04489nam 2201201z- 450 991063778030332120231214133136.03-0365-5674-5(CKB)5470000001631734(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/94548(EXLCZ)99547000000163173420202212d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierEconomic Factors of the Development of Agricultural Markets and Rural AreasBaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (278 p.)3-0365-5673-7 The agri-market is one of the core sectors of the economy, responsible for producing goods and the fulfilment of nutritional needs. It includes agriculture, which produces food, and the food industry, which involves processing agricultural products. Therefore, it is crucial to analyze the development of agri-markets on both local and international scales. International trade is an important factor affecting the availability of agri-food products. Consequently, it is also important to evaluate economic factors and their roles in the development of a region. This Special Issue aims to solicit original contributions from academics, practitioners and other stakeholders, providing theoretical and empirical analyses focusing on agricultural markets and rural development. The editor encourages submissions that present applications of statistical analysis, case studies, and novel methodologies from parametric and non-parametric related to the topic of the Special Issue. The scope of submission includes original research and review articles on the theme.Development economics & emerging economiesbicssceconomysustainable developmentwine routesAxarquíarural tourismeconomic sociologygeographical indicationEuropean UnionMercosurmarket arenae-retailcomparative approachimport risksagricultural productsagro-tradefood importSAWTOPSISgeometric meansfinancial autonomyTOPSIS methodrural municipalitiesmunicipal firmsbusinesseconomic evaluationlocal self-governmentcassava pricevolatilityBayesianGARCH-XThailandcorrelationdetrended cross-correlation analysismeat pricestime seriesagriculturefruit productstariff rate quotawelfaretrade policyTRQ administrationpalm oil pricedomestic shocksforeign shocksMalaysiaSVAR modelinterest-free community investment fundrural women empowermentcase studylogit modelendogenous stochastic frontiercrop insuranceviticulturespatial integrationmarketcointegrationmilkdairy productsPolandCzechiaCommon Market Organizationwinethird countriesmeasure of promotionwineriesCommon Agricultural PolicyIndigofera spp. cultivationindigo paste productioneconomic contributionland suitabilitydevelopment strategyDevelopment economics & emerging economiesRoman Michałedt1319533Roman MonicaedtRoman MichałothRoman MonicaothBOOK9910637780303321Economic Factors of the Development of Agricultural Markets and Rural Areas3033930UNINA02579nam 2200505z- 450 991047688490332120240730152720.0(CKB)5470000000567108(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/68168(EXLCZ)99547000000056710820202104d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierBranding Books Across the AgesStrategies and Key Concepts in Literary BrandingAmsterdam University Press20211 electronic resource (425 p.)94-6372-391-9 As marketing specialists know all too well, our experience of products is prefigured by brands: trademarks that identify a product and differentiate it from its competitors. This process of branding has hitherto gained little academic discussion in the field of literary studies. Literary authors and the texts they produce, though, are constantly 'branded': from the early modern period onwards, they have been both the object and the initiator of a complex marketing process. This book analyzes this branding process throughout the centuries, focusing on the case of the Netherlands. To what extent is our experience of Dutch literature prefigured by brands, and what role does branding play when introducing European authors in the Dutch literary field (or vice versa)? By answering these questions, the volume seeks to show how literary scholars can account for the phenomenon of branding.Branding Books Across the AgesBelgiumbicsscNetherlandsbicsscModern period, c 1500 onwardsbicsscLiterature: history & criticismbicsscSales & marketingbicsscBranding, Literary Studies, Literary Institutions, Translation Studies, Reception StudiesBelgiumNetherlandsModern period, c 1500 onwardsLiterature: history & criticismSales & marketingvan den Braber Hellekeedt1327337Dera JeroenedtJoosten JosedtSteenmeijer Maartenedtvan den Braber HellekeothDera JeroenothJoosten JosothSteenmeijer MaartenothBOOK9910476884903321Branding Books Across the Ages3037912UNINA