00837nam0-22002651i-450-99000391428040332188-348-1200-x000391428FED01000391428(Aleph)000391428FED0100039142820020619d2001----km-y0itay50------baitaIT<<Le >>concezioni della ragioneria nella dottrina italianaprofili storici e storiografici nella sistematica delle discipline aziendaliMassimo CostaTorinoGiappichelli2001XXIV, 374 p.25 cmCosta,Massimo147484ITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK9900039142804033211-1-57-RA7727ECAECAConcezioni della ragioneria nella dottrina italiana515699UNINA01356nam0-2200385---450 99000573885020331620190403125020.0000573885USA01000573885(ALEPH)000573885USA0100057388520080205d1890----|||y0itaa50------bagerde0 00|||<<Die >> allgemeinen philosophischen Grundlagen der von François Quesnay und Adam Smith begrundeten politischen Okonomievon Wilhelm HasbachLeipzigDuncker & Humblot1890X, 177 p.22 cm.Staats- und socialwissenschafliche ForschungenHrsg. von Gustav Schmoller10.22001Staats- und socialwissenschafliche Forschungen10.2GiusnaturalismoStoriaFLEIPZIG340.112HASBACH,Wilhelm139497ITSA20111219990005738850203316Dipar.to di Filosofia - SalernoDFCC 340.112 HAS1683 FILCC 340.112 HAS1683 FILBKFIL20121027USA01152620121027USA011615Allgemeinen philosophischen Grundlagen der von François Quesnay und Adam Smith begrundeten politischen Okonomie1082861UNISASA002374803477oam 2200577 450 991048417180332120221003160811.03-030-66501-110.1007/978-3-030-66501-2(CKB)5590000000433615(DE-He213)978-3-030-66501-2(MiAaPQ)EBC6466024(PPN)253254485(EXLCZ)99559000000043361520210629d2021 uy 0engurnn#008mamaatxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierProgress in intelligent decision science proceeding of IDS 2020 /editors, Tofigh Allahviranloo, Soheil Salahshour, Nafiz Arica1st edition 2021.Cham, Switzerland :Springer,[2021]©20211 online resource (XI, 989 p. 293 illus., 194 illus. in color.)Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,2194-5357 ;13013-030-66500-3 Identification of Sport News in Turkish Tweets using Deep Learning Architectures -- Real-time News Grouping: Detecting the Same-content News on Turkish News Stream -- Statistical Analysis of Behavioural Intention Towards Private Umbilical Cord Blood Banking -- Improved Weighted Random Forest for Classification Problems -- A new Combination Method for Fuzzy Optimal Control -- Smart Room Temperature Controller IoT System -- Audio to Video: Generating a Talking Fake Agent -- Cluster-Based Monitoring and Location Estimation for Crowd Counting -- Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks by Data Mining -- A new solution for the generalized shortest path problem -- An extension of DEMATEL under Pythagorean fuzzy environment -- Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm and Interpolation Based Nonlinear Control Model -- The Design of a Novel Torque Wrench Based on TRIZ Decision Procedures -- Solving Linear Systems based on Z-numbers -- Z-numbers for uncertainty formulation.This book contains the topics of artificial intelligence and deep learning that do have much application in real-life problems. The concept of uncertainty has long been used in applied science, especially decision making and a logical decision must be made in the field of uncertainty or in the real-life environment that is formed and combined with vague concepts and data. The chapters of this book are connected to the new concepts and aspects of decision making with uncertainty. Besides, other chapters are involved with the concept of data mining and decision making under uncertain computations.Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,2194-5357 ;1301Big dataCongressesComputational intelligenceCongressesDecision makingData processingCongressesMachine learningCongressesUncertainty (Information theory)CongressesBig dataComputational intelligenceDecision makingData processingMachine learningUncertainty (Information theory)658.403Allahviranloo TofighSalahshour SoheilArica NafizMiAaPQMiAaPQUtOrBLWBOOK9910484171803321Progress in intelligent decision science2851792UNINA