04223oam 2200841I 450 991046243850332120200520144314.01-283-60676-397866139192121-136-26001-30-203-10688-110.4324/9780203106884 (CKB)2670000000242284(EBL)1024506(OCoLC)811505723(SSID)ssj0000711778(PQKBManifestationID)12307453(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000711778(PQKBWorkID)10721799(PQKB)11346517(MiAaPQ)EBC1024506(PPN)198457057(Au-PeEL)EBL1024506(CaPaEBR)ebr10603664(CaONFJC)MIL391921(OCoLC)811052128(EXLCZ)99267000000024228420180706d2013 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrRethinking peacebuilding the quest for just peace in the Middle East and the Western Balkans /edited by Karin Aggestam and Annika BjorkdahlAbingdon, Oxon :Routledge,2013.1 online resource (257 p.)Routledge studies in peace and conflict resolutionDescription based upon print version of record.1-138-78946-1 0-415-52503-9 Includes bibliographical references (p. [207]-234) and index.Cover; Title; Copyright; Contents; List of tables; List of contributors; Introduction: the study of just and durable peace; PART I Just peace in theory; 1 Linking peace and justice in peacemaking; 2 Recognitional just peace; 3 Beyond justice versus peace: transitional justice and peacebuilding strategies; 4 From peacebuilding as resistance to peacebuilding as liberation; 5 Deliberating and localizing just peace; 6 Beyond eschatology: a non-teleological approach to security, peace and justice; 7 Justice post bellum and international law; PART II In search of just peace in practice8 Peace agreements, justice and durable peace9 Social justice, restorative justice, and EU peacebuilding in the Arab-Islamic World; 10 Towards a just peace? Roles and dilemmas of EU peacebuilding in Israel and Palestine; 11 Representations of peace in the EU's peacebuilding approach in Bosnia-Herzegovina; 12 Transitional justice in the quest for just and durable peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina; Conclusion: rethinking just peacebuilding in theory and practice; References; IndexThis book presents new theoretical and conceptual perspectives on the problematique of building just and durable peace. Linking peace and justice has sparked lively debates about the dilemmas and trade-offs in several contemporary peace processes. Despite the fact that justice and peace are commonly referred to there is surprisingly little research and few conceptualizations of the interplay between the two.This edited volume is the result of three years of collaborative research and draws upon insights from such disciplines as peace and conflict, international law, political Routledge Studies in Peace and Conflict ResolutionPeace-buildingPeace (Philosophy)JusticeTransitional justicePeace-buildingCase studiesPeace-buildingMiddle EastPeace-buildingBalkan PeninsulaPeacekeeping forcesEuropean Union countriesEuropean Union countriesForeign relationsElectronic books.Peace-building.Peace (Philosophy)Justice.Transitional justice.Peace-buildingPeace-buildingPeace-buildingPeacekeeping forces303.6/609496Aggestam Karin858753Bjorkdahl Annika858754MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910462438503321Rethinking peacebuilding1916834UNINA00831nam2 2200253 i 450 VAN006484120080609120000.088-7063-114-120080609d1991 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||10: La nascita del NovecentoGuido SalvettiNuova ed. ampliata riveduta e corrTorinoEDT[1991]XIX, 379 p.21 cm.001VAN00648402001 Storia della musicaa cura della Società italiana di musicologia210 TorinoEDT215 v.21 cm.10TorinoVANL000001SalvettiGuidoVANV051636215150EdtVANV112677650ITSOL20230616RICAVAN0064841Nascita del Novecento197715UNICAMPANIA03606nam 22006615 450 991048493130332120230810164745.03-030-19326-810.1007/978-3-030-19326-3(CKB)4100000008737108(MiAaPQ)EBC5834639(DE-He213)978-3-030-19326-3(EXLCZ)99410000000873710820190718d2019 u| 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierItalian Science Fiction The Other in Literature and Film /by Simone Brioni, Daniele Comberiati1st ed. 2019.Cham :Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,2019.1 online resource (xvi, 289 pages)Studies in Global Science Fiction,2569-88343-030-19325-X 1. The Other in Italian Science Fiction -- 2. The Age of Exploration and the Creation of a National Identity -- 3. Futurism and Fascist Science Fiction -- 4. After the Apocalypse: Hybridity and Civil Rights -- 5. The Internal Other: Representing Roma -- 6. Aliens in a Country of Immigration -- 7. Dystopic Worlds and the Fear of Multiculturalism -- 7. The Questione Settentrionale: Reconfiguring Separatism -- 9. Future Pasts: Revisiting the Colonial Legacy in Alternate History Novels -- 10. Afterword: A Genre Across Cultures.This book explores Italian science fiction from 1861, the year of Italy’s unification, to the present day, focusing on how this genre helped shape notions of Otherness and Normalness. In particular, Italian Science Fiction draws upon critical race studies, postcolonial theory, and feminist studies to explore how migration, colonialism, multiculturalism, and racism have been represented in genre film and literature. Topics include the role of science fiction in constructing a national identity; the representation and self-representation of “alien” immigrants in Italy; the creation of internal “Others,” such as southerners and Roma; the intersections of gender and race discrimination; and Italian science fiction’s transnational dialogue with foreign science fiction. This book reveals that though it is arguably a minor genre in Italy, science fiction offers an innovative interpretive angle for rethinking Italian history and imagining future change in Italian society.Studies in Global Science Fiction,2569-8834LiteratureEuropean literatureFictionEthnologyEuropeCultureMotion picture plays, EuropeanWorld LiteratureEuropean LiteratureFiction LiteratureEuropean CultureEuropean Film and TVLiterature.European literature.Fiction.EthnologyEurope.Culture.Motion picture plays, European.World Literature.European Literature.Fiction Literature.European Culture.European Film and TV.853.9109352042853.0876209Brioni Simoneauthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/aut1225260Comberiati Danieleauthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/autBOOK9910484931303321Italian Science Fiction2844888UNINA00819nam# 22002411i 450 VAN0007050220240806100550.42220090611f |0itac50 balatGRCDE|||| |||||Pollucis Onomasticone codicibus ab ipso collatis denuo edidit et adnotavit Ericus BetheLipsiaein aedibus B. G. Teubneriv.25 cm.001VAN000705042001 Lexicographi graeci210 LipsiaeTeubner215 v.25 cm.9LeipzigVANL001016BetheErichVANV055535545156PolluxIuliusVANV055534Teubner <editore>VANV109204650ITSOL20250131RICAVAN00070502Pollucis Onomasticon1407503UNICAMPANIA