00901nam0 2200265 450 00000058720050630115100.088-453-0893-6--------d1998----km-y0itay50------baitaIT<<La >>gestione del personale nelle aziende non profitGiuseppe Ambrosio e Federica BandiniMilanoEtaslibri1998cXIV, 233 p.ill.24 cmGestione d'impresaOrganizzazione e risorse umane2001Gestione d'impresaEnti senza scopo di lucroPersonaleGestione658.048Ambrosio,Giuseppe530730Bandini,Federica530643IT UNIPARTHENOPE RICA UNIMARC000000587NAVA1658-G/123370420000208Gestione del personale nelle aziende non profit877412UNIPARTHENOPE04476oam 2200589 450 991048330380332120210513115027.03-540-73325-610.1007/978-3-540-73325-6(CKB)1000000000478564(EBL)3061613(SSID)ssj0000210860(PQKBManifestationID)11198245(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000210860(PQKBWorkID)10292073(PQKB)10006591(DE-He213)978-3-540-73325-6(MiAaPQ)EBC3061613(MiAaPQ)EBC6408016(PPN)123728118(EXLCZ)99100000000047856420210513d2007 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrNew trends in applied artificial intelligence 20th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering, and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2007, Kyoto, Japan, June 26-29, 2007 : proceedings /Hiroshi G. Okuno, Moonis Ali (editors)1st ed. 2007.Berlin ;Heidelberg ;New York :Springer,[2007]©20071 online resource (1212 p.)Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence ;4570Description based upon print version of record.3-540-73322-1 Includes bibliographical references and author index.Keynotes -- Text Processing -- [Special] Fuzzy System Applications I -- Vision I -- [Special] Real World Interaction -- [Special] Fuzzy System Applications II -- Vision II -- Genetic Algorithm -- [Special] Fuzzy System Applications III -- Robot -- Poster -- Genetic Algorithm II -- Fuzzy Logic I -- Manufacturing -- Data Mining I -- Neural Network I -- Constraint Satisfaction -- Data Mining II -- Neural Network II -- Fuzzy Logic II -- Machine Learning I -- [Special] Chance Discovery and Social Network I -- Education -- Machine Learning II -- [Special] Chance Discovery and Social Network II -- Speech -- [Special] E-commerce I -- Heuristic Search I -- Application System -- [Special] E-commerce II -- Agent-Based System -- Heuristic Search II -- Other Applications.“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” Albert Einstein Applied arti?cial intelligence researchers have been focusing on developing and employing methods and systems to solve real-life problems in all areas incl- ing engineering, science, industry, automation & robotics, business & ?nance, th cyberspace, and man–machine interactions. The 20 International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent S- tems (IEA/AIE-2007) held in Kyoto, Japan presented such work performed by many scientists worldwide. The previous IEA/AIE conference held in Japan was the Ninth International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Arti?cial Intelligence and Expert systems (IEA/AIE-1996) in Fukuoka in 1996. The duration of 11 years between two conferences demanded drastic changes around applied art- cialintelligenceresearch.ThemaincausesaretherapidexpansionoftheInternet and the deluge of electronic and on-line text data. The Program Committee - cusedonAsian-originatingtechnologies,suchasactivemining,integrationofthe Internet and broadcasting, chance discovery, real-world interactions, and fuzzy logic applications. The ?rst four are from Japan and the last one is from Taiwan and China. We received 462 papers from all parts of the world. Each paper was sent to at least three Program Committee members for review. Only 116 papers were selected for presentation and publication in the proceedings. We would like to express our sincere thanks to the Program Committee and all the reviewers for their hard work.Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence ;4570Artificial intelligenceIndustrial applicationsCongressesArtificial intelligenceIndustrial applications670.28563Okuno Hiroshi G.Ali MoonisInternational Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert SystemsMiAaPQMiAaPQUtOrBLWBOOK9910483303803321New Trends in Applied Artificial Intelligence772082UNINA04021oam 2200709zu 450 991013140840332120210807005008.02-7535-2646-X10.4000/books.pur.14276(CKB)3710000000441979(SSID)ssj0001534250(PQKBManifestationID)12565704(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001534250(PQKBWorkID)11493693(PQKB)10463083(FrMaCLE)OB-pur-14276(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/56775(PPN)267953585(EXLCZ)99371000000044197920160829d1995 uy freuu||||||m||||txtccrPouvoir local et Révolution, 1780-1850 : la frontière intérieure : colloque international, Rennes, 28 septembre-1er octobre 1993Presses universitaires de Rennes1999[Place of publication not identified]Presses universitaires de Rennes19951 online resource (588 p.) Histoire Pouvoir local et Râevolution, 1780-1850 Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph2-86847-127-7 Pouvoir local et Révolution s'interroge sur les limites d'une centralisation dont Tocqueville avait fait la logique profonde et déterminante d'une Révolution surgie pour briser les privilèges des corps intermédiaires et des provinces et permettre ainsi l'édification d'une Nation homogène de citoyens libres et égaux en droits. Mais cette centralisation, même apparemment triomphante sous la Convention et, a fortiori, sous l'Empire, continue de se heurter à une sorte de frontière intérieure, celle des communautés d'habitants, surtout rurales, qui ont leur propre vie politique. Toute carrière y dépend de l'origine locale des individus, de l'ancienneté des familles, de l'influence des parentèles et clientèles mais aussi du talent des personnes et du contrôle des sources locales de la richesse. Peut-on considérer l'existence de cette autonomie relative des communautés rurales comme l'origine véritable des insurrections de l'Ouest ? Comment s'articulent ces terroirs politiques avec ces nouveaux intermédiaires que sont les différentes catégories de notables ? Dans quelle mesure la démocratisation de la vie politique et son aboutissement, le suffrage universel, ont-ils pu modifier cette frontière ? Autant de questions majeures posées durant ce colloque qui a donc milité pour accélérer et amplifier la réhabilitation historiographique, déjà amorcée, de la politique au village.Central-local government relationsHistoryCongressesFranceDecentralization in governmentCongressesHistoryFranceChurch and stateCongressesHistoryFranceRegions & Countries - EuropeHILCCHistory & ArchaeologyHILCCFranceHILCCFranceHistoryRevolution, 1789-1799InfluenceCongressescentralisationadministration centraleXVIIIe siècleRévolution françaiseEtatEgliseXIXe siècleadministration localeCentral-local government relationsHistoryCongressesDecentralization in governmentCongressesHistoryChurch and stateCongressesHistoryRegions & Countries - EuropeHistory & ArchaeologyFrance320.8/0944/09033Roger Dupuy (dir.)auth1355594Dupuy RogerPQKBBOOK9910131408403321Pouvoir local et Révolution, 1780-1850 : la frontière intérieure : colloque international, Rennes, 28 septembre-1er octobre 19933359740UNINA