01781oam 2200385z- 450 991046753960332120211005182732.01-944883-77-0(CKB)4100000007591257(MiAaPQ)EBC5655866(EXLCZ)99410000000759125720190630c2018uuuu -ud 0engtxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierMedical speech-language pathology a desk reference /Lee Ann C. Golper, Bernice K. Klaben, Claire Kane MillerFourth editionSan Diego, CA :Plural,2019.1 online resource (xviii, 663 pages) illustrations, portraits1-944883-76-2 Includes bibliographical references and index.Speech-language pathology in medical settings -- Communicating information and record keeping -- Vital signs and the physical examination -- Mental status and the neurologic examination -- Nutrition, hydration, feeding, and swallowing -- Medical genetics -- Imaging studies and radiologic oncology -- Infectious diseases and infection control -- Cardiac, pulmonary, and hematologic functions -- Neurologic and psychiatric disorders and syndromes -- Acute and critical illnesses -- Oncology -- Surgeries and other invasive procedures -- Rehabilitation medicine and geriatrics.Clinical medicineSpeech therapyClinical medicine.Speech therapy.616.85/506Golper Lee Ann C.1948-978336Klaben BerniceMiller Claire KaneBOOK9910467539603321Medical speech-language pathology2229594UNINA