03004nam 2200589 450 991049461240332120170821192023.00-85745-561-3(CKB)2550000001239277(EBL)1659331(SSID)ssj0001212759(PQKBManifestationID)11763843(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001212759(PQKBWorkID)11212209(PQKB)10095514(MiAaPQ)EBC1659331(EXLCZ)99255000000123927720140422h20082008 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrRemaking France Americanization, public diplomacy, and the Marshall Plan /Brian Angus McKenzieNew York :Berghahn Books,[2008]©20081 online resource (272 p.)Explorations in culture and international history ;volume 2Description based upon print version of record.1-84545-415-4 Includes bibliographical references and index.Remaking France; CONTENTS; LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES; LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; INTRODUCTION; Chapter 1. FRANCE, THE UNITED STATES, AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF U.S. PUBLIC DIPLOMACY; Chapter 2. "THE TRUE FACE OF THE UNITED STATES" AMERICAN EXHIBITS IN FRANCE,1948-1952; Chapter 3. THE MARSHALL PLAN ANDTRANS ATLANTIC TOURISM; Chapter 4. THE LABOR INFORMATION PROGRAM: "AN INFORMATION PANZER FORCE"; Chapter 5. THE MAKERS OF STORIES; CONCLUSION; BIBLIOGRAPHY; INDEX Public diplomacy, neglected following the end of the Cold War, is once again a central tool of American foreign policy. This book, examining as it does the Marshall Plan as the form of public diplomacy of the United States in France after World War Two, offers a timely historical case study. Current debates about globalization and a possible revival of the Marshall Plan resemble the debates about Americanization that occurred in France over fifty years ago. Relations between France and the United States are often tense despite their shared history and cultural ties, reflecting the general fExplorations in culture and international history series ;volume 2.AmericanizationHistory20th centuryPublic opinionFranceHistory20th centuryUnited StatesForeign relationsFranceFranceForeign relationsUnited StatesUnited StatesForeign relations1945-1953United StatesForeign public opinion, FrenchElectronic books.AmericanizationHistoryPublic opinionHistory303.48244073McKenzie Brian Angus1046652MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910494612403321Remaking France2473714UNINA