03213nam 2200637 450 991048030690332120170822145149.01-4522-7805-91-4522-7808-3(CKB)3710000000456548(EBL)1157317(OCoLC)889943413(SSID)ssj0001531700(PQKBManifestationID)12646611(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001531700(PQKBWorkID)11472874(PQKB)10303652(MiAaPQ)EBC1994613(EXLCZ)99371000000045654820180807d2013 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAcademic language in diverse classrooms Mathematics, grades 3-5 : promoting content and language learning /Margo Gottlieb, Gisela Ernst-Slavit ; forword by Judit N. MoschkovichThousand Oaks, California :Corwin, a SAGE Company,[2013]©20131 online resource (200 p.)Includes index.1-4522-3482-5 Includes bibliographical references and index.Academic language: a foundation for academic success in mathematics / Margo Gottlieb and Gisela Ernst-Slavit -- Grade 3: what time is it? / Judith B. O'Loughlin -- Grade 4: who needs fractions? / Gisela Ernst-Slavit, Margo Gottlieb, and David Slavit -- Grade 5: algebra describes the world! / Jennifer M. Bay-Williams, Rose M. Glasser, and Tricia A. Bronger. Make every student fluent in the language of learning. The Common Core and ELD standards provide pathways to academic success through academic language. Using an integrated Curricular Framework, districts, schools and professional learning communities can: Design and implement thematic units for learning Draw from content and language standards to set targets for all students Examine standards-centered materials for academic language Collaborate in planning instruction and assessment within and across lessons Consider linguistic and cultural resources of the students MathematicsStudy and teaching (Elementary)United StatesLanguage artsCorrelation with content subjectsUnited StatesEnglish languageStudy and teaching (Elementary)United StatesEnglish languageStudy and teaching (Elementary)Foreign speakersMulticultural educationUnited StatesElectronic books.MathematicsStudy and teaching (Elementary)Language artsCorrelation with content subjectsEnglish languageStudy and teaching (Elementary)English languageStudy and teaching (Elementary)Foreign speakers.Multicultural education372.7044Gottlieb Margo1055235Ernst-Slavit GiselaMoschkovich Judit N.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910480306903321Academic language in diverse classrooms2488502UNINA