05398nam 2200637 450 991048101200332120190423090601.01-4522-8356-71-4522-7934-9(CKB)3780000000056305(EBL)1104565(OCoLC)865545105(SSID)ssj0001286332(PQKBManifestationID)11689154(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001286332(PQKBWorkID)11276505(PQKB)11662516(MiAaPQ)EBC1104565(EXLCZ)99378000000005630520150813h20122012 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccr41 active learning strategies for the inclusive classroom, grades 6-12[electronic resource] /Diane Casale-Giannola, Linda Schwartz GreenThousand Oaks, California :Corwin,2012.©20121 online resource (224 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-4129-9397-0 Includes bibliographical references.""FRONT COVER""; ""41 ACTIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES FOR THE INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM""; ""CONTENTS""; ""PREFACE""; ""ACKNOWLEDGMENTS""; ""Publisherâ€?s Acknowledgments""; ""ABOUT THE AUTHORS""; ""CHAPTER 1: INCLUSION AT THE SECONDARY LEVEL""; ""Definition and Research""; ""The Inclusive Classroom at the Secondary Level: Who Are We Teaching?""; ""The Adolescent Learner""; ""Helping Teachers Meet the Inclusion Challenge""; ""What Is Active Learning?""; ""Brain-Based Learning and the Adolescent Learner""; ""Information Processing""; ""Connections to Differentiated Instruction""""Supporting State Standards and Assessments""""Motivating Learners With Active Learning Strategies""; ""Access Is Not Enough: The Critical Need to Address Diverse Student Populations""; ""The Beginning""; ""Summary""; ""CHAPTER 2: ACTIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES IN THE MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL: DEBUNKING THE MYTH""; ""Frequently Asked Questions""; ""Reflect on the Experience""; ""During the Lesson""; ""After the Lesson""; ""Final Thoughts""; ""CHAPTER 3: SELECTING AND IMPLEMENTING ACTIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES FOR THE INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM""; ""Classifications and Characteristics""""Other Diverse Populations""""Assessing Students and Indentifying Learning Characteristics""; ""Using Strategies: Before, During, and After""; ""How to Choose a Strategy to Meet Individual Student Needs""; ""Learner Characteristics Described""; ""Metacognitive Issues""; ""Auditory Processing Concerns""; ""Memory Issues""; ""Low Experiential Base""; ""Attention Needs""; ""Higher-Aptitude Learners""; ""Interpersonal Preferences""; ""Language Needs""; ""Social Interaction Needs""; ""Visual Processing Concerns""; ""Learner Considerations""""How to Choose a Strategy to Meet Individual Teacher Needs""""Learning Communities""; ""And Now, the Next Step of Our Journey""; ""Summary""; ""CHAPTER 4: GROUPING FOR INSTRUCTION: WHO GOES WHERE WITH WHOM TO DO WHAT""; ""How Do I Manage Everyone?""; ""Whole Group Instruction""; ""Small Group Instruction""; ""Different Ways to Form Groups""; ""And Now (Drum Roll, Please) . . . The Strategies""; ""Summary""; ""CHAPTER 5: ACTIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES""; ""1. ARTIFACT REVEAL (Students create artifacts related to learning concepts)""; ""2. BALL TOSS (The game of catch facilitates Q&A)""""3. BAROMETER (Students take stands on controversial issues by voting with their feet)""""4. BOARD QUIZ (The whole class works collaboratively on quiz questions)""; ""5. BODY LANGUAGE (Movement-based instruction involves using the body to represent the content students are learning about)""; ""6. BUILDING AN EXPERIENCE (The teacher creates an occurrence so that students can experience the content in order to better facilitate understanding)""; ""7. BULLETIN BLOG (The class uses a bulletin board to blog information, comments, and perspectives)""""8. CONCEPT CLARIFICATION (The class works as a whole to describe and discuss abstract concepts within a teacher-directed structure)""Keys to engaging secondary students Research shows that all students-regardless of learning style, disability category, or language difference-learn more effectively when they are engaged in active learning. This book shows teachers how to help all students achieve positive learning outcomes. The authors provide a compilation of strategies that serve as blueprints for instructional design and directions for using them across a variety of content areas. The many benefits of active learning include: A more engaged and interactive classroom Increased self-directed learning DevelopmentActive learningEducation, SecondaryInclusive educationElectronic books.Active learning.Education, Secondary.Inclusive education.373.13Casale-Giannola Diane919065Green Linda SchwartzMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK991048101200332141 active learning strategies for the inclusive classroom, grades 6-122061307UNINA02676nam 22004213a 450 991040983480332120231123114520.0(CKB)4100000011343930(ScCtBLL)51349c30-a2fa-403f-8997-76b8ef4db119(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/26200(EXLCZ)99410000001134393020211214i20152020 uu geruru||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierKostensensible Leitlinien Evidenzbasierte Leistungssteuerung für eine effiziente und gerechte Gesundheitsversorgung /Georg MarckmannBerlinMWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft2015[s.l.] :MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft,2015.1 online resource (1 p.)9783941468436 394146843X 9783954664580 3954664585 Durch medizinische Innovationen und den demografischen Wandel wird sich die Finanzsituation im deutschen Gesundheitswesen in den kommenden Jahren weiter verschärfen. Der evidenzbasierten Allokation der begrenzt verfügbaren Mittel wird damit eine immer größere Bedeutung zukommen. Aus ethischer Sicht sollten sich die Allokationsentscheidungen an klar definierten Verfahren und Kriterien orientieren. Bislang fehlen jedoch konkrete Ansätze, wie diese explizite Leistungssteuerung in der Praxis umgesetzt werden kann. Das Buch bietet einen Überblick über die Ergebnisse des interdisziplinären Forschungsverbunds "Allokation", der erstmals in zwei ausgewählten Praxisbereichen (Interventionelle Kardiologie und Intensivmedizin) die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer expliziten Leistungssteuerung untersucht hat. Es wurden zwei exemplarische Kostensensible Leitlinien entwickelt, die eine evidenzbasierte Balance zwischen Effizienz und Gerechtigkeit ermöglichen. Eingehend untersucht wurden die rechtlichen Voraussetzungen einer solchen expliziten Leistungssteuerung in der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung. Entscheidungsträger aus dem Gesundheitswesen und Patienten wurden nach ihren Einschätzungen zu Stärken und Schwächen der Kostensensiblen Leitlinien befragt.Medical / AdministrationbisacshMedicineMedical / AdministrationMedicine.Marckmann Georgedt1436235Marckmann GeorgScCtBLLScCtBLLBOOK9910409834803321Kostensensible Leitlinien3594643UNINA