03040nam 22006613u 450 991048002840332120210114041618.01-877551-44-9(CKB)2670000000261385(EBL)1032759(OCoLC)815390514(SSID)ssj0000757912(PQKBManifestationID)12276800(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000757912(PQKBWorkID)10759123(PQKB)10271283(MiAaPQ)EBC1032759(EXLCZ)99267000000026138520130418d2013|||| u|| |engur|n|---|||||txtccrFate & Philosophy[electronic resource] A Journey Through Life's Great QuestionsChicago Awa Press20131 online resource (231 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-877551-32-5 Cover; Title Page; Dedication; Epigraph; On becoming a philosopher; WHAT IS GOOD?; Does a moral reality tell us what is good?; Does moral language tell us what is good?; Does economics tell us what is good?; Do we tell ourselves what is good?; Can we debate what is good?; WHAT IS POSSIBLE?; Is the good society possible?; Is free will possible?; What if both possibilities are open?; Are spontaneous occurrences possible?; WHAT EXISTS?; Does sense experience tell us what exists?; Do instruments tell us what exists?; Has science taught us what exists?; Does God exist?; Does the absolute exist?Changing the person you areFurther reading; Teasers; Acknowledgements; The Torchlight List; Also by Jim Flynn; CopyrightA provocative sequel to The Torchlight List, this book examines the answers that thinkers throughout the ages-from Plato in ancient Greece to contemporary psychologists and scientists-have proposed for life's great questions: Do human beings have free will? Is a good society possible? Is patriotism ethical? and Can modern science penetrate the mind? Exploring the moral ideals, attitudes, and religious beliefs that affect everyday life, this account is an exhilarating introduction to philosophy and a manual for becoming a fully alive member of the human race. It is also EthicsPhilosophyScience -- Popular worksPhilosophyPopular worksEthicsSciencePhilosophy & ReligionHILCCPhilosophyHILCCElectronic books.Ethics.Philosophy.Science -- Popular works.PhilosophyEthicsSciencePhilosophy & ReligionPhilosophy100Flynn Jim910102AU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELBOOK9910480028403321Fate & Philosophy2037008UNINA