes sociales sublimement orchestrées dans Le Pain noir, sa plume a toujours trempé dans l’encre de l’universalité. Son oeuvre doit être considérée comme un legs précieux pour ceux qui s’intéressent aux questions de l’identité et des relations entre terroir et céleste.Literature, RomanceautobiographieLimogessportpaysageécrivainLimousinespace poétiqueautobiographieLimogessportpaysageécrivainLimousinespace poétiqueLiterature, RomanceautobiographieLimogessportpaysageécrivainLimousinespace poétiqueArrigoni-Malabou Maryse1330624Baude Jeanne-Marie1330625Bauer Thomas544760Bouygues Elodie1291960Dubois Claude-Gilbert152605Ozwald Thierry680063Peylet Gérard1281323Préta-de Beaufort Aude1330626Bauer Thomas544760FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495670403321Le Limousin et ses horizons dans l’œuvre de George-Emmanuel Clancier3039935UNINA01323oam 2200373 450 991070682680332120181221115747.0(CKB)5470000002459202(OCoLC)1079909787(EXLCZ)99547000000245920220181221e19861973 ua 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierA guide to documentary sources /Lawrence J. PaszekWashington, D.C. :Office of Air Force History, United States Air Force,1986.1 online resource (v, 245 pages) illustrationsReference series / Office of Air Force HistoryPreviously published: United States Air Force history. Washington, D.C. : Office of Air Force History, 1973.Includes indexes.United StatesHistory, MilitaryArchival resourcesUnited StatesHistory, MilitaryLibrary resources016.3584/00973Paszek Lawrence J.1422948United States.Air Force.Office of Air Force History,GPOGPOGPOBOOK9910706826803321A guide to documentary sources3548841UNINA06834nam 2201909z- 450 991055742910332120231214133431.0(CKB)5400000000043432(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/76685(EXLCZ)99540000000004343220202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAgroforestry-Based Ecosystem ServicesBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (476 p.)3-0365-1742-1 3-0365-1741-3 As a dynamic interface between agriculture and forestry, agroforestry has only recently been formally recognized as a relevant part of land use with ‘trees outside forest’ in important parts of the world—but not everywhere yet. The Sustainable Development Goals have called attention to the need for the multifunctionality of landscapes that simultaneously contribute to multiple goals. In the UN decade of landscape restoration, as well as in response to the climate change urgency and biodiversity extinction crisis, an increase in global tree cover is widely seen as desirable, but its management by farmers or forest managers remains contested. Agroforestry research relates tree–soil–crop–livestock interactions at the plot level with landscape-level analysis of social-ecological systems and efforts to transcend the historical dichotomy between forest and agriculture as separate policy domains. An ‘ecosystem services’ perspective quantifies land productivity, flows of water, net greenhouse gas emissions, and biodiversity conservation, and combines an ‘actor’ perspective (farmer, landscape manager) with that of ‘downstream’ stakeholders (in the same watershed, ecologically conscious consumers elsewhere, global citizens) and higher-level regulators designing land-use policies and spatial zoning.Research & information: generalbicssccarbon storagecacao agroforestryfarmer tree preferenceutility valueentrainmenterosionforest conversionoverland flowsoil macroporositythroughfallwater balanceboundary workecohydrologyforest-water-people nexuslandscape approachparticipatory methodsscenario evaluationsocial-ecological systemstropical forestsassisted natural regeneration (ANR)co-investmentecosystem servicesenvironmental stewardshipequityforest and landscape restoration (FLR)rights-based approachtree plantingwatercoffeefruit treesindex of root anchoringslope stabilitysoil shear strengthroot length densityroot tensile strengthagroforestrycarbon sequestrationclimate change mitigationgrazing managementland restorationnationally determined contributionsilvopastoraltree covercocoa agroforestryclimate adaptationsoil restorationsoil organic carbonsoil macro-porositysoil water availabilityinceptisolsFraxinus dimorphasoil chemical characteristicsmycorrhizal attributestraditional ecological knowledgeanastomosisagroforestsilvopastureeconomicsfinancial analysiscarbon paymentPeruinnovation transfertrimmingintentionparticipatory and integrative research-extensionstakeholdersadaptationKisumuBungomapayment for ecosystem servicesvillage savings and loan associationsfruit tree-based agroforestryeconomic benefitsfarmer perspectivesresource competitionsystems improvementuptake and expansioncost-benefit analysislandscape restorationglobalstocktakeagroforestry coffeeshade tree speciespairwise rankingVietnamtrees on farmoptions by contexton-farm planned comparisontree seedling survivalagriculture sectorcost efficiencyland suitabilitypotential expansion areasrepresentative concentration pathwaycocoaJavalivelihoodsrural-urbanremittancesreturning migrantsSumatraSulawesicertificationdeforestationpalm oilforest classificationJambilegalityindependent smallholdersagroforestry concessionsWest Kalimantanland-use changebelowground biodiversitysoil engineersPontoscolex corethrurusnatural habitatsplanted forestartesian wellsOryzapaddy cultivationrestorationrodentssustainable intensificationMount Bromo-Tenggercoinvestmentinstrumental valueslandscaperelational valuessocial-ecological systemsstewardshipsustainable development goals (SDGs)treesResearch & information: generalvan Noordwijk Meineedt1319392van Noordwijk MeineothBOOK9910557429103321Agroforestry-Based Ecosystem Services3033867UNINA