02627nam 2200601 450 991048064450332120170822131652.01-4704-0228-9(CKB)3360000000464823(EBL)3114428(SSID)ssj0000889238(PQKBManifestationID)11482813(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000889238(PQKBWorkID)10875862(PQKB)10364148(MiAaPQ)EBC3114428(PPN)19541523X(EXLCZ)99336000000046482319980406d1998 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrStructurally stable quadratic vector fields /Joan C. Artés, Robert E. Kooij, Jaume LlibreProvidence, Rhode Island :American Mathematical Society,1998.1 online resource (122 p.)Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society,0065-9266 ;number 639"July 1998, volume 134, number 639 (fifth of 6 numbers)."0-8218-0796-X Includes bibliographical references.""Contents""; ""Chapter 1. Introduction""; ""Chapter 2. Preliminary Definitions""; ""Chapter 3. Structural Stability Theorems""; ""Chapter 4. Some Preliminary Tools""; ""Chapter 5. Proof of Theorem 1.1(a)""; ""5.1 Introduction""; ""5.2 Case 7""; ""5.3 Case 9""; ""5.4 Case 10""; ""5.4.1 Case 10 A""; ""5.4.2 Case 10 B""; ""5.5 Case 12""; ""5.5.1 Case 12 A""; ""5.5.2 Case 12 B""; ""5.6 Classes that are not realizable""; ""5.7 Final Classification""; ""Chapter 6. Proof of Theorem 1.1(b)""; ""6.1 Introduction""; ""6.2 Realization of cases previously known""; ""6.3 Proof of Proposition 5.13""""6.4 Numerical examples""""Chapter 7. Proofs of Theorems 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4""; ""Chapter 8. Structural Stability and the Parameter Space""; ""Bibliography""Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society ;no. 639.Differential equationsNumerical solutionsStabilityVector fieldsElectronic books.Differential equationsNumerical solutions.Stability.Vector fields.510 s515/.35Artés Joan C.1961-501630Kooij Robert E.1963-Llibre JaumeMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910480644503321Structurally stable quadratic vector fields2113198UNINA