05111nam 2200685 450 991048080980332120170919020340.01-4522-9613-81-4522-9882-3(CKB)3710000000456946(EBL)1651178(OCoLC)922907784(MiAaPQ)EBC1994198(EXLCZ)99371000000045694620150819h20102010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierGenetic and acquired disorders current topics and interventions for educators /Paul C. McCabe, Steven R. Shaw ; cover designer, Rose StoreyThousand Oaks, California :Corwin :NASP,2010.©20101 online resource (192 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-4129-6872-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.""Cover""; ""Contents""; ""Preface""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""About the Editors""; ""About the Contributors""; ""Section I - Advances in Health Care and Coping with Loss in Schools""; ""Chapter 1 - Advances in Health Care and Medical Science: Presenting New Challenges for Schools""; ""Advances in Medical Science""; ""Increased Survival Rates""; ""Greater Specificity of Medical Diagnosis and Treatment""; ""Increased Emphasis on Outpatient Care""; ""Changing Role of Schools""; ""Increase in Pharmacological Interventions""; ""Multidisciplinary Approach""""Chapter 2 - Grief and Bereavement: Roles for Educators""""Introduction""; ""Background""; ""Implications for Educators""; ""How to Tell Students about a Death""; ""Notification and Announcement Procedures""; ""Parent Notification""; ""Determine the Degree of Trauma""; ""Concerns about Death Due to Suicide""; ""Educational Strategies""; ""The Roles of Principals""; ""The Roles of Teachers""; ""The Roles of Counselors, School Psychologists, and Social Workers""; ""Discussion Questions""; ""Research Summary""; ""Resources""; ""Handoutâ€?Grief and Bereavement in the Schools""""Section II - Chromosomal, Genetic, and Metabolic Disorders""""Chapter 3 - Rare Chromosomal Disorders""; ""Introduction""; ""Background""; ""Genetics Evaluation""; ""Chromosome Abnormalities""; ""Potential for Intervention""; ""Future Work""; ""Implications for Educators""; ""Educational Strategies""; ""Discussion Questions""; ""Research Summary""; ""Resources""; ""Handoutâ€?Children with Rare Chromosomal Disorders""; ""Chapter 4 - Phenylketonuria (PKU): Implications for Educators and Schools""; ""Introduction""; ""Background""; ""Prevalence, Symptoms, and Treatment""""Cognitive and Neurological Effects""""Maternal Phenylketonuria""; ""Timing and Degree of Exposure""; ""Implications for Educators""; ""Dietary Compliance""; ""Educational Strategies""; ""Discussion Questions""; ""Research Summary""; ""Resources""; ""Handoutâ€?Promoting the Well-Being of Children with PKU""; ""Chapter 5 - Genetics of Autism: Theories, Findings, and Implications""; ""Introduction""; ""Background""; ""Knowing Which Families are at Risk""; ""Techniques to Identify Genetic Contributions""; ""Known Genetic Causes""; ""Multiple Gene Complications and Unknowns""""Possible Environmental Causes""""The Role of Genetic Counseling and Testing""; ""Implications for Educators""; ""Home- and School-Based Treatment and Interventions""; ""Educational Strategies""; ""Discussion Questions""; ""Research Summary""; ""Resources""; ""Handoutâ€?The Genetics of Autism""; ""Chapter 6 - The Biology of Shyness""; ""Introduction""; ""Background""; ""The Role of the Amygdala""; ""Amygdala and Cortisol Levels: The HPA System""; ""Psychological and Immune Correlates of HPA Activation""; ""Implications for Educators""; ""Educational Strategies""; ""Discussion Questions""""Research Summary""Written for school psychologists, counselors, administrators, and teachers, this volume outlines issues affecting children who are born with or acquire a medical disorder or disease.Educational psychologyChild mental health servicesSchool health servicesGenetic disordersCommunicative disorders in childrenChildrenDiseasesTreatmentPediatricsElectronic books.Educational psychology.Child mental health services.School health services.Genetic disorders.Communicative disorders in children.ChildrenDiseasesTreatment.Pediatrics.371.7/13McCabe Paul C.958510Shaw Steven R.Storey RoseMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910480809803321Genetic and acquired disorders2171850UNINA