03159oam 22006252a 450 991014143780332120210114210742.01-118-35432-X1-299-31459-71-118-35433-81-118-35430-31-118-35431-1(CKB)2670000000231132(EBL)875932(OCoLC)805560505(SSID)ssj0000694988(PQKBManifestationID)11416226(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000694988(PQKBWorkID)10686134(PQKB)10639388(DLC) 2012008118(MiAaPQ)EBC875932(PPN)178867330(EXLCZ)99267000000023113220120224d2013 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrBiopharmaceutics modeling and simulations[electronic resource] theory, practice, methods, and applications /Kiyohiko SuganoHoboken, N.J. John Wiley & Sonsc20131 online resource (521 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-118-02868-6 Includes bibliographical references and index.Introduction -- Theoretical framework I : solubility -- Theoretical framework II : dissolution -- Theoretical framework III : biological membrane permeation -- Theoretical framework IV : gastrointestinal transit models and integration -- Physiology of gastrointestinal tract and other administration sites in humans and animals -- Drug parameters -- Validation of mechanistic models -- Bioequivalence and biopharmaceutical classification system -- Dose and particle size dependency -- Enabling formulations -- Food effect -- Biopharmaceutical modeling for miscellaneous cases -- Intestinal transporters -- Strategy in drug discovery and development -- Epistemology of biopharmaceutical modeling and good simulation practice. A comprehensive introduction to using modeling and simulation programs in drug discovery and development Biopharmaceutical modeling has become integral to the design and development of new drugs. Influencing key aspects of the development process, including drug substance design, formulation design, and toxicological exposure assessment, biopharmaceutical modeling is now seen as the linchpin to a drug's future success. And while there are a number of commercially available software programs for drug modeling, there has not been a single resource guiding pharmaceutical professioBiopharmaceuticsmethodsComputer SimulationDrug CompoundingmethodsModels, TheoreticalBiopharmaceuticsmethods.Computer Simulation.Drug Compoundingmethods.Models, Theoretical.615.19Sugano Kiyohiko886431DLCDLCDLCBOOK9910141437803321Biopharmaceutics modeling and simulations1979516UNINA03911nam 22007815 450 991049520670332120240213155003.03-030-75560-610.1007/978-3-030-75560-7(CKB)4100000011982207(MiAaPQ)EBC6679438(Au-PeEL)EBL6679438(DE-He213)978-3-030-75560-7(EXLCZ)99410000001198220720210717d2021 u| 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDemocracy, Social Justice, and the American Community College A Student-Centered Perspective /by Patrick Sullivan1st ed. 2021.Cham :Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,2021.1 online resource (323 pages)3-030-75559-2 Includes bibliographical references and index.1. Introduction -- 2. Gratitude -- 3. Democracy's Unfinished Business -- 4. Hope -- 5. Meet My English 93 Class -- 6. Core Values -- 7. Introductions -- 8. "I am sorry tk be a pain" -- 9. Aprender a Dudar es Aprender a Pensar -- 10. "And Now from Learning to Enjoy Reading I Crave Knowledge and I'm Fascinated with the Idea of Improving My Vocabulary and My Wisdom" -- 11. "I Hate to Be So Bold" -- 12. "It's Not Good" -- 13. The Un-Lived Life -- 14. Patience -- 15. The Things We Carry -- 16. Pandemic -- 17. Food Pantry -- 18. Heartbreak -- 19. The Beloved Community -- 20. Ohén:ton Karihwatéhkwen.This book provides scholars, educators, and legislators with a personal, classroom-level tour of daily life at a community college. Readers will accompany the author into the classroom as he goes about his work as an English teacher meeting with classes and corresponding with students on Blackboard and e-mail. Answering the call for ”student-centered scholarship,” this book blends traditional academic writing with chapters that feature a rich variety of student work, including essays, journal entries, poems, art, and responses to creative assignments. In this volume, Sullivan theorizes the modern community college as a social justice institution: by mission and mandate, the modern community college has democratized America’s system of higher education and distributed hope, equity, and opportunity more broadly across the nation. Patrick Sullivan is Professor of English at Manchester Community College, USA.Education, HigherSchoolsSocial justiceEducation and stateCitizenshipStudy and teachingLiteracyHigher EducationSchool and SchoolingSocial JusticeEducational Policy and PoliticsCitizenship EducationLiteracyEducació superiorthubJustícia socialthubEstats Units d'AmèricathubLlibres electrònicsthubEducation, Higher.Schools.Social justice.Education and state.CitizenshipStudy and teaching.Literacy.Higher Education.School and Schooling.Social Justice.Educational Policy and Politics.Citizenship Education.Literacy.Educació superiorJustícia social378.15430973378.15430973Sullivan Patrick1956-1196626MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910495206703321Democracy, social justice, and the American community college2820453UNINA