02462nam 2200577 450 991047890470332120170821170826.01-4704-0683-7(CKB)3360000000464457(EBL)3113439(SSID)ssj0000973543(PQKBManifestationID)11616169(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000973543(PQKBWorkID)10984296(PQKB)10822733(MiAaPQ)EBC3113439(PPN)195411552(EXLCZ)99336000000046445719821008h19831983 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrThe fundamental principle for systems of convolution equations /Daniele Carlo StruppaProvidence, Rhode Island :American Mathematical Society,[1983]©19831 online resource (174 p.)Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society,0065-9622 ;volume 41, number 273Description based upon print version of record.0-8218-2273-X Bibliography: pages 165-167.""Table of Contents""; ""Abstract""; ""Chapter I. Introduction""; ""Chapter II. The interpolation formula""; ""Chapter III. The slowly decreasing conditions""; ""Chapter IV. The generalized Koszul complex""; ""Chapter V. Representation theorems for systems of convolution equations in the spaces A[sub(p)](C[sup(n)])""; ""Chapter VI. Inductive limits of spaces A[sub(p)](C[sup(n)])""; ""Chapter VII. The representation theorems and the LAU-spaces""; ""Chapter VIII. The spaces D[sub(Ï?)](R[sup(n)]) and D'[sub(Ï?)](R[sup(n)])""; ""Chapter IX. Some open questions""; ""Bibliography""Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society ;v. 41, no. 273.Fourier analysisConvolutions (Mathematics)Theory of distributions (Functional analysis)Electronic books.Fourier analysis.Convolutions (Mathematics)Theory of distributions (Functional analysis)510 s515/.2433Struppa Daniele Carlo1955-42691MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910478904703321The fundamental principle for systems of convolution equations2162252UNINA04330nam 2200805z- 450 991055754850332120231214133216.0(CKB)5400000000044121(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/76973(EXLCZ)99540000000004412120202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierPolitical Participation and Sustainability: Exploring Contemporary ChallengesBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (142 p.)3-0365-2408-8 3-0365-2409-6 Over the last two decades, the literature on political participation has flourished, reflecting the increasing use of diverse modes of citizen involvement. These include established modes of participation, such as voting, protests, mass demonstrations, and petition signing, but also newer modes specific to the online environment (ICT-related), participation in referendums, public consultations, or engagement in political deliberation. The importance and intensity of these modes is reflected both in the number of people getting involved and in the increasing number of policies that are subject to various modes of participation on a regular basis. There is extensive literature about how these modes of participation function, why people get involved, and the consequences of their participation. However, limited attention is paid to the relationship between political participation and the pursuit of sustainability at a local, regional, or central level. Existing studies indicate that citizen engagement can be a cost-effective method to characterize changes of local environments; however, not much is known beyond this process. This Special Issue aims to address this void in the literature and brings together contributions that analyze how participation can be associated with sustainability and local development in various settings. It explores the relationship between political participation and the management of their local environment. This Special Issue enhances the existing knowledge and understanding about how modes of participation can be reflected in stronger sustainability. The Special Issue provides the space for an academic debate that addresses issues such as climate change, resource allocation, or the pursuit of sustainability programs and policies. The contributions include a mix of single-case studies and comparative analyses across European countries.Political Participation and SustainabilityTechnology: general issuesbicsscdeliberationfuture generationsfuture designpolitical participationcitizen engagementpolitical institutionssustainabilityparticipationdigitalizationlocal governmentinnovationmixed deliberationreferendumsmunicipal mergersdemocratic sustainabilitysocial trustpolitical trustpolitical efficacycitizens’ juriesnatural experimentopinion changewindfarmsScotlanddeliberative mini-publicsdemocratic innovationspublic opinionparticipatory budgetingecologylocal levelcitizenssupportRomaniacitizens’ assembliesclimate changedecarbonizationagenda settingdeliberative democracymini-publicsenvironmental politicsTechnology: general issuesGherghina Sergiuedt903239Gherghina SergiuothBOOK9910557548503321Political Participation and Sustainability: Exploring Contemporary Challenges3026326UNINA