02403nam 2200577 450 991048025350332120170821165609.00-8218-7624-4(CKB)3240000000069564(EBL)3112903(SSID)ssj0001339196(PQKBManifestationID)11740314(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001339196(PQKBWorkID)11349541(PQKB)10762656(MiAaPQ)EBC3112903(WaSeSS)Ind00039583(PPN)197103561(EXLCZ)99324000000006956419850119h19851985 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrErrett Bishop reflections on him and his research /Murray Rosenblatt, editorProvidence, Rhode Island :American Mathematical Society,[1985]©19851 online resource (112 p.)Contemporary mathematics ;volume 39"Proceedings of the Memorial Meeting for Errett Bishop, September 24, 1983, University of California, San Diego."0-8218-5040-7 Includes bibliographies.Vita of Errett Bishop -- Publications of Errett Bishop -- Schizophrenia in contemporary mathematics / Errett Bishop -- Errett Bishop, in memoriam / Stefan Warschawski -- The work of Errett Bishop in several complex variables / John Wermer -- Recollections / John Kelley -- Aspects of constructive analysis / Halsey Royden -- The work of Errett Bishop and uniform algebras / Irving Glicksberg -- Remembrances of Errett Bishop / Anil Nerode, George Metakides, and Robert Constable -- On Bishop's Hahn-Banach theorem / G. Metakides, A. Nerode, and R.A. Shore.Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ;v. 39.Function algebrasMathematicsPhilosophyElectronic books.Function algebras.MathematicsPhilosophy.510Rosenblatt MurrayBishop Errett1928-1983,Memorial Meeting for Errett Bishop(1983 :University of California, San Diego),MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910480253503321Errett Bishop2188970UNINA