02104nam 22003733 450 991048049950332120210901203030.00-7022-6160-2(CKB)4100000005879879(MiAaPQ)EBC5488881(Au-PeEL)EBL5488881(OCoLC)1048403018(EXLCZ)99410000000587987920210901d2018 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe Killing of LouisaChicago :University of Queensland Press,2018.©2018.1 online resource (273 pages)0-7022-6022-3 Cover -- Author biography -- Title page -- Imprint page -- Dedication -- Legislative Assembly - 19 December 1888 -- Prologue -- Prisoner's Letters - Passed by Permission -- 1. -- Brevities -- 2. -- Latest Special Telegrams -- 3. -- Intercolonial -- 4. -- News of the Day -- Central Criminal Court -- 5. -- The Botany Murder Case - Extracts from the Murderess's Letters -- The Botany Poisoning Cases -- 6. -- 7. -- 8. -- 9. -- 10. -- 11. -- 12. -- The Botany Murder Case - Life and History of Louisa Collins -- 13. -- 14. -- 15. -- 16. -- The Botany Murder Case - Extracts from the Murderess's Letters 2 -- 17. -- 18. -- 19. -- The Botany Murder Case - Marriage Certificate -- 20. -- 21. -- Case of Louisa Collins -- 22. -- 23. -- 24. -- 25. -- 26. -- 27. -- 28. -- 29. -- 30. -- 31. -- The Botany Murderess -- 32. -- 33. -- 34. -- 35. -- 36. -- 37. -- 38. -- Legislative Assembly -- 39. -- 40. -- 41. -- In the House -- 42. -- 43. -- 44. -- Law Report -- 45. -- 46. -- 47. -- 48. -- 49. -- 50. -- 51. -- 52. -- 53. -- 54. -- 55. -- 56. -- 57. -- 58. -- Epilogue -- Behind the Bars -- Author's Note -- Acknowledgements -- Notes.Electronic books.Lee Janet1055354MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910480499503321The Killing of Louisa2488698UNINA