05350nam 2200661 450 991048093820332120211008144037.01-281-03287-597866110328760-08-052907-0(CKB)1000000000384519(EBL)317000(OCoLC)476109362(SSID)ssj0000120609(PQKBManifestationID)11143422(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000120609(PQKBWorkID)10092555(PQKB)11615401(MiAaPQ)EBC317000(MiAaPQ)EBC6512477(Au-PeEL)EBL6512477(OCoLC)1241444752(EXLCZ)99100000000038451920211008d2000 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrChemistry of the upper and lower atmosphere theory, experiments, and applications /Barbara J. Finlayson-Pitts, James N. Pitts, JrSan Diego, California :Academic Press,[2000]©20001 online resource (993 p.)Tables on front lining paper.0-12-257060-X Includes bibliographical references and index.Front Cover; Chemistry of the Upper and Lower Atmosphere: Theory, Experiments, and Applications; Copyright Page; Contents; Preface; About the Authors; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1. Overview of the Chemistry of Polluted and Remote Atmospheres; A. REGIONS AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ATMOSPHERE; B. AIR POLLUTION AND THE CHEMISTRY OF OUR TROPOSPHERE; 1. Historical Perspectives: Ancient and Medieval Times; 2. ""London"" Smog: Sulfur Dioxide, Acidic Aerosols, and Soot; 3. ""Los Angeles"" Smog: Ozone and Photochemical Oxidants; 4. Acid DepositionC. CHEMISTRY OF THE NATURAL TROPOSPHERE: REMOTE ATMOSPHERESD. CHEMISTRY OF THE STRATOSPHERE; E. GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE; F. INDOOR AIR POLLUTION; G. DISCUSSION TOPIC AND OZIPR MODEL; 1. Discussion Topic: ""Background Ozone""; 2. OZIPR Model; REFERENCES; Chapter 2. The Atmospheric System; A. EMISSIONS; 1. Oxides of Nitrogen; 2. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC); 3. Carbon Monoxide; 4. Sulfur Compounds; 5. Total Suspended Particles (TSP), PM10, and PM2.5; 6. Lead; B. METEOROLOGY; 1. Lapse Rate: Temperature and Altitude; 2. Potential Temperature; 3. Temperature InversionsC. REMOVAL FROM THE ATMOSPHERE: WET AND DRY DEPOSITIOND. TYPICAL AMBIENT CONCENTRATIONS AND AIR QUALITY STANDARDS; 1. Units of Concentrations and Conversions; 2. Criteria and Noncriteria Pollutants and Air Quality Standards; E. EFFECTS ON VISIBILITY AND MATERIALS; F. ECONOMICS; G. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY: RISK ASSESSMENTS AND PUBLIC POLICIES FOR AIR POLLUTION CONTROL; H. PROBLEMS; REFERENCES; Chapter 3. Spectroscopy and Photochemistry: Fundamentals; A. BASIC PRINCIPLES; 1. Molecular Energy Levels and Absorption and Emission Spectroscopy; 2. Fates of Electronically Excited MoleculesB. ABSORPTION OF LIGHT1. Basic Relationships; 2. The Beer - Lambert Law; C. ATMOSPHERIC PHOTOCHEMISTRY; 1. Solar Radiation and Its Transmission through the Atmosphere; 2. Calculating Photolysis Rates in the Atmosphere; 3. Procedure for Calculating Photolysis Rates; 4. Example: Photolysis of Acetaldehyde at the Earth's Surface; D. PROBLEMS; REFERENCES; Chapter 4. Photochemistry of Important Atmospheric Species; A. MOLECULAR OXYGEN; 1. Absorption Spectra; 2. Photochemistry; B. OZONE; 1. Absorption Spectra; 2. Photochemistry; C. NITROGEN DIOXIDE; 1. Absorption Spectra; 2. PhotochemistryD. NITRIC ACIDE. NITROUS ACID; F. PEROXYNITRIC ACID; G. NITRATE RADICAL; H. DINITROGEN PENTOXIDE; I. NITROUS OXIDE; J. ORGANIC NITRATES AND PEROXYACETYL NITRATE; 1. Organic Nitrates; 2. Peroxyacetyl Nitrate; K. SULFUR DIOXIDE AND SULFUR TRIOXIDE; 1. SO2; 2. SO3; L. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE AND ORGANIC HYDROPEROXIDES; M. ALDEHYDES AND KETONES; N. CHLORINE NITRATE (ClONO2) AND BROMINE NITRATE (BrONO2); O. HCl AND HBr; P. THE HALOGENS; Q. ClO, BrO, AND IO; R. ClOOCl; S. OClO; T. HOCl, HOBr, AND HOI; U. NITROSYL CHLORIDE (ClNO) AND NITRYL CHLORIDE (ClNO2); V. HALOGENATED METHANES AND ETHANESW. PROBLEMSHere is the most comprehensive and up-to-date treatment of one of the hottest areas of chemical research. The treatment of fundamental kinetics and photochemistry will be highly useful to chemistry students and their instructors at the graduate level, as well as postdoctoral fellows entering this new, exciting, and well-funded field with a Ph.D. in a related discipline (e.g., analytical, organic, or physical chemistry, chemical physics, etc.). Chemistry of the Upper and Lower Atmosphere provides postgraduate researchers and teachers with a uniquely detailed, comprehensive, and authoritaAtmospheric chemistryEnvironmental chemistryElectronic books.Atmospheric chemistry.Environmental chemistry.551.511Finlayson-Pitts Barbara J.1948-66523Pitts James N.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910480938203321Chemistry of the Upper and Lower Atmosphere328239UNINA