03289nam 2200541 450 991046774980332120200520144314.01-119-51496-71-119-51501-71-119-51498-3(CKB)4100000007461648(MiAaPQ)EBC5630498(CaSebORM)9781119514930(Au-PeEL)EBL5630498(CaPaEBR)ebr11644268(OCoLC)1083043911(EXLCZ)99410000000746164820190129d2019 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe road to quality control the industrial application of statistical quality control /Homer M. Sarasohn ; translated by N. I. Fisher & Y. Tanaka from the original Japanese text published by Kagaku Shinko Sha ; with a historical perspective by W. H. Woodall and a historical context by N. I. Fisher1st editionHoboken, New Jersey ;Chichester, West Sussex, England :Wiley,2019.1 online resource (145 pages)1-119-51493-2 Includes bibliographical references and index.Establishing the quality standard -- Establishing a section to evaluate quality -- Establishing inspection standards -- Selection of inspection methods -- Investigation of the current condition of quality -- Technical terms used in quality control -- Probability and statistical inference -- Measures of central tendency -- Measure of variability -- Sampling inspection -- Specifying an acceptable proportion of defective items -- Application of sampling inspection -- Quality control of the production process.Professor Woodall’s essay shows that this book represents a remarkable contribution, even by today’s standards, because of its contemporary thinking about the relationship between the specific topic of SQC and the broader company context of Quality Management.  It also demonstrates the remarkable awareness of at least some young US engineers in the post-war period about the vital role of Statistical Quality Control in establishing and maintaining a competitive position. The book reveals that there was unsuspected knowledge extant immediately post-war, about the importance of Statistical Quality Control when appropriately applied in an industrial setting.  It also helps to correct wide-spread historical misconceptions about who specifically was responsible for helping Japanese industry get back on its feet post-war, a task assigned to General Douglas Macarthur by President Truman and how Macarthur was indebted to Sarasohn.Quality controlStandardsQuality controlStatistical methodsElectronic books.Quality controlStandards.Quality controlStatistical methods.658.5620218Sarasohn Homer1916-2001,922280Fisher N. I.Tanaka Y.Woodall W. H.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910467749803321The road to quality control2069552UNINA