02641nam 22004451n 450 991055764680332120240220044716.0(CKB)5400000000044985(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/78313(ES-EDUnebook)9788491684138(EXLCZ)99540000000004498520230330d2023 uy 0spaurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierMaternidad y gestación en venta: fabricar bebés en la era neoliberalPublicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona2019Universitat De Barcelonacopyright 20191 electronic resource (277 p.)Col·lecció de Bioètica84-9168-413-1 La gestación por sustitución, llamada también subrogación de útero o alquiler de vientres, es una práctica que suscita múltiples problemas éticos relacionados con los límites morales del mercado, la idea del cuerpo humano como objeto de contrato o los conflictos entre libertad negativa y positiva. Además, la repercusión de las ideologías políticas y del feminismo en el debate es notable: por un lado, las izquierdas critican la mercantilización de la capacidad reproductiva, pues genera injusticias y grandes desigualdades; por otro, el feminismo se opone a que las mujeres sean tratadas como medios para cumplir fines, y considera que la subrogación de útero conduce a la negación de las libertades conquistadas. El autor de este libro denuncia que el mercado reproductivo de corte neoliberal, nutriéndose del deseo de tener hijos y escudándose en la defensa de la libre elección, fomenta prácticas que perjudican a las mujeres gestantes, en clara desventaja económica y social, para satisfacer los intereses procreativos de las clases privilegiadas. Y en su crítica rescata conceptos clave de la izquierda emancipadora para abordar el debate en términos de derechos básicos y justicia social.Maternidad y gestación en ventaMaternidad y gestación en ventaBio-ethicsbicsscLawbicsscGestació subrogadaMares de lloguerBioèticaDret i èticaBio-ethicsLawTorres Quiroga Miguel Ángelauth1332444BOOK9910557646803321Maternidad y gestación en venta: fabricar bebés en la era neoliberal3040969UNINA04248nam 2200613Ia 450 991048326420332120200520144314.03-642-10452-510.1007/978-3-642-10452-7(CKB)1000000000804426(SSID)ssj0000355504(PQKBManifestationID)11275405(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000355504(PQKBWorkID)10340325(PQKB)10070280(DE-He213)978-3-642-10452-7(MiAaPQ)EBC3064749(PPN)139962816(EXLCZ)99100000000080442620091009d2009 uy 0engurnn|008mamaatxtccrFormal methods foundations and applications ; 12th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods, SBMF 2009, Gramado, Brazil, August 19-21, 2009 ; revised selected papers /Marcel Vinicius Medeiros Oliveira, Jim Woodcock (eds.)1st ed. 2009.New York ;Berlin Springerc20091 online resource (X, 351 p.) Lecture notes in computer science ;5902Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph3-642-10451-7 Includes bibliographical references and index.Speeding Up Simulation of SystemC Using Model Checking -- Partial Behaviour Modelling: Foundations for Incremental and Iterative Model-Based Software Engineering -- Satisfiability Modulo Theories: An Appetizer -- Interruption Testing of Reactive Systems -- Test Case Generation of Embedded Real-Time Systems with Interruptions for FreeRTOS -- Concurrent Models of Flash Memory Device Behaviour -- Corecursive Algebras: A Study of General Structured Corecursion -- Formalizing FreeRTOS: First Steps -- A Mechanized Strategy for Safe Abstraction of CSP Specifications -- Applying Event and Machine Decomposition to a Flash-Based Filestore in Event-B -- An Integrated Formal Methods Tool-Chain and Its Application to Verifying a File System Model -- Towards Safe Design of Synchronous Bus Protocols in Event-B -- Mechanising Data-Types for Kernel Design in Z -- A Complete Set of Object Modeling Laws for Alloy -- Undecidability Results for Distributed Probabilistic Systems -- Formalisation and Analysis of Objects as CSP Processes -- Concolic Testing of the Multi-sector Read Operation for Flash Memory File System -- Low-Level Code Verification Based on CSP Models -- Formal Modelling of a Microcontroller Instruction Set in B -- Defining Behaviours by Quasi-finality -- Verifying Compiled File System Code -- Reasoning about General Quantum Programs over Mixed States -- A Simple and General Theoretical Account for Abstract Types.This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 12th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods, SBMF 2009, held in Gramado, Brazil, in August 2009 -- co-located with SAST 2009, the Brazilian Workshop on Systematic and Automated Software Testing. The 20 revised full papers presented together with 3 invited papers were carefully selected from numerous submissions during two rounds of reviewing and improvement. The papers are devoted to the dissemination of the development and use of formal methods for the design and verification of computational systems. The symposium provided an opportunity for researchers with a broad range of interests in formal methods for developing computing systems and software to discuss recent developments in this field.Lecture notes in computer science ;5902.Formal methods (Computer science)CongressesElectronic data processingCongressesFormal methods (Computer science)Electronic data processing004DAT 310fstubDAT 325fstubSS 4800rvkOliveira Marcel Vinicius Medeiros1762587Woodcock Jim632110Brazilian Symposium on Formal MethodsMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910483264203321Formal methods4202602UNINA